"She's Hatin' It"

Well evidently it did, or
1) you wouldn't have posted it, and
2) I wouldn't have pointed out how ridiculous it was.

You do not post without making a point. You made a point, so members (including me) responded to it.
i wouldn't wanna deal with people trying to touch me with their feet...even if it was all they had....
But I don't have a basement.

..or do I ?

no offense but ...shut up

refusal of service due to physical disability is discrimination, she will win her case unless there's mitigating circumstances ..however this will never go to court as MacDonalds will just settle out of court ..even if they are justified MacDonalds does not want this to go to trial ..it'll just make them look bad, no matter the circumstances
ya, im not saying she shouldnt be allowed service.....just as long as she isnt expecting people to touch her feet hands....

but assuming she can throw her money on the counter, whats the problem?
I wouldnt have find weird if they didnt served her to dont "ruin the image of the franchise" or something like that

and looks like some members have this book to the right of theyr beds
Wouldn't it be ironic if the persons who refused her service were Black or Mexican? But seeing as it's Boston, probably just general gang members.
But I don't have a basement.

..or do I ?
Please stop embarrassing yourself. Trolling will get you banned, no questions asked.

...on topic

I also detest how Multi national companies like Maccy D's think they are above the law, and flex their cash injected rotten muscles (used in their burgers) to do as they wish. They always think they can fob people off with extreme court case fees but this lady has a great case. I hope she milks them nicely for their blood money.
People who sue about having a birth defect shouldn't be allowed. It's like having a free ticket to money. "Oh I was born without a brain, so I should get money for stabbing myself in the eye 3 times with this Aldies knife."


when it's in a circumstance in which it is appropriate to sue someone for not serving her damn food, then yes it should be allowed.

"Oh I was born without a brain, so I should get money for stabbing myself in the eye 3 times with this Aldies knife."
-Poor example, it wasn't her fault, it was the people working there who made a big fuss about it

I say Robbo is right. Why do we have to pussy foot around them like they are important? I'm sorry, you're not ice, your not FRAGILE. Get the **** over yourself. You don't see my crying and storming out of someone makes fun of me. "But we are sensitive!" ..shit, only because you were brought up to be weak. In my society, if you have a birth defect that would hinder your ability to work/breed/anything, you should be 'cleaned'. Just our way of cleaning up our gene pool.

And to the Christians....pointing at the retarded folk. WHERE'S YOUR GOD NOW?!

she didn't storm out crying, she sued the business for treating her like shit, now they are going to have a chunk of money taken from pockets, now we'll see who's the one "crying".

And I am sure your gene pool isn't to perfect either, Hitler could find a reason to kill you, probably for having Down syndrome. Quit being a little selfish Nazi.
According to the rules of Natural Selection she should be dead by now. But instead of rejoicing at her lack of being eaten by a tiger shes going round like a spoiled s**t sueing people because they look at her when she uses her feet to handle food.
According to the rules of Natural Selection she should be dead by now. But instead of rejoicing at her lack of being eaten by a tiger shes going round like a spoiled s**t sueing people because they look at her when she uses her feet to handle food.

According to the laws of natural selection you'd have been dead ages ago because some guy with an axe would've taken offence to you talking like a complete idiot.

I retract this statement if you are joking.
A*sholes who don't understand evolution should STFU.
Recessive genes always exist, and will show themselves eventually in every family or bloodline.
Her descendants will most likely be perfectly normal.
"What's the matter with you? . . . You ain't got no arms. ... Let me see your arms," an employee allegedly told Larson with a tone of disgust, withdrawing the bags of food from Larson's outstretched foot, the paper said, citing the lawsuit.

This happened again later at a different resturant.
If true somebody please tell why this isn't sue worthy?
W00t, discretionary clause.

Or whatever the hell that thing was at the bottom.

Insurance policy, possibly.
According to the rules of Natural Selection she should be dead by now. But instead of rejoicing at her lack of being eaten by a tiger shes going round like a spoiled s**t sueing people because they look at her when she uses her feet to handle food.

ya too bad natural selection doesnt account for stupidity because I wouldnt be replying to your stupid post right now

I have a better idea, why doesnt she come around back, the restuarant can use a trough so that the idiot employees (we're talking about a fast food restuarant, prerequisite for working there: a pulse) offended by someone elses physical handicaps ..I agree we should help natrual selection along, but I propose we do away with the idiots instead ..physical handicaps can sometimes be overcome/managed, stupidity is lifelong and the only cure is death
I don't see what the problem is, it's a perfectly valid lawsuit..a dipshit fast food worker insults a handicapped person and refuses them service that they paid for. If I was her son I probably would have punched the cashier in the face.
if you were her son you would probably have kicked him in the face :)
The article impplies that the son has no disabilities so it would be a punch in his face! :flame:
I have to say I'm very shocked at the responses in this topic. Very out of character for a lot of you. :|

She was refused service for a physical disability. It's not like she chooses to eat with her feet. She has to. She's not preparing the food, she's just eating it. If it looks strange to the employees or the other customers, then tough shit. Don't look if it bothers you so much.

I don't see how anybody can lodge a complaint against this woman. How is it that retards such as Robbo and Hellrider can't understand what's going on here? She's not cheating the ****ing system.
Absinthe pretty much summed up my thoughts. I see alot of people saying we shouldn't have to treat people "special" because they're disabled, which in most cases I'd agree with - usually people in these circumstances don't want to be treated any differently than normal. They only want to be treated FAIRLY. And this was not fair.

Try and put yourself in her shoes.

Cause she can't. Lol.
"What's the matter with you? . . . You ain't got no arms. ... Let me see your arms!"
