Sexual ambiguity and HL2

  • Thread starter Thread starter JeffDC
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I think the OP was trying to inspire someone to write an Alyx lesbian fiction.
... with whom? Dr. Mossman? Generic female rebel #119? There isn't exactly a superabundance of female characters for her to be a lesbian with.

Not that I think she is... like it was said before, she is WAY too much of a flirt with Gordon to not have a crush on him. It's pretty obvious, so much so in fact that Eli teases her about it when you first arrive at Black Mesa East!

I also agree with the comment that Alyx is pretty enough (for a computer characte) but not fanboy-inducingly "OMG teh hawtness."
I could spend 5 minutes thinknig up some joke for this forum.
But i'm not.
you know why?
They should make a 'Alyx' subforum. for all those boards on alyx.
Its the smartest thing they could do.

Oh, and even Barney makes a crack at him.
"She's waiting for you, Gordon, You lucky dog you!"
Heh. Barney...
Acepilot, At Jokes, No offense BUt you Fail... SOrry to say that dude no offense, but you're still funny!
Alyx is surely not a lez, maybe a 50-50% chance of being bysexual(My guess she's strait as my hair), but definatly not a lez.

Yeah sure she dresses kinda 'tomboyish' but that because there's a rebellion going on & your home planet is controlled by aliens, a time like that you need to dress appropriate for combat situations, like Short hair (long hair will get in you face in combat, unless you put it in a ponytail). Short hair is the best for combat.

She does'nt have time to wear a dress, show off her cleavage, or put makeup on. This is a combat situation.

Also you must insert that Alyx constantly flirts with Gordon, is shy about it, & get a little embarrased when it is brought up to her...such as Eli pimping on her saying "There's nothing Gordon can't handle, but with the possible exception of you!" & then she of course get embarrased then says "Dad please!"

Yeah Alyx dresses like a tomboy but that does'nt nesessarly mean that she's dennis Rodman.
So the point of this thread is that Alyx is a lesbian character because she's a woman who isn't inept?

Hi, I'm the year 2006. Nice to meet you!
Hi, I'm the Fan Fiction forum! Why the hell are you inside me?
Alyx is not a bi-sexual thats just silly. She dresses like a tom-boy to fit in with the game. Half-Life is not about lesbians.
Hmm I can perceive a massive lez story with alyx and some hot female citizen who then gets gang banged by gordon.

I foresee... thread closure... because this is just getting stupid. Stupider.
I don't think it is a relic... in the true sense of the word. Also I think that the mods have left this section to rot. I mean, someone open a thread about nothing. See what they do! :P
Hmm Someone should seriously start writing a massive bit of literotica involving Alex. Maybe get some pre written work and change the descriptions and names.
I might do it myself.

Someone will do that.

That's why "real" authors hate us fan-ficcers.

Im gonna get started straight away. Do you they should start out with the crow bar or just go straight to the mindless anal bit.
Alyx is not a male name

im not even sure if it's a name at all?!

but Alex can be a girls name (short for alexandria)

and i refuse to accept the very possibility of Alyx being a lez;
1. theres nothing wrong with girls having an interest in guns & machinery,
2. her short haircut is in no way masculine and adds to her sexyness,
3. Lezbians are usualy realli buch & macho (not alyx)
&4. she's to sexy to be a Lez.
This thread and the people in it...
Alyxvance- stop bumping year-old threads. This thread died along time ago, we've all moved on with our lives. Capisci?
Yeah, way to bump a 2 year old thread... Look at the post dates before you post. This really wasn't necessary to necro, 'cept so we an all remember how Bacons can't spell. :D
Holy thread revival Batman! Shit I the post I made her was two years ago, when I started college lol.

And alyxvance, you really are becoming one of the most annoying members of this forum.
As AJ said, alyxvance you must stop bumping old threads, this is the 3rd example, schtop!

Also your obsession with Alyx really is worrying, I bet your bedroom walls are wallpapered with different pictures of her...D:
that is wrong.

and i seriously dont understand why everyone keeps saying im "bumping old threads",
what the hell are u people talking about?
You are posting in threads that died a long, long, long time ago. This particular one is two years old. That is called bumping.
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