Should EA Publish Valve Games?

Should EA Publish Valve Games?

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Of course. They're a great publisher.

They just don't care for their employees and suck as a developer.

Luckily Valve is independent. They'll just keep making great games.
i just think that somehow EA will publish the games wrong. It just wouldn't be EA's style to actually miss an opportunity to screw something up
i dont buy ea games just because i dont like ea at all (hey its my money), so luckily i already have hl2 lol
Kamikazie said:
i just think that somehow EA will publish the games wrong. It just wouldn't be EA's style to actually miss an opportunity to screw something up
They just want the money and they know they get more of it if they let Valve work on their own.
Just so long as they don't touch a single semi-colon of the code (programmers will know what I mean) I don't care. Go ahead, slam that "challenge everything" freak into the game, just don't ever touch the patches. Go ahead, give the developers your "creative reasoning", just don't force a contract down their throught so that your 3 year old son can have a "go" at the updates.
I think EA should publish Valve's Games.
I dont see whats the problem.
Its not like they are going to fire Valve employees and replace them with their own.
Member17 said:
I think EA should publish Valve's Games.
I dont see whats the problem.
Its not like they are going to fire Valve employees and replace them with their own.

And you know that's not going to happen HOW?
sinkoman said:
And you know that's not going to happen HOW?
Because unless Valve was literally retarded, EA would have no possible way of doing that. EA is acting as a distributor for SOME of Valve's content. They don't own Valve, they aren't funding Valve, they aren't distrubitnig enough of Valve's content to threaten them and they can't buy Valve unless Valve itself sells the company to them.
In a nutshell, valve is alone no matter what company they choose to go with.
Hell, Valve could threaten EA..
EA: You guys better!!!
Valve: You know...I just got off the phone with a guy from ubisoft....
Ea: ......(Thinks...we want more money...we want compeition to have less money..) Hey Valve, buddies!
i think it would be kool but if it never happens i wouldnt care one bit! :)
This poll is all wrong, you guys should read the news a little closer. EA is only distributing 2 valve titles (HL2 xbox, HL2 GOTY). They're not really publishing valve titles, as such.

Valve have announced they're going to do something extrodinary, and setup their own publishing and distribution for future titles! If they can pull this off, aside from being the first developer in the world to do so, they'll maintain complete creative control of their work and be able to keep making kick ass games, rather than having a publisher watching over them going "oh, i don't think a phyiscs gun is a good idea. that's never been done before and it might not sell!"
Give the guys at Valve a little bit of credit, they wouldn't jump into a deal that would cause them to lose their rights as a developer (isn't that why they left vivendi in the first place?).
I don't think there should be any worry towards EA changing Valve's development practices because Valve is still self-publishing their titles-- and it's not as if everybody loves the way Valve develops their games either, unless we've all forgotten the Sept.30 delay and everything surrounding that.
I believe EA are just publishing the console titles and a GOTY edition of HL2. Other than that i think Valve are pretty much publishing every other future game.
EA are much better marketers anyway; the friction between vivendi and Valve meant that even the HL2 collector's edition was poor. I honestly think if EA had distributed HL2, it would have sold a lot more copies. You'd just feel like washing your hands after playing it, that's all :p

I wouldn't be suprised if the console versions sell more than retail HL2.
Meh. I don't care, I guess. It's not like EA can really touch Valve in any way. The Gabemeister is in control here.

Still, I would have preferred partnership with a publisher that was... Oh, I don't know. Less evil.
I just hope this doesn't mean they're gonna rush future halflife's to shit
I just hope this doesn't mean they're gonna rush future halflife's to shit
How come various people keep saying this?

Tell me how are they gonna touch valve?
EA: Valve we want your game released now:
Valve: WTf you gonna do about it?
EA: We'll cut ur funding!
Valve: Were self funded..
EA: We'll use all our shares and force you to.
Valve: Gabe owns it...we don't have shares..
EA: Er....
Valve: Also we wouldn't of signed a contract that allows us to make us EA go back to the shithole you came from. Thank when were ready you will distribute our game.
Guys!! Just imagine starting a HL game with that ***-ass "EA GAMES.. CHALLENGE EVERYTHING" before playing!!
Soon we'll be playing HL Rally (not the mod one) with all the main characters of hl. Then.. before you know it HL basketball with GTA graphics, afterwards Battle Field: City 17!! Mwahahahaha!!
Now look what you've done! You've pissed off Samon! And that's worse than letting EA publish Valve titles.
special-ed said:
Guys!! Just imagine starting a HL game with that ***-ass "EA GAMES.. CHALLENGE EVERYTHING" before playing!!

You dont get that if you buy over steam :)

I don't mind them publishing the games. All they're doing is stiucking them on disks and putting them in boxes.
I dont like buying things over steam. Things could go wrong.. Like some homeless man could barge into your house and start shouting "I want freedom of speech!", then when you deny his request, he would say "You are just like your godfather."
Samon said:
Joy. :bounce:

By the way, for those who miracelously don't know - Half-Life: Aftermath won't be published exclusively via Steam, and a special thanks goes to Chris_D for letting us in on that. EA is going to put HL:A throughout the stores.
By boycotting the new EA boxes, your depriving Valve some of their money, too. :|
By boycotting the new EA boxes, your depriving Valve some of their money, too
If you buy off steam that would be considering boycotting EA and giving valve more money.

Cuz EA gets 0% of Steam money. Thus if you buy off Steam your saying "**** you EA you don't get my money valve does!".

Guys!! Just imagine starting a HL game with that ***-ass "EA GAMES.. CHALLENGE EVERYTHING" before playing!!
Btw ur pretty stupid..I mean...we already know EA can't put Challenge Everything in the game or there logo.
EA dosn't own anything of HL. So all that other stuff..well just makes u look more retarded.
I don't like EA, but I can't see Valve being effected by this deal. I'll probably get Aftermath over Steam anyway... HL3, I'm not so sure about... but frankly, it could be the year 2072 by the time HL3 comes out. At least we'll be playing around in Cyberspace whenever the world isn't being threatened by rogue corporate AIs... shame I'll be 86 when it all happens. But rest assured, Tri-Optimum Corp will publish Half-Life 3, not EA. Swapping one tyrant for a mega-scary fictional one.

Yeah, I voted "I don't care" ^^