Shell Man seeks Shell Woman to produce Shell Children


May 5, 2004
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Help me keep the shell people alive.

There is a sad truth to the world today. I am part of a dying breed of people known as "shell users." We are an old-fashioned bunch, preferring the warm glow of a green screen full of text over the cold blockiness of a graphical interface. We use ssh, scp, and even occassionally ftp. Back in the days before high-speed connections ("broadband"), we would dial up during off-hours to avoid being slammed with huge phone bills. The whole "Microsoft Windows" fad will fade away sooner or later, but in the interim, our kind is facing extinction.

Because there are fewer and fewer of us, I must help keep our lineage alive. I am looking for someone to help me do this. I need a woman (obviously) who is willing to raise a child with me in the method of Unix.

So, if you are a woman between the ages of 23 and 43 who is ready to raise a child in the way of the shell, let me know so we can begin the process. (If you are ready to raise more than one child, even better.)

PS - yes, this is for real. Given the right person, I would obviously propose before we ... call fork().
PPS - I only set emacs mode for my ksh session. I only edit files using vi. Just wanted to clear that up. And I'm looking to raise the child(ren) as a dedicated couple, so if you aren't interested in being married, you may wish to select() a different posting.

And yes, I am interested in a strictly monogamous situation. I've been known to actually turn down offers of "two chicks at the same time."

ok fess up, which one of you is Shell guy?
My god... What a freak baby that would be. It'd be like a caveman living in modern society!
Pitz, you'll do anything for sex.

Hey, if I have to pretend to be an animal for the beastialitists, I'd do it.

If I had to dress up like a school girl, I'd do it.

If I had to play dead, I'd DEFINITELY do it.

so...yeah, you're right. Does that make me a bad person, or just very eccentric?
I don't understand this at all? Can someone explain?
Only if I get a piece of the action.

Pretend to be a loaf of bread and we'll get started.
Shell woman exists, i've seen her ... but ... she's a lesbian.
Sounds like as good a religion as any. Only through shell access unfettered by pagan GUIs will you finally see the truth.

"You shall have no other interface before me. You shall not make for yourself a GUI, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth; you shall not click on them or mouse over them; for I the Lord your God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children to the third and the fourth generation of those who hate me, but showing steadfast love to thousands of those who love me and keep my commandments."
:LOL: That's hilarious...

Obviously the joke goes way over the heads of people uninitiated in things like IP/TCP, but I found it funny... :p