Shooting Strategy????



Hey there...I am a long time player of TFC and just started on Half Life 2. When I am playing the DeathMatch game, I am getting killed immediately. I can even have a more high powered gun or the same and start shooting someone first and they are still killing me. This is really weird! Do you only go for head shots? What is the strategy here?

No strategy really; just keep a steady shooting until they die. Typically you'd always to try aim for the head, except when using the Crossbow.

Remember. The SPAS-12 Shotgun is capable of shelling out two rounds at a time with the press of MB2. Though, subsequently, it drains your ammo twice as fast.

Practice, practice, and practice with the Gravity Gun and Grenade combo. Becoming familiar with this and perfecting the timing can really help you in hectic times.

Don't forget to check the option for 'Quick Weapon Switch' in Options under Keyboard and Advanced.

Another useful tactic is launching the SMG's secondary and then quickly equipping your shotgun and blasting them before they have a chance to hit the ground. Or, hit them with the xbow and use the shotgun.

Allow the orb balls to become yours. If someone launches one at you, immediately whip out your Gravity Gun and catch it and launch it back at them. If you can, keep it for as long as possible.

The bolts from the xbow are able to ricochet off surfaces. So think about that and use that to your advantage.

I'm sure there are some more simple strategies. I'll keep posting what comes to mind.
Jump. A lot. Strafe jumping (With use of crouch too) works best.
Aiming for the guy helps too.
Amish-Technology said:
Link works fine for me if I just click it.

?_? Gwah![/confused]

Was AmishSlayer bant?

Oh and BTW, has a wonderful guide to HL2: DM.

Some people don't seem to realise that there's more to this site than just the forums, while others are the exact opposite.
TFC: Shoot them in the head.
CS: Shoot them in the head.
TS: Shoot them in the head.
Hidden: Shoot it in the invisible head/knife them in the head
BF2: Shoot them in the head, or run over their head.
Aiming for the head is the most effective way of shooting when any weapon, but the crossbow is very powerful, so it's not always needed. And if you know you have hit them once with either the crossbow or the magnum, it's usually easy to finish them of with either the SMG or the pulse-rifle or even the pistol at times.

joule said:
The SPAS-12 Shotgun
Where exactly do you find that shotgun? I only know about the normal one, the one you can find under the stairs and in the supercharger room on dm_lockdown among other places. The one named shotgun, you know, this one:

netrex said:
Where exactly do you find that shotgun? I only know about the normal one, the one you can find under the stairs and in the supercharger room on dm_lockdown among other places. The one named shotgun, you know, this one:


ROFL indeed!

The HL2 shotgun is modeled after the Italian made Franchi Spas 12 automatic shotgun.
sinkoman said:
ROFL indeed!

The HL2 shotgun is modeled after the Italian made Franchi Spas 12 automatic shotgun.
That doesn't matter. As you can plainly see, it's name is shotgun.
Sulkdodds said:
Is your name Homo Sapiens?
No, and? That the kind of weapon it is, is a shotgun, doesn't mean the name for it in the game isn't shotgun.
I was just being annoying. It's not really worth arguing about it, but it is a SPAS 12.
Sulkdodds said:
I was just being annoying. It's not really worth arguing about it, but it is a SPAS 12.

No, it just looks like one ;) I know it's not worth arguing about, but I still feel the urge to comment on it whenever I see it.
I just took the names from here at Weapons and Items on the frontpage.
to get a shot on target with the Xbow i have to aim 2cm to the right of target (even on a target that is not moving, does anybody else have this error? it doesn't happen on any ohter weapon.

Does anyone know where i can get the mod to have a single dot instead of the crosshairs (and where do i install it to?)
Might be the same bug that makes the bolt go to the left for me and a lot of others from time to time. I have no idea though why this happens. Someone suggested it was winds on the maps, but that's not it.

Have you tried reinstalling HL2DM?
RC-73 said:
to get a shot on target with the Xbow i have to aim 2cm to the right of target (even on a target that is not moving, does anybody else have this error? it doesn't happen on any ohter weapon.

Does anyone know where i can get the mod to have a single dot instead of the crosshairs (and where do i install it to?)

One word...

Thanks Joule.

That was easier to install than i thought it would be.
Loading up on armor really helps. I never tested this myself, but I read somewhere that the damage algorithm is that 20% of the damage is immediately applied to health. The remaining damage is applied to armor (if available), and each point of armor absorbs 2 points of damage. If you don't have enough armor then the remainder is applied point for point to health.

So, if you have enough armor, and take 100 damage, your health would go down 20 and your armor would go down 40. What I take away from this is collecting armor should be a high priority in your strategy. Unless you are really low on health, grabbing 15 armor is worth twice 15 health.
ether said:
Loading up on armor really helps. I never tested this myself, but I read somewhere that the damage algorithm is that 20% of the damage is immediately applied to health. The remaining damage is applied to armor (if available), and each point of armor absorbs 2 points of damage. If you don't have enough armor then the remainder is applied point for point to health.

So, if you have enough armor, and take 100 damage, your health would go down 20 and your armor would go down 40. What I take away from this is collecting armor should be a high priority in your strategy. Unless you are really low on health, grabbing 15 armor is worth twice 15 health.
My guide says that. It is true.

SMG: 1 damage to health
Pistol: 2 damage to health
Crowbar: 10 damage to health

Headshots deal 3x normal damage.
Amish-Technology said:
My guide says that. It is true.

SMG: 1 damage to health
Pistol: 2 damage to health
Crowbar: 10 damage to health

Headshots deal 3x normal damage.
? Sure the Crowbar does 10 damage? It does 25 damage, which is why it takes four hits to the body, to die.
AFAIK there are no head shots for the stunstick crowbar and crossbow.
- Gordon
If the crowbar has 25 hit points per whack, then according to the algorithm, 20% (or 5 hit points) would be applied to health. The remaining 20 points would apply to armor at a 2:1 ratio, so 10 reduction to armor.
Polar_Bear said:
What he means Pincus, is 10 damage when you have armor on. :)
My mistake. I should have read the above posts.
- Gordon
Damn... should have payed attention in Algebra