Shiny Marble


Dec 10, 2004
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How can I make it so that my marble floor reflects what's above it/sitting on it? I would look at some of the material files from HL2, but, I can't really think of any examples of this in the game.

Anyone know? :)

The secret is that you add some lines into your .vmt file:

"$envmap" "env_cubemap"
"$envmaptint" "[.3 .4 .4]"

This is just an example and you can change the values for $envmaptint for your likes. Then you add a env_cubemap into your map and compile it. After that you have to load your map and type buildcubemaps into your console. And voila there you go.

Edit: I think there are no marble textures in hl2 you have to make your own or download some.
There are some nice marble textures packed into djbourgeese's (I know I spelt that wrong) cs_xcom map. I used bspzip to pull them out. If you are hopeless with console applications, I can just email you the textures, because I am just a nice guy :D
lol yeah path of neo has some great bits with a marble floor that reflects the wall and ceiling. prehaps thats what gave you inspiration for this?