Share your own Half-life2 related storys


Aug 20, 2004
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Heres my idea for a thread dont know if it will work or not but why not give it a shot? heres my story. Note: I live In MN and I will be using location names almost all of you wont know so just bear with me you will get the point of the story.

I preorded the game at Ebgames in rosedale mall in 2002 and well all was fine then the eb games at rosedale mall gets closed down so im told my preorder went to maplewood i call there they say it went to uptown i call there they said they would switch it to maplewood which is closer to my house then uptown by about 40 minutes. I call maplewood to make sure it moved they say yes it got moved. A couple months later i'm at maplewood and i go to change my order to normal edition to CE they say they dont have it on record they then call uptown talk to the manager and can't find it anywhere the uptown manager then says he will check through the papers and find it I call him a day later to see if he found it he did and it actually got switched over.

near the end I was about to go ballistic on the people who work there but I knew it wasn't there fault that everything was so screwed up they were just doing the best they could.
This one time I went into the EB at Lougheed Town Center and preordered HL2 and everything was fine.
Still waiting for the magic phonecall from mine, but I do have a funny HL2 story.

My friend downloaded the leak and wanted to trick me seeing it; long story short, I nearlly strangled him. Kidding, kidding, but I was mad all right.
Well you see, back in September of 2003, I was anxiously awaiting the 30th, cause I figured that something cool was supposed to happen, and it did, I received my edition of HL2. Oh wait... that's right, that was only a dream...
1) HL2 wasn't announced until 2003.

2) "a few months later" in 2002 there was no pricing information for hl2, seeing as it hadn't been announced yet, in addition, there was no pricing information for the "CE" version for a long time after the game was announced.

3) this thread sucks, no one cares about other people going to a store and preordering a game.
ytinupmi said:
1) HL2 wasn't announced until 2003.

2) "a few months later" in 2002 there was no pricing information for hl2, seeing as it hadn't been announced yet, in addition, there was no pricing information for the "CE" version for a long time after the game was announced.

3) this thread sucks, no one cares about other people going to a store and preordering a game.

People make mistakes. I'm sure it was just a typo. Welcome to the Forums.
Well, here's an analogy (and it's just for fun *raise my hands defensivly*):

HL2 is a lot like sex, the longer you go on without it, the better it is once you finally get it. You're always promised to get it soon, but it ends up being postponed most of the time. And finally, once you get it, you wonder why you were so eager to get it in the first place (at least for a while, in the end the cycle start all over again, just like for HL3).
oops i did typo and for some reason it wont allow me to edit =\ and i dont think its that stupid of a idea you dont have to share a preorder story just any type of half life story like my friend dumped his girlfriend because she started to come between him and DoD
Well once i saw a thread that was devoid of all punctuation, it was good times.
AngstyTeen said:
oops i did typo and for some reason it wont allow me to edit =\ and i dont think its that stupid of a idea you dont have to share a preorder story just any type of half life story like my friend dumped his girlfriend because she started to come between him and DoD
Wow. Your friend likes DoD better than p*ssy.