Sexuality in our society just keeps getting more complicated...

I just don't know what to think.

If something is asexual, can't they divide and make a copy of themselves then? :O
CrazyHarij said:
I wish more people were like him.

When I spoke with some friends from America that had just visited Sweden, they were astonished with the open sexuality we have here.

I don't know if it's a good or a bad thing. The whole country is going white-trash. :/
KagePrototype said:
Link works for me as well.

A life without sex. :|

it's not so bad, millions of christians, gamers, star trek/star wars nerds live without it so i dont see why this group is any different :)
CptStern said:
it's not so bad, millions of christians, gamers, star trek/star wars nerds live without it so i dont see why this group is any different :)

sad... but true :laugh:
maybe someone should tell David Jay what it means when you get a boner.... :P
CptStern said:
it's not so bad, millions of christians, gamers, star trek/star wars nerds live without it so i dont see why this group is any different :)

plus u also have those pple who continuely are rejected soley based on looks and nothing more. i mean sure not everyone looks like Tom Cruise or Nicole Kidman but they still deserve a chance like the afore mentioned persons.. but some don't get that chance.. and perhaps discover asexuality.

/me shrugs
nothing wrong with it if u think thats best for u.
CptStern said:
it's not so bad, millions of christians, gamers, star trek/star wars nerds live without it so i dont see why this group is any different :)

Christians don't.. they rape the choir boys. :eek:

And gamers don't either! Masturbation!

Don't knock masturbation... it is sex with someone you love!! :cheers:
I've always wanted to be asexual
Its pretty much what i strive for
I cant stand wanting something
That is so fundementally stoopid

If it were an easy task to achieve :(
Itd be a lot easier if chicks werent
So insanley hot...
"They are printing T-shirts and pamphlets, and discussing the concept of “A-pride” and what it means to be “A-sexy”. They are, essentially, announcing to the world that they are not broken or defective, or sexually dysfunctional. Instead they have a bona fide sexual identity that must no longer be ignored."

Who cares? :O
CptStern said:
it's not so bad, millions of christians, gamers, star trek/star wars nerds live without it so i dont see why this group is any different :)

I sure as heck dont live with out it. I cant get enough of it. Me and sex are like fish and water.
Ikerous said:
I've always wanted to be asexual
Its pretty much what i strive for
I cant stand wanting something
That is so fundementally stoopid

If it were an easy task to achieve :(
Itd be a lot easier if chicks werent
So insanley hot...
Fundamentally stupid? You weren't exactly brought into this world by the stork, you know.
I think "A-Sexuals" will be accepted a lot quicker than Homosexuals, since in lot's of ways sexuality can be a weakness.
DoctorGordon said:
This is a good thing. Breeding controls people way more than it should.

Hey, its my favorite buddy DoctorGordon. :bounce:

I like breeding. It's fun.

Who cares, and why is it importent?
You are all just bitter because you can't get any.

I can't either but I'm not bitter! : )

I don't get it, he doesn't want sex.....

This is like a joke right?
I wanna take you to the "A" bar... ;P
What do people do when the find a person they like at an "A"-bar?
Go home and play monopoly?
I'm not entirely sure why this is even an issue. :D
Its like trying to get recognition for a group of people who lack belly-buttons. Sure as hell thats kinda weird, but its not like anyone else really cares or hate them because of it.
Direwolf said:
I'm not entirely sure why this is even an issue. :D
Its like trying to get recognition for a group of people who lack belly-buttons. Sure as hell thats kinda weird, but its not like anyone else really cares or hate them because of it.

I imagine it is because they aren't accepted by people around them. It is true that the common thought in society is that if you are not interested in sex than there is something physically or mentally wrong with you and that you should seek help to remedy it.

But what if there isn't anything wrong and this is just another natural form of sexuality? Wouldn't it get rather frustrating to be constantly told that you are sick and need help? That's probably why they want recognition I would think.

I do think this could possibly have an interesting impact on the gay community as well. Asexuality is not nearly as threatening as homosexuality, so people will most likely accept it as a way these people are born. However, if they do that it's going to reinforce the idea that homosexuals are also born that way, which would be a good thing for people to admit.
Since when did not lusting for sex become controversial? Isn't that what many religions have been suggesting for the past couple of millenia? I mean, if goats or murder gets you excited, that's controversial... but just not getting horny? Sure, that sucks... but I wouldn't call it news-worthy.

Anyway, I think antisexual or contrasexual would sound cooler. Even though "lacking sexual interest" is one of the definitions of "asexual" it just reminds people of organisms that reproduce by dividing... or people that have no evident sexual organs (AKA "sexless").
so, i'm sure everyone is wondering this so i'm asking, do they masterbate?
Jakeic said:
so, i'm sure everyone is wondering this so i'm asking, do they masterbate?

Why would they? If there is no interest in sex than there would be no reason to.
it helps keep the system clean, prevent infection and stop stuff ending up in your sheets.
Jakeic said:
it helps keep the system clean, prevent infection and stop stuff ending up in your sheets.

I think a better question would be, could they? If a person really has no sexual feelings I wonder if it would even be possible.
Christians don't.. they rape the choir boys. :eek:

Come on dude, lets keep the offensive religion bashing out of this thread.

Personally, I think the guy was neutered when he was a baby and didn't know it. Thus he has no sexual desire! Heh heh.