

May 25, 2003
Reaction score
Experts said the success of the Half-Life 2 anti-piracy system might tempt other game makers into creating their own version.

Ohhh I'm happy that other game developers might have make me have to validate my game 4000 times before I can play.

I guess if "success" means annoying your customers with a buggy program to catch a couple of pirates than I think valve was pretty successful.
20,000+ seems to be more pirates than a couple, but I understand your dread... On the bright side, competition does indeed tend to breed excellence. Perhaps having others getting in on the act will force Valve to create a STEAM that performs much better than it does now.
"Experts said the success of the Half-Life 2 anti-piracy system might tempt other game makers into creating their own version."

Oh crap, here we go...

"Experts", "success" huh? Valve came out with it, so now everyone wants to follow? This is what I was afraid of.

Steam is the worst thing I have ever seen in gaming so far. It is a nightmere that it came about in the first place, and a horror to think that it might "catch on". STEAM: Phychological torture experiment.

I have been a PC Gamer for most of my gaming time. I have been very happy knowing I am a PCGamer, and not a console gamer. I will never play another PC Game that follows the SteamingPile path...online activation for single-play, and torment programs(Steam).

I hope this does not catch on, or it will be a dark future.
