shark vs octopus who wins?

I SURE HOPE THE OCTOPUS DIES AND THE SHARK WINS! I have an irrational fear octopus' :(
shark. those were only 3-4 ft sharks, any bigger than 6ft that octopus would have been someones dinner.
Octopus and squids can **** off.


Stupid hentai.
Wow, very cool. I don't see an octopus take on a great white tho ....
EDIT Unless its a big-ass octopus of course. Now that would be cool to see.
Hectic Glenn said:
I SURE HOPE THE OCTOPUS DIES AND THE SHARK WINS! I have an irrational fear octopus' :(

Concurred in the fullest.

I haven't clicked the link yet. The octopus is gonna win, isn't it? In some strange and unnatural irony, the octopus will eat the sharks, right? I'm wondering if I wanna even play it.
^ How to ruin a funny thread by over analyzing it
Exactly, i clicked the link and he started stating the giant red atlantic octopus...alt + f4 thank you! Horrible alien like things. Tell me when you get Killer Whale vs Octopus then i will watch it be mauled (actually im not sure)
Absinthe said:
What overanalysis? And what humor?

Go away.

It was a joke

Oh yeah, I don't have any sense of humour
I just watched the movie Deep Rising on TBS last night so this video is quite fitting.
Seppo said:
It was a joke

Oh yeah, I don't have any sense of humour

The issue isn't that I lack humor. It's that your joke sucked.
That was kinda freaky. Oh well...maybe put some TNT down there, see who wins ;)

I think the result might be different if they were proper sharks and not stupid noob sharks. But that's one badass octopus.
Can't you guy see it? FFS. All of you are blind. The mother ****er has H4xzorz, camoflauge hack and aimbot... take a look for yourselves.
Absinthe said:
The issue isn't that I lack humor. It's that your joke sucked.

You obviously don't understand anything about art
Seppo said:
You obviously don't understand anything about art

What does art have to do with him finding your joke funny (or not, as the case is)?
lol its been 2 min and im 7%...and im on broadband
my friend from school owns negative shock.. designed it from scratch
I've heard the story but never seen the video. Doesnt come as a suprise to me, octopi, especailly ones that big, are STRONG. One could grab you and pull you under the water, and you would have no chance of escape. Not to mention the venom and beak that was made for crushing the shells of large crusteceans, you got yourself quite the predator.
AzzMan said:
I've heard the story but never seen the video. Doesnt come as a suprise to me, octopi, especailly ones that big, are STRONG. One could grab you and pull you under the water, and you would have no chance of escape. Not to mention the venom and beak that was made for crushing the shells of large crusteceans, you got yourself quite the predator.
yeah they sure are great...except they don't have venom i'm pretty sure, just stinging cells, and ink, unless your talking about the blue ringed one. I hate all of them so much. Burn em all.
No all cephalopods have venom, except the naulilus I believe, even then I think they might too, I'll have to look it up. Jellyfish and anemones have the stinging cells, octopi just have suction cups, and strength.

btw wtf is with all the octo hate, I think they rule:D
AzzMan said:
No all cephalopods have venom, except the naulilus I believe, even then I think they might too, I'll have to look it up. Jellyfish and anemones have the stinging cells, octopi just have suction cups, and strength.

btw wtf is with all the octo hate, I think they rule:D
I think its just me, i've always had an irrational fear of them, and squid and those larger cuttlefish. Due to their killing power, alien-likeness etc. Just so...*shivers*. You can get huge ones as well, i dare research into the giant squids etc.
Hectic Glenn said:
I think its just me, i've always had an irrational fear of them, and squid and those larger cuttlefish. Due to their killing power, alien-likeness etc. Just so...*shivers*. You can get huge ones as well, i dare research into the giant squids etc.

Those are the reasons I admire them lol. Guess I'm just the weird one:x
Squids and Octo's are cool... I'm real fascinated with that deep sea shit, it's all dark and the animals down there make is seem... sooo ALIEN!
I also like octopus too they are very amazing animals

here are some cool facts of the octopus
they are very smart,I heard they are smarter that dogs
and the proof is that are octopus that can pass trought some labirinth and are other that imitate the shape of dangerous animals to keep the predator away

they can change the color and texture of theyr skin in seconds

they are pure muscle so they can go inside a pipe smaller that theyr own size

you people should study more of them cuz they are awsome
Stupid octopus. They weren't great white or mako sharks. Let's see this octopus take on one of those.
<RJMC> said:
I also like octopus too they are very amazing animals

here are some cool facts of the octopus
they are very smart,I heard they are smarter that dogs
and the proof is that are octopus that can pass trought some labirinth and are other that imitate the shape of dangerous animals to keep the predator away

they can change the color and texture of theyr skin in seconds

they are pure muscle so they can go inside a pipe smaller that theyr own size

you people should study more of them cuz they are awsome

Joule said "congrats on the english lessons."
Seriously, he did.
How about crocodile vs silverback gorrilla? Now there's a fight.
Who cares who wins, because in the foodchain, me > them.

Nothing tastier than victory.
I'm sure if an octo decided to attack and eat a person, it wouldnt be very pretty either :D