shaking a camera


Aug 30, 2004
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i want the player's view to shake when he's looking through a point_viewcontrol. the env_shake doesnt effect the camera view. what do i do ? lol

yeah, ill just make like a thousand pathtracks and make my camera move down that and it'll look very very good. ok, seriously, how do i make a camera that shakes using a env_shake .. ?

Or maybe just six path_tracks, assuming your camera's stationary...

Maybe parent the point_viewcontrol to a prop and shake the prop.
does a env_shake shake the geometry ? otherwise attaching the point_viewcontrol doenst really matter.

the thing is, i want to make a scene in my mod where the player is sitting in a tank and looks like its shaking using the env shake. its unrealistic using pathtracks.
what do i do now ? :(

Env_shake has an option to shake physical things. [Physics] props are physical things. Ergo...
thanks, i owe a beer


edit: NO BEER FOR YOU Reaven0

parenting a prop_dynamic_override to the env_shake with its "global shake" on doesnt even work :'(


An entity to control screen shake on players.


Name targetname <target_source> The name that other entities refer to this entity by.

Parent parentname <target_destination> The name of this entity's parent in the movement hierarchy. Entities with parents move with their parent.

spawnflags spawnflags <flags>

Amplitude (0-16) amplitude <float> The amount of noise in the screen shake. Should be a range between 0 and 16.

Effect Radius radius <float> The radius around this entity in
which to affect players.

Duration (seconds) duration <float> The length of time in which to shake the player's screens.

Frequency frequency <float> The frequency used to apply the screen shake. Should be a value between 0 and 255, where 0.1 = jerk, and 255.0 = rumble.


Kill Removes this entity from the world.

KillHierarchy Removes this entity and all its children from the world.

AddOutput <string> Adds an entity I/O connection to this entity. Format: <output name> <targetname>:<inputname>:<parameter>:<delay>:<max times to fire (-1 == infinite)>. Very dangerous, use with care.

FireUser1 Causes this entity's OnUser1 output to be fired.

FireUser2 Causes this entity's OnUser2 output to be fired.

FireUser3 Causes this entity's OnUser3 output to be fired.

FireUser4 Causes this entity's OnUser4 output to be fired.

SetParent <string> Changes the entity's parent in the movement hierarchy.

SetParentAttachment <string> Change this entity to attach to a specific attachment point on its parent. Entities must be parented before being sent this input. The parameter passed in should be the name of the attachment.

ClearParent Removes this entity from the the movement hierarchy, leaving it free to move independently.

Amplitude <string> Set the amplitude (0-16)

Frequency <string> Set the frequence. Should be a value between 0 and 255, where 0.1 = jerk, and 255.0 = rumble.

StartShake Start the shake.

StopShake Stop the shake.


OnUser1 Fired in response to FireUser1 input.

OnUser2 Fired in response to FireUser2 input.

OnUser3 Fired in response to FireUser3 input.

OnUser4 Fired in response to FireUser4 input.
Prop_dynamic_override is not a physics object. Perhaps I should not have made such a broad, sweeping generalisation.

It is fixed.
maybe i could parent the point_viewconrtol onto an physic_object and make the object shake using the physic's flag of the env_shake ? would that shake the point_viewcontrole ? ...


edit: i see what you mean Reaven0, but i think im going to animate the tank shaking :D
but thanks anyway :thumbs:
