should gym in high school be mandatory?

should gym be mandatory in high school?

  • yes

    Votes: 91 69.5%
  • no

    Votes: 63 48.1%

  • Total voters


Jun 16, 2006
Reaction score
Im not saying gym class is bad, its just that i went to register for my sophomore year in high school today and i cannot take a jazz ensemble band class because i have to take 2 gym classes :( i hope to study music in college but how can i do that if i cant even study it in high school? what do you guys think?
You can study music in college without having studied it in High School.

And I voted no (btw, i think you can vote both in your poll with the check boxes)
in the US it probably has to be given the obesity levels and bad diet/food culture
Although it sucks that its getting in the way of your ambition - you should probably discuss it with your dean/principal
You can study music in college without having studied it in gym.

:LOL: Yeah..

It should definitely be mandatory. Where else are the fat asses going to get ridiculed? (Everywhere.. But still..)
Gym sucked for me, it was basically a bunch of kids who didn't give two shits about the class, many of them who were repeating it for their second or third time. By the end of the class, about 25 percent of the class had either been expelled or dropped out. Plus, the excersises were stupid, and didn't get me in any better shape (and yes, I actually bothered with trying them).
We didn't have exercises or anything. It was an hour of dodgeball every day. Nothing like pegging fat kids with dodge balls.
Im not saying gym class is bad, its just that i went to register for my sophomore year in high school today and i cannot take a jazz ensemble band class because i have to take 2 gym classes :( i hope to study music in college but how can i do that if i cant even study it in high school? what do you guys think?

ha.ha.ha! in our school, band counts as a gym class ;)

and for good reason, I've been marching outside in the 100-degree heat for eight hours today.
but what is the point of having TWO gym classes? thats all year daggummit. im not really fat or out of shape, im just ticked that i can't take the classes i want to take.
Yes, it's important that youngsters keep in shape, and the school can help them with that.
Gym class was always awesome when you had a few beers during lunch break.
I think it should be to an extent. I mean 1 year manditory. But at my school you needed more PE credits to grad then math. Now that is just wrong. I never liked PE but I did it. I am all for classes being manditory, but there needs to be a balance on what course are more important.
Really? That's horrible.. Schools here start around September 1st. My University starts on September 7th this year.
Are those two gym classes you're taking mandatory? Screw gym, I'd take the jazz ones any day over gym.
I was lucky enough that my school offered a summer gym class, so I didn't have to take it during the school year. Well, lucky is relative. I didn't have to get all sweatied up and have to go to classes, or lose classes I wanted to take for gym, but summer gym still sucks. It started at ~8:00AM every morning for about two months of summer and went until ~11:30AM, mostly outside.

So luck is very relative in this case. But gym should still be mandatory.
Really? That's horrible.. Schools here start around September 1st. My University starts on September 7th this year.

Im in college though... we go year round for two years (and get 4 years worth of education). Our biggest break is Christmas break, two weeks. Anyways, I dont think Gym should be mandatory unless they change it completely and make it worth the time. All is was back in HS was dodgeball / kickball / golf (with wiffle balls) / archery (which actually was worth it, but was only 1 week)
If doctors and scientists say that it is healthy to be physically active for some amount of time everyday, then I say yes: schools should support it.
No. There's enough people in class that just sit around. I guess the exercises we did at the beginning were good though, and just running around was ok. Hmm... so maybe 1 year of PE should be mandatory. Or maybe they should change it to an exercise class instead of a beat-people-up-in-dodgeball class.
i don't think its a bad thing, if you have a problem with it it just means you're some dorky loser who feels bad when other guys see his shirt off in the locker room or is embarrassed because he sucks at sports

lets put it this way, i didn't mind gym at all, and i'm the skinniest mother****er alive, not to mention i suck at every sport ever.

although i did kick everyone's ass at pullups (i weigh between 105 and 115, so i can do a hell of a lot)
Awww, this thread is making me remember just how awesome school was at times..

Meh, Uni FTW! :D
I voted Yes & No.

I think Yes, it should be mandatory up to a certain age (probably 16 or 18).

It's the only way some kids are going to get exercise to be honest.
America is already one of the fattest countries in the world, gym is our only hope
No its not important. 95% of the gym teachers don't even give a damn if the kid sits on the bleachers. And a lot of times those are the fat/out of shape kids not trying to make fun of anyone but its true I know because I have to take that stupid class
Awww, this thread is making me remember just how awesome school was at times..

Meh, Uni FTW! :D

I know I miss high school, so much fun was had. I wish I could go back again.
And PE should be mandatory for one year at least, preferable all years of HS. In some cases it is the only excercise some kids get nowadays.
No it should not. But at my High School you only have to take 2 years of gym then you can keep taking it or take another class.
They need to make gym class more than the recruitment method for the school's sports teams--something that interests kids in physical activity when they are young, and encourages them into keeping the habit for the rest of their life.

I don't think gym class should be designed for athletes, in other words. It needs to be set up for those of us who want to be active, but have NO intention of becoming involved in organized sports.

For example, a hike is more interesting than running laps around a track.
They need to make gym class more than the recruitment method for the school's sports teams--something that interests kids in physical activity when they are young, and encourages them into keeping the habit for the rest of their life.

I don't think gym class should be designed for athletes, in other words. It needs to be set up for those of us who want to be active, but have NO intention of becoming involved in organized sports.

For example, a hike is more interesting than running laps around a track.

they already have cross country while track season is off.

anyways, i doubt parents want their 12 yr old kids hiking regularly through a forest or woods full of god knows what dangers. a track is at least safe...
At my school, freshman gym consisted of basketball and flag football.
Sophomore year we had a choice in something or weight training, junior and senior years we could take gym as an elective for somethign specific.

Speaking of electives, you should be able to take both a music class and gym class, unless your school curriculum is retarded.
I voted yes. Only exerecise a lot of people get, tbh.