She's Gone :(

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Jan 25, 2009
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My girlfriend left me...for a week in sunny Florida with her family. I know it sounds stupid but I miss her all ready. This afternoon we cuddled on the couch for nearly 2 hours before she left but I'm missing her all ready. I never felt this deeply about a person before how does one make it through the time alone? I spend 6/7 nights at her house during a typical week and now I'm gunna have to stay at my folks and I tried playing games but it just doesn't fill the void. Also I swear as she was getting into her car she said she loved me but I can't verify it. I know I let the L word slip out twice. But just wondering what you guys did with your time apart from your significant other
Absence makes the heart fonder.

Stop clinging, it's unbecoming of any man.

Also, fap like there's no tomorrow.
Or I could refrain from touching myself inappropriately for a week and I'll super soak her when she comes back lol
If your nuts swell big enough from the backup, you may be able to use them like a space hopper.
My girlfriend left me...for a week in sunny Florida with her family. I know it sounds stupid but I miss her all ready. This afternoon we cuddled on the couch for nearly 2 hours before she left but I'm missing her all ready. I never felt this deeply about a person before how does one make it through the time alone? I spend 6/7 nights at her house during a typical week and now I'm gunna have to stay at my folks and I tried playing games but it just doesn't fill the void. Also I swear as she was getting into her car she said she loved me but I can't verify it. I know I let the L word slip out twice. But just wondering what you guys did with your time apart from your significant other

It's only a week dude. Do other things to fill the void (other than gaming), try and distract yourself. Hang out with other friends, go someplace new, read a book, whatever. Also, don't let on that you miss her so much.... over time that can get stifling. A couple years ago I left the states to go study in Greece for three months and I didn't see my girlfriend the entire time. It was a serious relationship so we agreed that we were staying together even though I was gone (foolish move). I fulfilled my end of the deal, didn't even look at anyone else, she ended up ****ing me over and sleeping around. Anyways, a lot of the time I was so miserable that I was away from her that I didn't go out and do anything else. I was a total bitch and I ended up moping around a lot of the time. I could have done so much more with my time if I was by myself. The point is, stay busy, do things that are stimulating, learn how to say **** it and go do something fun. Don't let your girlfriend being gone turn you into a bitch.
It's only a week dude. Do other things to fill the void (other than gaming), try and distract yourself. Hang out with other friends, go someplace new, read a book, whatever. Also, don't let on that you miss her so much.... over time that can get stifling. A couple years ago I left the states to go study in Greece for three months and I didn't see my girlfriend the entire time. It was a serious relationship so we agreed that we were staying together even though I was gone (foolish move), I fulfilled my end of the deal but she ended up ****ing me over and sleeping around. Anyways, a lot of the time I was so miserable that I was alone that I didn't go out and do anything else. I was a total bitch and I ended up moping around a lot of the time. The point is, stay busy, do things that are stimulating. Don't let your girlfriend being gone turn you into a bitch.

And don't jerk off constantly, it will make you more miserable and lonely. It will

thanks, i'll try not to be a bitch. one of my best friends is in town for the next two weeks, he lives in Missouri so its nice to see him like this but its only once a year it seems
God you sound needy.

-"Tisk, tisk, I'm disgusted with you"
Jesus Christ, Warped. I am unable to fathom how you can't stand a week away from your girlfriend. If you replace girlfriend with cocaine/cocaine dealer, it'd pretty much still sound the same. :p
Fuk dat shit. Drop her ass and get a new girl, you can't be expected to whack off for a week, get your self a more dedicated vagina.

Also, holy shit at your clingyness. Are you like 15 or something?
This just further confirms that warped is like a confused puppy.
This is why people shouldn't marry the first person that they love.
Keep doing what you're doing Warped, stick to her like cancer.
Haha some of the replies made me lol :D

Like others have said, go out and do stuff. She's probably out having loads of fun while you're stuck inside being all sad. Why should you? Go see some friends you've probably not seen in a while, go do some hobbies you've not done in a while. Enjoy yourself while you have some space.

Also, some space apart is good.
Go and see the friends I assume you've neglected...
Go and see the friends I assume you've neglected...

this! for the past 6 months I've totally pushed away my best friend because I wanted more time with her. Also his other best friend whom I'm also friends with but not so close also got a girlfriend around the same time. So he just was really bored and I feel really bad now that I realize he practically had no one to hang with. He even got a new friend which makes me jealous but I can't blame him. Also my other best friend is in town and is going to pick me up very soon to do some truck shopping. Hes trading in his old beater and hopefully we'll hang out and go out drinking like we always do, theres plenty of pubs around too that haven't seen my face in over a year

also I feel much better today, although I still miss her its not nearly as bad
I never felt this deeply about a person before how does one make it through the time alone?

jebus christ man do try to control yourself you're blubbering mess and she has your balls in her purse. she's probably screwing some florida dude anyways (or a visiting canadian). but seriously just think with all the sun and the fun she's probably not missing you all that much and if she is it's certainly not as much as you are. it's only a week, go out and do something during that time instead of pining like a love sick dog. you disgust me! blah blah blah

cheer up it's only a week; get hookers + blow
Use the time, be productive, masturbate a bunch and perhaps devote some time to making sure you've got something nice ready for her return.
....ah I confess, me too

let's not put all our clothes on right away though, gentlemen

I've got marrrrrrrgaariiiiiitaaaas!!!! :D
hey I was in florida recently ..did she have brown hair? ya I think we hooked up. she hooked up with my wife as well. then we all hooked up. all hookin up with yer girlfriend
hey I was in florida recently ..did she have brown hair? ya I think we hooked up. she hooked up with my wife as well. then we all hooked up. all hookin up with yer girlfriend

You BASTARD!! wait what? brown hair? uhhh no lol nice chance, but I'm pretty sure shes cheating on me with a Puerto Rican named Luis lol :P
She's not cheating with me.

I mean, I'm not even in the same country. That would just be silly.
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