Shores of Glory


Companion Cube
Jul 3, 2003
Reaction score
"Yesterday, December 7th 1941, a date which will live in infamy, the United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval and air forces of the Empire of Japan. It is obvious that planning the attack began many weeks ago....I regret to tell you that over 3000 American lives have been lost. No matter how long it may take us to overcome this premeditated invasion, the American people in their righteous might will win through to victory. Because of this unprovoked dastardly attack by Japan, I ask that the congress declare a state of war."
Hey, I think that sounds like a good idea for a game! Evidently great minds think alike. Shores of Glory is a modification attempting to bring the blazing tropical battles of World War 2's pacific theatre to DoD: Source with new weapons, skins, maps and even voice taunts ("Baka!"). Their latest media release, showing off the beautiful island of Pelelui - with HDR - and the ruined streets of the Philipines, is gigantic. [br]

[br]You can find the full release and more at the Shores of Glory homepage. Hopefully, shoving asian citizens into concentration camps/slaughtering 23 million Chinese (depending on which side you play) will not be required.
not to shit on the parade but it doesn't seem that amazing to me. decent, but nothing special.
Isn't it hard enough to get owners of HL2 to populate a mod, nevermind DoD owners only?
There's a HL2 version being developed as well. It will be released after the DoD: Source version.
Wow, finally a WW2 game. There simply aren't enough of these.
Xune said:
Wow, finally a WW2 game. There simply aren't enough of these.

Read before you post, It's a sort of expansion pack to DoD:S.
Beerdude26 said:
Will it cost teh monies?
Errr, Doesn't look like it?

Bah, click the link in the news post, N00BZ!!!!11 :O
So it's a mod for a mod in an over clogged genre. Silly me.

Get over yourself.
Xune said:
So it's a mod for a mod in an over clogged genre. Silly me.

Get over yourself.

Oh and, there's hardly any good Pacific Theatre WW2 games out there, so that's a plus.

But, whatever.
I can never get tired of all of the WW2 games coming out... as long as they each present something new or rarely done.
aeroripper said:
View distance on source sucks... look at how soon the land fogs out

That's not a Source thing, it's what the mapper has decided to do (you could have fog that drops visibilty down to less than a metre if you wanted).
WOW, how old are you kid? First of all, it was the JAPANESE, not the Chinese, and yes, it is a big difference, unless you like being confused with Native American Indians since you're both from the same continent.

And second, remove the comment about the concentration camp and show some tact...
"wow not another ww2 game"

the next person who says that gets a patented Stern Dropkick to the Face™

you have no intention of playing the game, (or any ww2 game) so why do the rest of us need to hear you crap on other people's hard work without knowing one iota of what this game is about? Get tired of saying this "dont like it, dont play it"
It looks like Far Cry ......... It's Far Life ....... no, no. Half Cry!
filmguy123 said:
WOW, how old are you kid? First of all, it was the JAPANESE, not the Chinese, and yes, it is a big difference, unless you like being confused with Native American Indians since you're both from the same continent. And second, remove the comment about the concentration camp and show some tact...
"WOW, how old are you kid?" Stop assuming so much and read more carefully. Do you think perhaps I meant the slaughter by the Japanese forces of rather a lot of ethnic Chinese living in southeast asia? Or was I supposed to say the Japanese killed 23 million Japanese? I was presenting examples of both American and Japanese atrocities - the former included shoving nissei and issei in concentration camps (and many other people who 'looked' Japanese, as far as I'm aware) whereas the latter have a whole page on wikipedia.

I will not be removing the comment and I think it's you who needs to show some tact considering that you didn't read the post properly and went off on a rant, and also I'm not a kid and not American either.

EDIT: On re-reading I can see how you could get the two mixed, think I was referring to Japanese camps, and make the same mistake you did. But when the newspost contains the word 'baka' and a quote referring directly to Japan, do you really think I don't know the difference between the Chinese and the Japanese?