shall i get this?

bout 100-150 im looking from a good bargain and im in the uk
1: I'd buy it knew. You really don't know what you are going to get from Ebay.
2: Go the nVidia route. Geforce 6600.
well ive got a nvidia 5200 now so i was looking for a change
ATI is better for all games/programs and you don't have to prove it. It's just common sense. =)
I wouldn't buy it as its an SE and they really do suck. Anyway, you can get a pro for 50 quid more than that. Now thats worth saving 50 up for...
eiric said:
ATI is better for all games/programs and you don't have to prove it. It's just common sense. =)
Wrong. The 6800 > X800, it's been shown in many tests.
Saying ATI is better is just ignorant.
MiccyNarc said:
Why are you buying from ebay? o.0

I really don't get it.

you must be the kind of people thats noob and scared abou buying over the net.
Ebay is alot cheaper most of the times and I got my mic of there and for like the 10th of the price in the store and its great.

you can get a 9800 pro for around that price you want to spend in the shops mate, dont go through ebay. not worth the risk or the money 2nd hand. Have a look around on the net.
You people need to learn how to use Ebay because it's actually a huge money saver for most products. And you DO know what you are going to get if you use some brains and do a little research.

As for the card, get that 9800 pro 256 if you can afford it. I have the 9800xt 256 and it runs HL2 on high with 6x a.a and 16x a.f without a hinch. This card would probably be able to do the same. Plus it's a built-by ATI card which is reliable. The first link is for a "Peak" powered-by ati card, and I've never heard of them.

Good luck.
MiccyNarc said:
Some say that, but it really has yet to be proven.

Yet to be proven by who? All the benchmarks say so (at least with AA and AF).
Also 9800pro is very good for hl2
you must be the kind of people thats noob and scared abou buying over the net.
Ebay is alot cheaper most of the times and I got my mic of there and for like the 10th of the price in the store and its great.

Actually, newb, I've heard many Ebay horror stories, several from my own family. I really don't trust the place when it comes to electronics.
MiccyNarc said:
Wrong. The 6800 > X800, it's been shown in many tests.
Saying ATI is better is just ignorant.

Id love to see those tests, every benchmark article ive read has shown the ATi X800 to out perform everything else. I admit their isnt much in it, only a couple of fps but it still performs better. This is especially true for Antialiasing and Anisotropic filtering at high levels where the nVidia cards tend to slow down much more than the ATi cards.
I wouldnt. Some hardcore games are coming out that will make that card cry. I wouldnt go less then a 6800 gt.
9800 pro from (search or look in graphics card section, they are better hav the 9800 and are more expensive, but worth it)

Raziel-Jcd said:
I wouldnt go less then a 6800 gt...

...and a nuclear generator for power supply with a super huge ice-cooling cooling system :E
i Would go with the 9800 over the 6600 but that is just my opinion
I got a Radeon Asus x800 256mb just for HL2, 2 days before it came out. Trust me, the money spent on a good graphics card is well.. .WELL worth it.
m0nKeY said:
Id love to see those tests, every benchmark article ive read has shown the ATi X800 to out perform everything else. I admit their isnt much in it, only a couple of fps but it still performs better. This is especially true for Antialiasing and Anisotropic filtering at high levels where the nVidia cards tend to slow down much more than the ATi cards.
This is generally reflected by most tests. Pretty much equal performance.
...and a nuclear generator for power supply with a super huge ice-cooling cooling system :D
If you hadn't added the ":D" I would have thought you were serious.

Thank heaven for smileys.
thanks guys i will now be looking to byuy off ebuyer or