should I be a decoy?


Aug 13, 2004
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my dad offered me that I could be a decoy for his Sherriffs Department.
going in 2 Liquer shops trying 2 buy alcohol (Im only 17)
so it sounds cool BUT I think I would feel bad for the people working there :(
so Im not really sure If can do it without feeling bad.but then again whats so hard about asking for ID?
I thought I should make a thread cuz its a moral thing, I wanna know what you guys think.:cheers:
Nah, dont feel guilty, they're contributing to the underage drinkers.
Spicy Tuna said:
my dad offered me that I could be a decoy for his Sherriffs Department.
going in 2 Liquer shops trying 2 buy alcohol (Im only 17)
so it sounds cool BUT I think I would feel bad for the people working there :(
so Im not really sure If can do it without feeling bad.but then again whats so hard about asking for ID?
I thought I should make a thread cuz its a moral thing, I wanna know what you guys think.:cheers:

Do it.

Law enforcement is extremly helpful to the society.
but imagine the guy thats working there is new and maybe sometimes he forgets
2 ask for ID...that would be unfair me thinks

btw Im not even sure If I will get paid :/ he didnt say anything about money.
Just do it!
Then if they let you have it, just tell them "Excuse me, Sir/Ma'am... You were about to sell me liquor and I'm underage!" :|
Well, if you get paid then do it. It will also look good that you worked for the police when you go for job interviews and stuff.
Why would you feel bad about dropping these guys in trouble? Underage drinking is a significant problem, you'd be helping to stop it.
Spicy Tuna said:
but imagine the guy thats working there is new and maybe sometimes he forgets
2 ask for ID...that would be unfair me thinks

I've worked in an Off License, its extremely unlikely that they forget. Although sometimes you pass people off for +18, when they're actually under 16; its hard to tell sometimes.
Sounds like a good way to get yourself killed by an angry shop owner.
I'd feel pretty uncomfortable doing that myself.
I'd do it as long as I was being paid, and only if the police officers don't burst in the moment you leave the store. If they went in the next day or something to speak to the owner about it, then I wouldn't care.
Do it, sounds fun. Alot of under-aged little bastards get drink from places like that and go around smashing stuff and attacking people in drunken rages, causes so many problems. (you do of course get the responsible drinkers, which are hard to come by ;)) But if you can help clean up your streets then you are gonna be living in a better, safer place.
Shodan said:
Sounds like a good way to get yourself killed by an angry shop owner.

Not really... the way these things work is that the cops wait outside. If the kid walks out with the alchohol then they go in and do their thing. If not, they move on the to the next place.
Lolo, Lemonking: Ultraspyman.

Go for it, because regardless of what happens it'll be HILARIOUS.
don't do it, think of all the underage drinkers you're going to deprive of alcohol... besides, when I worked at a gas station I never carded for smokes, though that was mostly because I was 16 and not even allowed to buy them myself, let alone sell them
Well... accept the offer, but when you have gotten the alcohol do the classic movie thing: drop the package, draw your weapon, aim with two hands and shout: "FREEZE! Federal Agent! Don't move! Everybody on the ground, NOW!"

That should do it >:]
Only if you wear a trenchcoat, detective hat and sunglasses, with your collar turned up really high and sidle about suspiciously while looking shiftily from side to side.
Yeah, if you walk into an alcohol store with a sub-machine gun, and say "Give me the ****ing money or you're dead" that's street slang for "A bottle of scotch, mate?"

You will then be able to ascertain whether he serves underage people or not.

Simple job!
Except those of us who get children to bring us alchohol, we look down on your kind. I mean they.
I recently quit my job of over 2 years at a gas station. I would always worry when I just said to myself 'oh screw it, this ID is fake but I'm not in the mood to argue with the kid' that the ABC would be outside waiting to cuff me and take me away. It's that excitement, the promise of public humiliation and a $5000 fine, that kept me going for all those years.

I say nail the punks!
If you do it,

Your school chums will beat you.
If your dad promises you an XBox 360 or PS3 or the newest gfx card, then by all means.

Warning: I'm in a college town. People DO know who and what happens, and nary a person forgets.
If you're having doubts isn't that enough? You can't handle the EXTREME pressure.
