sharon's death, your reaction?

what would you say when he dies?

  • F*CK YEAH! go to HELL!

    Votes: 14 24.1%
  • oh, he died?

    Votes: 29 50.0%

    Votes: 9 15.5%
  • he didn't blow-up, did he?

    Votes: 6 10.3%

  • Total voters
Poor alternatives...

I certainly don't want him dead, but I wouldn't mourn him.
Erestheux said:
who is this person and why is it causing all this bitchiness!?

Don't make me come stay with you for teh night. :naughty:
Im not sad to see him dead, but Im not happy either. It's something that has no effect on me (for now at least)
The_Monkey said:
I certainly don't want him dead, but I wouldn't mourn him.

well, he is ..
They always delay the death announcment when leaders die like this (think Arafat, King Hussain, John Paul II .. etc).

option #1, although I wouldn't really say the F word, but that's besides the point.
Kangy said:
Anyone celebrating his death is kind of silly, in my opinion. He's a very strong leader for the Israelies, and saying he's a murderer is honestly just stating the obvious. In that region, nearly every single leader going is guilty of murder and atrocities.
That's who he is....alright. I think I might actually start to feel a little sad still don't care.
No, it's just that if this was any other forum section I'd have simply posted what you said, in a quote, and nothing else, getting around the sixchar limit by img-linking to a non-existent website in the usual and well-known method. However, I can't.

Maybe I should have just said QFTMFM or something. :p
Just saw a heads up on CBC. Doctors say his chance for survival is "very high", but he will suffer some cognitive problems.
Bait said:
Just saw a heads up on CBC. Doctors say his chance for survival is "very high", but he will suffer some cognitive problems.
Well, its a compramise, but I'll accept it.
It's only fair that everyone stops having a go at Solaris now... yeh his views may be... different to say the least but that it's his opinion. And looking at this poll most of you seem to agree :/
Solaris said:
Well, its a compramise, but I'll accept it.

Wow, your non-conformist political beliefs are truly shocking and edgy. You have immeasurably strengthened your position by appearing to be so hardcore as to wish painful death upon someone and then appear dissappointed when you discover he's only going to suffer brain damage for the rest of his life. I can do naught but assent to your clearly superior opinion!

If he dies, that will only reinforce the hilarious beliefs that Pat Robertson is actually right.

Then again, if he doesn't die from this, Pat will simply blame the lack of a Holy Crusade (tm) against the homosexuals.
it's not IF, he's dead.
they'll announce his death till the end of this week, wait and see.
Sulkdodds said:
No, it's just that if this was any other forum section I'd have simply posted what you said, in a quote, and nothing else, getting around the sixchar limit by img-linking to a non-existent website in the usual and well-known method. However, I can't.

Maybe I should have just said QFTMFM or something. :p
Whilst I wish death on no one, I will not be overly sad to see Mr. Sharon die. Concerned? Yes, because there are a bunch of nut jobs in the Israeli administration that are alot more extreme than Sharon so his death may have a negative effect upon the return of land to palestianians and, if he were to be replaced by a very extreme person we may even see a reocupation of the Gaza strip.
Sharon's stroke is the result of a EM ray shooting. (Electric magnetic wave)
It's a punishment from the intelligence (the Inside Group).

Sharon had been a member of that Inside group. But he recently moves to the center from the right. He tries to seek peace with Palestine and he compromised by withdraw from Gaza. Which caused the outrage of rightest.

Here is an article I posted two years ago in which I alleged Feds tried to replace the Mayor of San Jose with a "stroke". Now they used same method on Sharon.

225. Stroke (4/29/03)

My wife has come back from HongKong. Her adopted father now is in state of vegetable.

Feds used to murder by EM wave weapon(electrical magnetic wave) which create a "brain death". That's why I am very sensitive on "stroke", "meningitis".... I had experience. See "13. Microwave ray shooting and EM sleep wave(2)", "81. "Mysterious blow"".

So when media reported Ron Gonzales, Mayor of San Jose, got a minor stroke, I had a feeling it might be another step of regime change.

Gonzales suffered a hemorrhagic stroke while delivering the State of the City address on Jan. 28, 2004. Feeling dizzy and nauseated, the 52 year old mayor was able to leave the stage on his own and was sent to hospital. He stayed there for nearly a week and recovered. He took a full time work in March.

On 3/21, in an article "Mayor's blurry rules on cash", S.J.M.N. reported the political fund of Gonzales was exceeding city cap. But in a news on 4/7, Gonzales said the fund meets state and local law and the framework was approved by the city attorney in advance. So the DA won't investigate that case.

The trouble was following one by another. On 4/4, S.J.M.N. reported, "Recall rumors swirling" It said religious Conservatives try to take out Gonzales whom recognize same-sex marriages. On 4/11, it said in an article, "Recall effort grows some wings". And that complaint on Gonzales' fundraising is going on.

The hand behind series of troubles for Gonzales is Feds. Because no other party was able to create a "stroke". For two days after Gonzales got "stroke", S.J.M.N. published pictures of brain with articles to explain "what is stroke". A typical tactic to attribute it to natural cause. It's similar to the tactic they used in a rigged election. They always publish a poll to justify the result of the manipulated vote. The media is a tool to fool people.

I have encountered many such murder attempts. When I was familiar with it, I keep the record. To convince people, the article used to come with picture. To justify a "stroke" caused by "solar storm", they publish a picture of "solar flare" to earth. To justify "meningitis" death, they publish a human's head with brain. "Meningitis" is the most frequent death cause they used, the same picture of the head repeatedly appeared in my record. They cover up their crime in a scientific way.

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