Sex or smarts


  • Sex

    Votes: 31 43.7%
  • Smarts

    Votes: 40 56.3%

  • Total voters


Jun 11, 2003
Reaction score
Would you rather:

Be the smartest, most intellectual person of your time, but lack a sex drive and lack a working member


Be a sex fiend, be able to get any woman/man you want, but be as dumb as a rock (think Anna Nicole Smith, Paris Hilton, Jessica Simpson, etc...)


-You can't bring back your sex drive/make an uber viagra using your knowledge, your genitals are pretty much useless except for urination

-You can't make yourself smart, reading any type of complex novel would be futile

You got to be smart to have sex, so this poll contradicts itself.
I love it!

I chose the sex one.
Well if I didn't have a sex drive, I wouldn't want sex so I wouldn't miss anything would I?
Well if I didn't have a sex drive, I wouldn't want sex so I wouldn't miss anything would I?

But you would remember what it was like to have a sex drive, that might **** with your mind
Sex because this species of human (thankfully) will be extinct without it: [YOUTUBE][/YOUTUBE]
I try to be smart because I want some sex.
I try to be rich because I want some sex.
I try to be strong because I want some sex.
The way you've worded the question I would go with smart. In a hundred years nobody will even remember the sexy person but the smart person will likely have done something noteworthy that lives on past his death.
Smarts. I already fit that bill anyway, so I might as well stick with it.
God I Want To Kill That Kid!!!!!!!!!!! We Don"t Need People Like You!!!!!!!!
Well, smarts anyway. I mean, it's not like I'm getting any as it is.
I prefer to be smart and gleefully laugh at all the retards. Wow, you can have sex and are dumb as a rock, now you're on the same level as a pig
I prefer to be smart and gleefully laugh at all the retards. Wow, you can have sex and are dumb as a rock, now you're on the same level as a pig
The funny thing is that pigs are actually intelligent, therefore what you just said makes you an idiot. :o
The funny thing is that pigs are actually intelligent, therefore what you just said makes you an idiot. :o
Whatever :p I just know that if I couldn't go back to sex forever (and I also wouldn't be haunted by an urge for it) from this time on, and I would become the most intelligent guy on the planet, I'd do it. Consider me sexually insane or just -pissed off.
you can be extremely smart and still have a personality..unlike that retarded spelling bee champion...what a stupid douche.
Sex, because as much as I like being articulate, the sheer carnal pleasures of vagina is far too tempting.
Gotta be sex, good job i fall in between both them, nice and average xD
I think you guys putting down smarts don't understand what I mean

If you chose smarts you wouldn't be an arrogant douche who knows everything like that spelling bee winner, you'd be like a Jack Kerouac combined with Allen Ginsberg, Einstein, Tesla and Nietzsche without the crazyness, not some "I EAT TUNA SAMMMICHES" douche that can't have a simple conversation
Meh. I'm mediocre in both regards, and that's okay with me.

Wait... no it's not. Shit.

The sex one.
I think you guys putting down smarts don't understand what I mean

If you chose smarts you wouldn't be an arrogant douche who knows everything like that spelling bee winner, you'd be like a Jack Kerouac combined with Allen Ginsberg, Einstein, Tesla and Nietzsche without the crazyness, not some "I EAT TUNA SAMMMICHES" douche that can't have a simple conversation

If I was that I'd want to kill myself!
Can't really choose, tbh.

I like being smart and having great sex.

If I were to lose either one, I'd be nothing. :|
Can't really choose, tbh.

I like being smart and having great sex.

If I were to lose either one, I'd be nothing. :|
Neither would I, it's this hypothesis that forces you to choose. We all know that no one here would be very happy becoming dumb as a brick but still getting sex, just like I wouldn't exactly be thrilled to lose sex in favour of intelligence.
he at first I misread the tilte as "sex on mars"
Tbh, I'd probably have more trouble making the choice than living with it. If I'm dumb and sexed up I don't know or care any better anyway. If I'm smart I know what I'm missing out on, even if I don't crave it.
If I choose the smart option, can I still peel one off myself? Does this go into effect right now, or at the time of our birth?
Smart people notice the lack of sex, idiots can ignore the lack of intelligence, makes this an easy choice:bounce:
I think I'd just kill myself.

To quote Bernard, 'I don't know, it's an impossible choice. Walls, thermometers, I'll just have to hope that when I flip the coin it somehow explodes and kills me.'
If i was a sex fiend, but stupid, i wouldn't notice my own stupidity.
The funny thing is that pigs are actually intelligent, therefore what you just said makes you an idiot. :o

But here's the thing. Did that "smart" pig build an entire empire over this world? Can that pig build you a house? Does that pig have the ability to speak? Nope. I say pigs are pretty dumb to our standards, so really, what YOU just said makes YOU an idiot. :D

Jk man. Had to rip on someone. :D

Smart for me, man. Here's why. You can have sex with a lot of chicks... cool. You're attractive so much every chick wants to **** you, awesome, but they won't come back, I can tell you that much. And when you're an old wrinkly man who couldn't get a boner to save his life, or if 40 chicks were rubbing their asses and tits over his face... Where's that sex gonna take you? Yet if you can't have sex anyways, and you meet a nice girl because you're the smartest person ever to greet the earth... You can have a normal relationship, and get that sex hound as a sperm doner, and raise that kid to be as smart, or smarter than you, and he's hotter than hell to the girls. A dream man? yes. So much more potential in smartness.

I'm waitin for the guy that says

"But the other one gets sex..."


Can that pig build you a house?



That was a good one right?

*Grabs hat*