Shadow bug with Far Cry


Nov 20, 2004
Reaction score
When playing Far Cry with shadows set to anything over "medium", I get this weird glitch. Every once in a while (only in outdoor levels) something will have a shadow that's shades of green, yellow, and orange (rather than the expected black). I'm willing to bet it's a driver issue- I'm running Catalyst 5.2 right now. If anyone here has had this problem, and knows how to fix it- please tell me. Oh, and the card is the ATI Radeon X800 XT PE.
I don't know what it is, but it's not a driver issue. It's a game issue & that's as far as I know. But if you're absolutely sure it's a driver issue, then try the newly released Catalyst 5.3s :smoking:
Have you gone into their forums and asked for help there yet? Just curious.
Is the game upto date, may have been sorted in one of the updates, I think they are on v1.3 now. Worth a try if you havent already updated it.
is 1.3 recent because I when installed farcry and I have a pny nvidia geforce 6800 gt and It didn't look good (water and other stuff) even with updated drivers and what I remember to be the most recent update for farcry. so if 1.3 is recent ima gonna try it.
update to v1.3 with the patch here:

then update to v1.31 with the patch here:

Here is a link to an ubisoft solution center where they list what was fixed by 1.2 and 1.3 patches. Might be worth a read to see if your gfx problem is known to them.

duffers! with a high-end video card ur comp. would OWN :)
E-2k5 said:
duffers! with a high-end video card ur comp. would OWN :)

Yeh i'm going to start a year long placement at a company as part of my Computer science degree soon which means lots of money and I'm gonna buy a new one then. Was thinking about a x800 XT / x850 XT PE, but i will see what there is on offer nearer the time!