Shopping cart shortage leads to Salami and Cheese brawl ..


May 5, 2004
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62 really:

Authorities in Germany said two shoppers were hospitalized following a brawl involving the use of salami and Parmesan cheese as weapons.

Police in Aachen said the incident began Saturday when a 74-year-old man and a 35-year-old woman engaged in a tug-of-war over an empty cart in the parking lot of a supermarket, Britain's The Daily Telegraph reported Monday.

The woman's 24-year-old brother punched the other man to the ground and the siblings proceeded into the store with their 53-year-old mother.

The man followed the trio into the store and attacked the 24-year-old using salami as a club. The mother used a piece of sharp Parmesan as a knife to jab at the man and she cracked her head on a glass counter top during the struggle

"En Garde, I stab at thee with Parmesan cheese"

"nomnomnom FOOL!!! your knife is nomnomnom completely ineffectual, have a side of SALAMI!!"

Investigators said tensions were high at the busy supermarket due to a shortage of shopping carts.

a shopping cart is all that stands between civilization and anarchy in germany it seems
Punching a 74-year-old man over a shopping cart? What the fuck?
They're definitely going to spoil their appetite!!

I am the cheese. I am the best character on this show. I am better than the salami and the bologna combined.

p.s. I had to link that image without actually knowing if it was the right image, so I hope it came out correctly you'll know if it's right if it is, and photobucket is blocked so it just comes out as a gray dot :l
Doing whatever it takes. I frequently bludgeon shoppers with salami for no reason other than my own amusement; I can relate.
isn't this what made hitler so angry towards the jews? i'm betting a jewish guy stole his cart.
The mother used a piece of sharp Parmesan as a knife to jab at the man and she cracked her head on a glass counter top during the struggle.

At least she was smart enough to use the sharp Parmesan.