Should I be mad?


Nov 17, 2004
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So I've been talking to this girl for a few weeks now that I've known for a while, but never really talked to up until that point. We flirted a bit and hung out randomly, but tonight we actually went out together. My roommate was also around and we were talking for a while. I had a football scrimmage tonight, so I wasn't up for dancing, so she danced with random dudes including my room mate. So the club closed and we went along, but my room mate convinced her that she was more sober and should drive his car home... so she did. I get back first and put her purse and such (that was still in my car) downstairs and go upstairs, assuming she'd leave after driving him home.

Well, I go downstairs to see if she got her shit, but it's still where I put it. Then I look over and they are cuddled up on his futon. I basically just said "what the ****... is this how it's gonna be?" and sort of called them out. She ends up leaving and my room mate apologized. I feel weird now. I don't know if my room mate is just an asshole (having known I was trying to get with her all night) or this girl is just a big slutbag and I should write it off based on that.

I really only thought shit like this happened on MTV's dramatic bullshit, but I've been living with my friend for all of a week and this already went down. Honestly, I don't know how to feel. Am I crazy to have called them out? It seems better than sitting idly and letting it sit in my head pissing me off. I'd like to get some other opinions though...
The answer is simple, they're both ****heads and should be treated as such. Get rid of the slut and have leeway against your friend for getting away with shit.
Ask his and her opinion on Arkham Asylum. You can figure out who's good and who's bad.
That's shitty. I'd forget about her if I were you.
Yeah I'd be mad. It's not nice when your friend lets you down like that.
Reminds me of this scene in "From Paris with Love."

Max: Will you leave your cellphone for a second?
Reece: I just need to make this one call. Okay!
Max:Calling your girl ain't gonna get you home any quicker.
Reece: You don't have anybody to go home to, do you?
Max: I thought you already met my wife? <gun>
Reece: You met Caroline,
Reece: you might feel a little different.
Max:I woke up with my share of Caroline's.
Reece: She is no ordinary girl Wax!.
Max: They never are.

I've been in your situation before, worse even, the noises from the next room making my blood boil. However that was one of the things that set me on a journey that opened my eyes to many things. A girl like that wouldn't get a second look these days, much less a first. Hate to break the "Santa Claus fantasy"... the girl is nothing special, I woke up with my fare share of Caroline's.

What your roommate did was ****ed up, no doubt, I certainly would not let it slide.... but there's something else far more valuable to you....

The important thing here is what lessons can be learned from this? I suspect that... your roommate "pulled the trigger" while you were wasting time trying to slowly make her fall in love. Girls LOVE to cuddle, they LOVE sex... often enough the difference between friend zone and getting the woman is having the balls to use your balls.

It's criticize success, and complain about what is unfair and wish the world to be different. However, a wiser man takes these lessons and uses them to his advantage.
Perhaps your friend has a right to his own sexual desires, and perhaps you should have made it clear to him that you were interested in this girl. Of course, he doesn't have to pay attention to a damn thing you say, but that would have made him doing what he did a bit more clear cut. Perhaps you were assuming that he'd somehow telepathically understand that you were interested in this girl and then out of his own good-will not do anything with her

tl;dr, go for a threesome, he sounds hot
Damn dude, there are TWO great relationship threads going on on the front page. Today is a good day!

Alright, let's break this down:

"Guys, I went out with a girl who I never really had a conversation with, and we went out to the club with my friend but I didn't want to dance even though we went out to the club so she spent the night dancing with my friend and talking to my friend and then we get home and she wants to cuddle with my friend! What the hell guys should I be mad I mean obviously this chick is a giant slut I TALKED to her,, I talked to her, and then she goes off and wants to stay close to the guy she spent the evening with wtf I can't believe this how could my roommate betray me like this is he just an asshole or what?"
Yes you should be, but dont get too mad cuz then its just unreasonable.

There is this one girl that ive known for about 3 years now, and i have been friend zoned long long ago. We often go to parties together and stuff, and ofcourse i really want to get with her. The most horrible moment was when me, her, and some other asshole airman guy was sleeping in a room. She met the guy a few days before and out of nowhere i can hear how she is sucking his dick. I slowly turn around and i see her head going up and down on his crotch, while his head is leaning back as he is breathing heavily.

I seriously cant understand girls like that. You have known me for 3 god damn years, you now me very well, and you know i am able to **** the living shit out of you on your command, and yet she decides to blow some random guy who is dumb as ****. Im no Brad Pit, but im not ugly either, so what the ****? MY DICK IS READY TO GO, HAVE SEX WITH ME..WHY WONT YOU HAVE SEX WITH ME?

She won't have sex with you because you've been hung up on the same girl for 3 years when she specifically expresses no interest in you, and then you proceed to go on the internet and demonize the men whose dicks she does want to suck instead of just moving the hell on.
She won't have sex with you because you've been hung up on the same girl for 3 years when she specifically expresses no interest in you, and then you proceed to go on the internet and demonize the men whose dicks she does want to suck instead of just moving the hell on.

That would be true if she was the only girl. Im just out for some sex and fun time, just like her. I dont really care who the girl is, as long as shes attractive. There is plenty of girls that ive fooled around with, but this one just doesnt want to, which i respect. But the thing that is annoying me is that she gets with random dudes she barely knows all the time, yet she cant get with me for 1 night? Maybe the laws of the Friendzone is true, its impossible to break it.
forget them bitches
aint nuthin but snitches
they messin' yer brains
an' leave yer heart up in stitches
There is plenty of girls that ive fooled around with, but this one just doesnt want to, which i respect. But the thing that is annoying me is that she gets with random dudes
If you respect that she doesn't want to sleep with you, why do you even care who she does have sex with? Seriously. Why even bother to care? See, you shouldn't even be trying to break out of the friendzone. I mean, not like you could, because the friendzone is a pocket dimension of infinite mass where not even light can escape, but the fact that you're like, "You sleep with all these other guys, why can't you sleep with me?!" is's sad, bro. You realize that, right? Going on the internet and saying, "Oh these guys she sleeps with are people she doesn't even know, and they're dumb, and blah blah blah" is just sad.

You already get with other girls, so forget about ever having sex with this one. EVER. Don't even worry about who she does have sex with, because it ain't your problem or your business.
That would be true if she was the only girl. Im just out for some sex and fun time, just like her. I dont really care who the girl is, as long as shes attractive. There is plenty of girls that ive fooled around with, but this one just doesnt want to, which i respect. But the thing that is annoying me is that she gets with random dudes she barely knows all the time, yet she cant get with me for 1 night? Maybe the laws of the Friendzone is true, its impossible to break it.

bs, u mad, u like her. otherwise u wouldnt care what dick she sukin
I know its none of my business, and i know its pathetic for me to even talk about it, but let me put it this way:

There is 5 girls infront of you, each one have avarage looks. All 5 of them is willing to get down and have some fun. Wouldnt you take all 5 of them? Why leave out the 5th? Why not take all that you can have?

Its not that im obsessed or is craving to get with her, i just dont understand girls like that in general, their thinking. She clearly likes dick, and dick is available, yet she turns it down. When pussy is available for me, i would never turn it down.

Ofcourse its not as simple as black and white like that, so there is probably something else behind it. Oh well.
No no, see, this is what you're getting confused about. Dick IS available to her, she's just turning down yours. Sounds to me like she's got no problem getting dick. I think that's what you've got the problem with, that out of all the knobs she's slobbing, yours ain't one of them, and you just don't know why. 'CAUSE SHE JUST DON'T WANT YOURS.
Learn to judge women better. If she's the type who would end up cuddling on a futon with someone she just met that night then you'd hardly want to marry her.

She'll have 20+ boyfriends after your roommate and has probably had 20 dicks in her mouth before him.

Kiss her if you want. I wouldn't go near it.
I dont really care who the girl is, as long as shes attractive. There is plenty of girls that ive fooled around with, but this one just doesnt want to, which i respect. But the thing that is annoying me is that she gets with random dudes she barely knows all the time, yet she cant get with me for 1 night? Maybe the laws of the Friendzone is true, its impossible to break it.

pointing out the lulz.

Now were just getting into the retarded gender differentiation.

Subject has had relations with multiple partners.
Female: Slut
Male: Hero
I don't know if she's a slut, and I can't say anything more or less would have happened, but she was in bed with a guy that she'd met no more than five hours prior. If I hadn't said anything I have no idea what would or could have happened.

Just for some clarity, this is a girl I went to school with for years locally, but never talked to because... well frankly I was never attracted to her and that wasn't an issue going to public school with 1400 people. We both recently came back in town after college and other shit and I met her again at the gym a few weeks ago. She also invited herself out with me last night.

Honestly I didn't expect anything to happen that night, but I mean I wouldn't have objected. The last thing I expected was what happened My room mate has been a friend of mine for years and he's never done anything like this, nor I to him. I feel like it was just this girl being a bitch because I was fairly clear with everything.

I just feel like I can't trust my friend as much. I could care less about this girl.
Why can't you still trust your friend? You all three went out. She ended up liking him more. What's the problem? You don't even give a shit about the girl. Stop affecting this attitude like your friend betrayed your trust or did something underhanded, because he didn't. You all went out. He talked with her, he danced with her. She cuddles with him at the end of the night.

Well no shit.

This, "We've been friends for years and he's never done this, I feel like I can't trust him" shit makes it sound like you walked in on the dude with your wife. She's some girl that you went out to a club with that you've barely talked with before, and she ended up spending the majority of the time there with him (and other random guys). You're acting like your friend and this girl snuck behind your back or something.
Dark, you're forgetting that most guys are as illogical as the bitches they complain about. Take a deep breath.
Darkside is spot on with this one.

As for the situation with your friend, its a clear cut situation from where I am standing. You just wait for him to get close to some chick, steal her and make sure he discovers you in bed with her before you ****, then you two fight so you can release your pent up anger and he can release his sudden rage. Then you two get really tired and bruised from fighting and start laughing and bam, you're back to being friends again.
Maybe you're right Darkside. I'm sure that's a rare thing for anyone on to say. But I mean... he knew my intentions and he had all the power to say "hey this is my friend and roommate who's in to you, I don't think it's good that we be doing this." I mean I talked to her, but she wanted to dance and I knew if I danced I'd probably collapse onto dead legs. I didn't even dance with this 30-something milf that tried to get in my pants.

Maybe I just assumed he'd have better judgment. I don't think I'm really at the point of full clarity though yet.
Starbob said:
"hey this is my friend and roommate who's in to you, I don't think it's good that we be doing this."
It ain't never happened, in the history of men, that if there's a girl that one friend likes, but she's into the other friend, it ain't NEVER happened that the other guy goes, "Whoa, hold up. I gotta tell my friend about this first."

For tens of thousands of years, the thought process has always been, "Oh shit, should I be doing this? Fuck it I'll tell him about it later and try to break it to him easy."
Maybe you're right Darkside. I'm sure that's a rare thing for anyone on to say. But I mean... he knew my intentions and he had all the power to say "hey this is my friend and roommate who's in to you, I don't think it's good that we be doing this." I mean I talked to her, but she wanted to dance and I knew if I danced I'd probably collapse onto dead legs. I didn't even dance with this 30-something milf that tried to get in my pants.

Maybe I just assumed he'd have better judgment. I don't think I'm really at the point of full clarity though yet.
The problem here was that he danced and you didn't. Bitches love that shit.
The problem here was that he danced and you didn't. Bitches love that shit.

I know I do it all the time, but I thought it would be a bad idea if my knee gave out and my big ass knocked over half the dance floor...
That would be true if she was the only girl. Im just out for some sex and fun time, just like her. I dont really care who the girl is, as long as shes attractive. There is plenty of girls that ive fooled around with, but this one just doesnt want to, which i respect. But the thing that is annoying me is that she gets with random dudes she barely knows all the time, yet she cant get with me for 1 night? Maybe the laws of the Friendzone is true, its impossible to break it.

Do you ever get the feeling that driving off a cliff to your doom would better serve humanity than for you to persist in life?
Maybe you're right Darkside. I'm sure that's a rare thing for anyone on to say. But I mean... he knew my intentions and he had all the power to say "hey this is my friend and roommate who's in to you, I don't think it's good that we be doing this." I mean I talked to her, but she wanted to dance and I knew if I danced I'd probably collapse onto dead legs. I didn't even dance with this 30-something milf that tried to get in my pants.

Maybe I just assumed he'd have better judgment. I don't think I'm really at the point of full clarity though yet.

theres your problem right there. a real woman wanted you and you didn't give her the light of day. and here you are trying to get a chick your age and its hard as hell. i hate to say it but i'm willing to bet the 30 year old milf has a shitload more to teach you about life than this dumb slut. next time a milf tries reaching down your pants don't turn her down bro.

as for me i'm finally going out with a milf who has 1 kid but at least this one isn't married. last time i did this shit hit the fan. i'm sick of girls my age. also milfs seem to have the better bodies and girls my age are either fat or like said before, complete sluts
What the **** is this gay shit my Bear friend.

For starters, the girl owes you nothing, remember that. You might have thought there was a spark between you, she may have thought you were just friends. Unless you'd made out with her before (and even then its a bit of a stretch) she owes you nothing and is allowed to make out/shag any of your friends without being discreet.

Unless you're friend knew you were trying to get with her, and specifically said he wouldnt, he owes you nothing.

From where I am, it looks like you liked a girl, she prefered your friend and chose him, you cockblocked him becuase you were jealous.

You owe them both an apology, probably get your friend a few beers to make up for it.
theres your problem right there. a real woman wanted you and you didn't give her the light of day. and here you are trying to get a chick your age and its hard as hell. i hate to say it but i'm willing to bet the 30 year old milf has a shitload more to teach you about life than this dumb slut. next time a milf tries reaching down your pants don't turn her down bro.

as for me i'm finally going out with a milf who has 1 kid but at least this one isn't married. last time i did this shit hit the fan. i'm sick of girls my age. also milfs seem to have the better bodies and girls my age are either fat or like said before, complete sluts

You're pretty despicable, you know that?
Well the milf had 3 kids. I figured that was too many for me to ignore.

Also, I never expected anything from her. I said it was something that I thought would be cool, but definitely not what I expected. My friend knew I was trying to get with her, and I assumed he wouldn't since he's about to go on a date with a girl he's been talking about for two weeks straight.

They've both apologized to me like five times now but I still don't know how to feel about it.