is there any free software because i was using strata3d and at school and when i got it i found out they were out of buisness is there any shareware where i can get familiar with modelingplz reply thanks :sniper:
i have never used gmax, i use 3ds max. but when the hl2 sdk is released there will be an exporter for 3ds max and i assume for Gmax to. Maybe some1 else will know abit more on gmax.
Milkshape is good for a 30 day trial, to see if you want to carry on with 3D, but after that, its not very good. as i ahve said before, the best thing about it is the capabilities of its import/export utilities. as a modelling program, its just not up to scratch ( they may have changed it since i used it ). that said, i have seen some amazing models come out of Milkshape, but im saying that the habits/methods they get you to use is not very good for later progression.
i started off with GMax, a very good starting platform for 3DS Max, and gets you used to the workings of a more powerful and commercially based 3D product. i personally have not tried any other product apart form GMax and Max, other than the XSI HL2, which i absolutely hated the layout. the wya i see it, if im happy with the workings of Max, then theres no point in changing. yes, people are saying that XSI will 'take over' but does that really make mcuh difference, i dont think so.
( sorry for all that . my reccomendation is GMax, just try it and see how you feel using it, but stick at it for a while )