Shadow of the OOOOOOH GOOOD

Tollbooth Willie

The Freeman
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score

In the past I’ve polled some of my video gamer friends, asking them what video games they would like to see turned into a big screen movie. Shadow of the Colossus is one of the games which always seems to make the wish list. THR reports that screenwriter Justin Marks has been hired to write a screenplay based on the video game property. Public Enemies producer Kevin Misher set the project up at Sony.
Call me a little too optimistic but maybe this won't suck so mu

Marks, who has been hailed as Hollywood’s fanboy screenwriter, has been handed some of the top geek properties currently in development - Voltron, Masters of the Universe, Super Max, 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea: Captain Nemo, Hack/Slash and others. But his only released credit thus far is for 20th Century Fox’s Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun-Li, which has been bashed by critics and fanboys alike.


The Playstation 2 game focused on young man named Wander who wes sent on a journey on horseback through vast minimalistic landscapes to defeat sixteen beings, simply known as colossi, and restore the life of a girl named Mono. The game is unusual within the action-adventure genre, and has been described more as a puzzle game because there are no towns or dungeons to explore, no characters with which to interact, and no enemies to defeat other than the main bosses.

The game is highly regaurded for its musical score (Awarded EGM’s “Soundtrack of the Year”) and cinematic visuals (GameSpy described it as “possibly the most innovative and visually arresting game of the year for the PS2?). Filmmaker Guillermo del Toro (Pan’s Labyrinth, Hellboy) has called the video game a “masterpiece”, a destinction he gives to only one other game - Ico, which was also developed by SCEI’s International Production Studio 1.
I'll check it out bannana man Thanks for posting, but most likely gonna suck.
Oh god.
Please kill me now. This cannot be a good movie unless they fill it with a lot of boring riding sequences.
His gaming friends are complete retards then. What serious gamer would think that making a movie of Shadow of the Colossus would be a good idea??? It's like making a movie about Flower. I hope this dies on the vine.
They'll probably make it a romance between the Colossuses.
Call me retardedly optimistic, but Shadow of the Colossus is one of the few games I could imagine translating kind of well to movie form. But from provided information, this will suck :(
GODAMNIT this better be good Or I will kill every last one of you with my own bear hands.
Look at me, I'm mchammer
Sadly you got to that before I did, godamnit I don't have ps on this computer. Someone shop bill with bear hands. and gary busey face (ala my avatar).
Sadly you got to that before I did, godamnit I don't have ps on this computer. Someone shop bill with bear hands. and gary busey face (ala my avatar).

No. :arms:

I dont see how this would make a good movie. Maybe my memory is a little foggy (me and a group of friends power played through the game in one sitting) but arent the colossi the only enemies in the game? I dont see how a dude jumping on like 12 big monsters and stabbing them in certain spots would make for a compelling cinematic experience.
Things Hollywood hates:

- Art
- Video games
- You the moviegoer

Serisously I have lost ALL faith in movies now.

NOTE: Here's the first result I found when I typed 'die hollywood die' into google (I just felt like it after hearing the news :p )


explains a lot
Raaaage. There is literally no way to adapt this game into a movie, why even try?
No. :arms:

I dont see how this would make a good movie. Maybe my memory is a little foggy (me and a group of friends power played through the game in one sitting) but arent the colossi the only enemies in the game? I dont see how a dude jumping on like 12 big monsters and stabbing them in certain spots would make for a compelling cinematic experience.
Its more like 16 you douche, besides there is actually no lines of dialogue spoken anyways..until the end that is. Anyways this would be awesome in the hands of an anime director like Hayao Miyazaki (Princess Mononoke) but I don't think this will be any good.
You see holly wood doesn't understand anything about its source material when it comes to these things:
when I read "writer of street fighter legend of chun li" I puked

protagonist will be shia labeofughsi and woman will be beyonce
yeah I'm not sure how this could be a movie due to the lack of speechin the game.....

in my opinion the movie would have to basically follow this outline to be a success:

-begin with Wanderer escaping with the princess running from guards and speeding off on Agro
-cut to a scene with that king guy and a council is denouncing his want to follow Wanderer into the banished land where the king is positive Wanderer is going
-cut to Wanderer traveling, showing tire, then encountering that owl who leads him to an oasis where Wanderer and Agro rest for a bit...maybe find some broken down temple with lore about the Colossi in it or something
-Back to Wanderer traveling and encountering abandoned towns and villages...Wanderer gets worried and draws the Sword which is adorned with writing iirc
-cut to the King pacing debating with his closest body guards the stupidity of the council. the council believes Wanderer will go to a nearby wizard/doctor/other king with the princess to try and break her curse but the Kind knows exactly where Wanderer is going. it's at this point a breathless guard bursts into the room and announces the Sword is missing.....zoom into King's face as he says something like "he'll bring doom upon us all if we don't stop him"

and i'll actually work on this a little more later....
I actually liked Silent Hill, but it might be the only video game movie I see as half-decent. Unless you count Tron.

As for SotC, it won't work as a movie. Proof:
Part of the essence of SotC is the simplicity of the experience.
A movie won't work without story and dialogue.
Adding story and dialogue to SotC works against the simplicity of the experience.
Therefore, adding story and dialogue to SotC loses the essence of the game.
An adaptation won't work without maintaining the essence of the source material.
Therefore, if they don't add story & dialogue to SotC it won't work and
if they do add story & dialogue to SotC, it won't stay true to the source and it won't work.
Therefore, in all cases it won't work.

Heck, a lot of people still don't understand how it worked as a game. I'd really like to see it pulled off, but to do it the movie would have to be unlike any movie made before, just as the game was unlike prior games. Alas, Hollywood videogame adaptations aren't the bastion of risk-taking or innovation.
they wouldnt even focus on the material of the game at all,they will just use the name and put some giant creatures that possibly will be like insects and everything will be in space or something like that

or maybe will make it too similiar to the game to "please the fans" so even the camera angles will be similiar and will include long shots of horse riding
has anyone an opinion on where i was going in my post?

/\/\/\ *points two posts up*
Hopefully it'll have a nu metal soundtrack and lots of speed-up/slow-down action sequences a la 300.

And there there just HAS to be this scene:

Wander: "The bigger they come..."
*'POUM!' of dying colossus hitting the ground*
"...the harder they fall."
*lights cigarette*
yeah I'm not sure how this could be a movie due to the lack of speechin the game.....

That's what makes the game so much more beautiful and immersive, I don't see why it couldn't be done well in movie format.
Has there ever been a movie based of a video game that didn't suck? No.
Therefore, this movie is going to suck. Too bad Shadow of the Colossus was such a good game.
Hopefully it'll have a nu metal soundtrack and lots of speed-up/slow-down action sequences a la 300.

And there there just HAS to be this scene:

Wander: "The bigger they come..."
*'POUM!' of dying colossus hitting the ground*
*puts on sun-glasses*"...the harder they fall."

Fix'd :thumbs:
I read it as Shadow of the "oh good!" and was expecting Christian Bale.

****ing bag of fail.

Team ICO fails.

Sony fails
Silent Hill was great, one of the best video game movies to come out. But this...this is going to be a disaster exp because of who is backing and making it.
Silent hill was not the worst video game adaptation but I really don't see how any of you could say it was actually good. The overall atmosphere is nothing like the games are at all, there was nothing remotely disturbing about the movie other than its acting


EDIT: give me a break, give this title to a film maker who knows how to do psychological horror and this would've actually been BRILLIANT.
Seriously, the closest you can come to making a movie about this without doing it 100% injustice is (somewhat sadly) Reign Over Me. Any film version cannot be a literal vision of the game because that will fail miserably. It has to be abstracted somehow, but any abstraction takes away from the artistic vision so perfectly rendered in the game. This will not end well.
Yeah, Reign Over Me is about the only way I'd want to see Shadow in a Film.

That said, I'll eat my hat if this actually gets made. Notice how every movie that writer has attempted has either been a failure, or has simply never materialized? He probably just works for peanuts and someone at Sony floated the idea.
Silent hill was not the worst video game adaptation but I really don't see how any of you could say it was actually good. The overall atmosphere is nothing like the games are at all, there was nothing remotely disturbing about the movie other than its acting

This. It ****ing baffles me how anyone can say silent hill was a good movie o_O

I feel sad about the selection of people they chose for this film, but they could have done worse...
Silent Hill was very watchable and I'd class it as a good movie.
Once again, **** the haters.