Shit you do that you regret later


Jul 1, 2004
Reaction score
Just had a little road rage incident, this guy was driving way too slow (35 in a 55) for over 20 minutes, and I had no opportunity to pass him.

So I put my high beams on and made sure they shined in his mirror the whole freaking time. Sometimes works, sometimes doesn't but feels better than doing nothing. So we come to a stop sign, he's turning left, I'm turning right, so I drive past him, honk my horn and speed off. He follows me. I pull over by my house, he pulls over, sits there for a moment, then turns around and drives off. I pull into my driveway.

Now I'm wondering what the hell he was doing. I'm assuming getting my plate # to report me to the police because I ran a stop sign. If that's the case, oh well, **** him, his word against mine and I've got a perfect driving record.
I'm worried that he might be a psycho that will come back and slash my tires. In retrospect I should have waited til he was out of sight before I pulled into my driveway.

Ah well. Whatever. If he shows up again my dad has a case of guns, be easy enough to scare him away.
track him and find him before he finds you,and left a warning in his car,preferebly,violent
lol thats what you get for being an asshole maybe they were trying to find something or someone and you messed it up MESSED it up.
I'm hoping that this is a rare situation, Miccy. I can't stand drivers who react like you did in your story. If someone is going slow and you can't pass, relax and drive slower. Don't turn to blinding the guy (one or two flashes would get the message across, not keeping them on, ffs), or blaring your horn, etc. If I was that guy, I wouldn't have just gotten your license plate, I would have exchanged a few words as well.
I'm hoping that this is a rare situation, Miccy. I can't stand drivers who react like you did in your story. If someone is going slow and you can't pass, relax and drive slower. Don't turn to blinding the guy (one or two flashes would get the message across, not keeping them on, ffs), or blaring your horn, etc. If I was that guy, I wouldn't have just gotten your license plate, I would have exchanged a few words as well.
Piss off. Who the hell does the slow driver in front think he is to decide how fast anyone behind him can go? If you can't / won't drive the speed limit, pull the fu*k over and let people pass. It's not up to you to make everyone behind you drive as slow as you. It can cause accidents just as much as people driving too fast - people begin to rage at being forced to drive slow by some arrogant dipsh*t, and do stupid things, like ram them, overtake on a blind corner, speed when they FINALLY manage to get past, etc, etc. People that drive so far under the speed limit should be fined in a similar fashion as speeding drivers, and the fine increases for ever km/mile UNDER the speed limit someone was going.
pull over? gtfo, it's not your road, if you're so inclined to say that why don't you just use the emergency lane to pass ffs (I know it's illegal :p).
You'll never catch me 20 below the limit unless theres car trouble, in which case I would use the blinker like that dumbass didn't.
I'm hoping that this is a rare situation, Miccy. I can't stand drivers who react like you did in your story. If someone is going slow and you can't pass, relax and drive slower. Don't turn to blinding the guy (one or two flashes would get the message across, not keeping them on, ffs), or blaring your horn, etc. If I was that guy, I wouldn't have just gotten your license plate, I would have exchanged a few words as well.

Piss off. Who the hell does the slow driver in front think he is to decide how fast anyone behind him can go? If you can't / won't drive the speed limit, pull the fu*k over and let people pass. It's not up to you to make everyone behind you drive as slow as you. It can cause accidents just as much as people driving too fast - people begin to rage at being forced to drive slow by some arrogant dipsh*t, and do stupid things, like ram them, overtake on a blind corner, speed when they FINALLY manage to get past, etc, etc. People that drive so far under the speed limit should be fined in a similar fashion as speeding drivers, and the fine increases for ever km/mile UNDER the speed limit someone was going.

You're both wrong!

He shouldnt be expected to wait and be forced to waste valuable time by driving slower because of the guy, so something should have been done. But what Stucco is saying is idioticly overkill.

Its like when you play at the golf course. Rules are that if you're going slower than the group behind you, and they keep catching up, you let them pass, then continue on your merry way.

In this case, it was the slow driver who was at fault. A sign of anger from Miccy wasnt entirely called for, but also not unexpected.
I wouldn't pull over if I was the slow guy, thats a disbenefit to me entirely (golf is different, you're not going at these speeds and it wouldn't be that much of a disbenefit) assuming there's a long ass line behind me. This would depend on the problem to the car (slow on purpose of that large speed is uncalled for). If I was miccy I'd've passed on the emergency lane makin sure no cops were around of course.
I wouldn't pull over if I was the slow guy, thats a disbenefit to me entirely (golf is different, you're not going at these speeds and it wouldn't be that much of a disbenefit) assuming there's a long ass line behind me. This would depend on the problem to the car (slow on purpose of that large speed is uncalled for). If I was miccy I'd've passed on the emergency lane makin sure no cops were around of course.
I normally would have passed him illegally but the road I was on was genuinely not safe to pass on.
There's no emergency lane on the roads around here, not even sure what that is
Piss off. Who the hell does the slow driver in front think he is to decide how fast anyone behind him can go? If you can't / won't drive the speed limit, pull the fu*k over and let people pass. It's not up to you to make everyone behind you drive as slow as you. It can cause accidents just as much as people driving too fast - people begin to rage at being forced to drive slow by some arrogant dipsh*t, and do stupid things, like ram them, overtake on a blind corner, speed when they FINALLY manage to get past, etc, etc. People that drive so far under the speed limit should be fined in a similar fashion as speeding drivers, and the fine increases for ever km/mile UNDER the speed limit someone was going.

Hi Shasta.

You're both wrong!

He shouldnt be expected to wait and be forced to waste valuable time by driving slower because of the guy, so something should have been done. But what Stucco is saying is idioticly overkill.

Its like when you play at the golf course. Rules are that if you're going slower than the group behind you, and they keep catching up, you let them pass, then continue on your merry way.

In this case, it was the slow driver who was at fault. A sign of anger from Miccy wasnt entirely called for, but also not unexpected.

Yeah, the slower driver shouldn't have been going so slow, but purposely blinding the driver is out of line.
I'll admit, Qonfused, that it was probably inappropriate, but after having a shitty 8 hour day of work, I just wanted to go home and not have to deal with this guy's BS.
Piss off. Who the hell does the slow driver in front think he is to decide how fast anyone behind him can go? If you can't / won't drive the speed limit, pull the fu*k over and let people pass. It's not up to you to make everyone behind you drive as slow as you. It can cause accidents just as much as people driving too fast - people begin to rage at being forced to drive slow by some arrogant dipsh*t, and do stupid things, like ram them, overtake on a blind corner, speed when they FINALLY manage to get past, etc, etc. People that drive so far under the speed limit should be fined in a similar fashion as speeding drivers, and the fine increases for ever km/mile UNDER the speed limit someone was going.

Someday, someone will spill some juice on you, and you will have a stroke and die. Just because you are unhappy is no reason to be a prick to everyone else.

On topic, it was wrong for you to shine your high beams at him and honk, and it was wrong of him to react the way he did.
I'll admit, Qonfused, that it was probably inappropriate, but after having a shitty 8 hour day of work, I just wanted to go home and not have to deal with this guy's BS.

I seriously understand how annoying a slow driver can be (I live in a resort town where most of the population is 65+), and I truly sympathize with your situation. I do think you were out of line, and, tbh, I don't know why you posted this. Did you really expect people to reply with, "Yeah, blind that mother****er!"?
I'm generally pretty sparing when it comes to expressing my frustration at others on the road, basically because of what you just went through. So much as a honk of the horn (even in a perfectly justified scenario) has gotten me followed extensively or resulted in some dipshit encroaching into my space to try and force me off the road or into a crash in some way. And while I've not had the unpleasant experience of somebody brandishing a firearm at me while on the road, I know people who have, including one who was tracked all the way to his high school parking lot where they fired rounds into the air.

Any way, I can't say I agree with what you did. But if I'd been having a particularly grating day, I might have lost my reservations and done the same.
Did you just shine your highbeams or did you flash them?

Shining them is just a sign of assholery, flashing is just to let people know something or get their attention.
I seriously understand how annoying a slow driver can be (I live in a resort town where most of the population is 65+), and I truly sympathize with your situation. I do think you were out of line, and, tbh, I don't know why you posted this. Did you really expect people to reply with, "Yeah, blind that mother****er!"?
I posted this cause I love y'all and like to let you know what's going on in my life.

Krynn, I flashed first and when they still didn't budge I got pissed and shined them.
It was wrong what you did but you can't take it back. Just learn from it. Worse thing you could do is repeat yourself.
Someday, someone will spill some juice on you, and you will have a stroke and die. Just because you are unhappy is no reason to be a prick to everyone else.

I laughed so ****ing hard.
While I wouldn't react the way you did, I would be pretty angry about the situation. He was really driving 20 MPH less than the speed limit, consistantly? That's pretty god damn slow :|

It reminds me of when I was driving behind a slow driver a couple of months ago. He was going 50 KPH in 60 and 70 zones, and would slow down to 30-35 while passing through intersections (green lights) in the same said speed limit zones. It was driving me bananas, but I didn't freak out and I always kept my distance.

However, when I finally had a passing lane, he stayed in it, so I over took him in the slow lane going 20~ KPH over. I didn't honk my horn or gesture at him, I figure he got the point based on the rate of speed at which I passed the idiot.

I wouldn't have minded so much if he stayed at a constant 50 (10 or 20 KPH below), but he kept slowing down at the many intersections when the light was green with no indication it was going to change anytime soon, often down to 30 KPH, which is 30 and 40 below! :| He was actually forcing me to apply my brakes, even when I was keeping a healthy distance from him to begin with. Under normal circumstances, I should never have to apply my brakes based on what another drive does, especially since I gear down in my standard to slow down.
Can I just add that the speed limit is just that - a limit. No where does it say you have to drive at that speed. That's just us as humans being impatient and wanting to do everything at the limit.
Drivers are rude
Such attitudes
But when I show my piece
Complaints cease
Somethings odd
I feel like Im god
You stupid dumbshit goddam mother****er!

I dont hate you.
Can I just add that the speed limit is just that - a limit. No where does it say you have to drive at that speed. That's just us as humans being impatient and wanting to do everything at the limit.

Ehm, no. You need to go with the flow of traffic, driving below the limit means you are the flow of traffic.
Rubbing my friends pet rabbit on my genitals.

Afterwards i always think "I probably shouldn't have done that"
Drivers are rude
Such attitudes
But when I show my piece
Complaints cease
Somethings odd
I feel like Im god
You stupid dumbshit goddam mother****er!

Is that actually depeche mode or just words that fit the song?
It's a great song :D
My usual attack to these people is to get close to their ass, but not so close that when they brake, I rear end them...and just give them the look of death. It's just curtious to pull over and let people over when you are going so far under the speed limit. Seriously, driving too slow is just as dangerous as driving too fast.
People in the UK can be fined for driving to slow. Its obstruction.
I usually drop a gear or two before overtaking road-hogs ... You can't beat a bit of wheel spin to show your dissatisfaction.
I only get angry when the people are going obscenely slow... but often I drive relatively slowly myself. I used to be much more of a jackass driver, but I've become way more laid back in the past year or so.

I do love passing people going very fast though.
Is that actually depeche mode or just words that fit the song?
It's a great song :D

OOps, crossed wires! I googled and disovered its a completely different song.
(BTW I was thinking of Enjoy the Silence by Depeche Mode)