Should I be mad?

Well the milf had 3 kids. I figured that was too many for me to ignore.

Also, I never expected anything from her. I said it was something that I thought would be cool, but definitely not what I expected. My friend knew I was trying to get with her, and I assumed he wouldn't since he's about to go on a date with a girl he's been talking about for two weeks straight.

They've both apologized to me like five times now but I still don't know how to feel about it.
You should feel guilt for being a dick to your friends!

Me and my friends compete for the same girl all to often, it can be hard, but ultimately if the other guy gets the gal you have to man up and accept it.
Do you ever get the feeling that driving off a cliff to your doom would better serve humanity than for you to persist in life?

oh god, what did i say now? Here, let me explain with a paint comic, maybe that will clear up the missunderstanding.


You see, i dont think that girls are sluts for getting together with random guys, and that guys are heros for getting together with random girls. I think both girls and guys should get together and do what they want with as many people as possible without some arbitrary social stigma judging them.
Well the milf had 3 kids. I figured that was too many for me to ignore.

Also, I never expected anything from her. I said it was something that I thought would be cool, but definitely not what I expected. My friend knew I was trying to get with her, and I assumed he wouldn't since he's about to go on a date with a girl he's been talking about for two weeks straight.

They've both apologized to me like five times now but I still don't know how to feel about it.

please tell me what you are scared of because I'd like to know. also did you ever think about your friend needing a girl too?? unless hes one of those pricks who gets more girls than you and doesn't help out with being a wingman. this also can go all the way back to when your in kindergarden and two kids want the same toy its the same shit. evolve and learn as you go man.
You're pretty despicable, you know that?
Gasp! A hater! Don't hate because Warped is gettin' dat aged booty.
Well the milf had 3 kids.
What her kids got to do with you?

Also, your friend and that girl shouldn't be apologizing to you, at all. The fact that they've apologized five times and you "still don't know how to feel about it" isn't cool. They've got NO reason to apologize to you in the first place; the fact that they're even making an effort to apologize to you and you're not accepting it shows how much of a victim you think you are in this situation.
oh god, what did i say now? Here, let me explain with a paint comic, maybe that will clear up the missunderstanding.
I love how you thought that image could clear it up. I actually understood what you were saying to begin with, but that image has made me all confused now.
please tell me what you are scared of because I'd like to know. also did you ever think about your friend needing a girl too?? unless hes one of those pricks who gets more girls than you and doesn't help out with being a wingman. this also can go all the way back to when your in kindergarden and two kids want the same toy its the same shit. evolve and learn as you go man.

Scared of? With the milf? I dunno not really scare of anything, just not interested in having three kids around. And I just said he's going on a date with a girl he's been talking about literally every day for two weeks. I didn't ask him to be a wingman, but I just assumed, maybe foolhardily, that he wouldn't try anything.
**** i just realized the girls dont have any arms. Im such a ****up.
oh god, what did i say now? Here, let me explain with a paint comic, maybe that will clear up the missunderstanding.

You don't get to patronize people, ever. Not after all the shitty threads you've made like this one.
Gasp! A hater! Don't hate because Warped is gettin' dat aged booty.

What her kids got to do with you?

Also, your friend and that girl shouldn't be apologizing to you, at all. The fact that they've apologized five times and you "still don't know how to feel about it" isn't cool. They've got NO reason to apologize to you in the first place; the fact that they're even making an effort to apologize to you and you're not accepting it shows how much of a victim you think you are in this situation.

I like this post...a lot

also the woman i'm seeing is like a year younger than me but yes i do like older ladies. i think Starbob could use a milf right now, as for every younger guy. they change your perspective on women
You don't get to patronize people, ever. Not after all the shitty threads you've made like this one.

Huh? Patronize? How did i patronize him? I drew a simple paint comic trying to explain what i meant. So by your logic:

A) Tell someone they are better off dead (what samon did) = NOT Patronizing
B) Draw a paint comic trying to explain what i mean because im too stupid to find the words: ZOMG PATRONIZING

Why you trying to get a girl with no arms to suck your dick, Ravioli?

What can i say? I like dem stumps
Oh, @ OP...

I've been in this exact same situation before, except it was way more high-school-drama status, and my friend(s) were being actually being really cool about it by NOT going pussy diving even though they had every chance in the world.

Needless to say, I felt like a huge bitch after it all blew over.

Also, your friend and that girl shouldn't be apologizing to you, at all. The fact that they've apologized five times and you "still don't know how to feel about it" isn't cool. They've got NO reason to apologize to you in the first place; the fact that they're even making an effort to apologize to you and you're not accepting it shows how much of a victim you think you are in this situation.

Of course his friend should apologize if he knew about him liking the girl.

If I knew a friend of mine liked a girl, then I would not hit on her UNTIL I consulted this with him. I'd just ask "are you going for it or not?" and perhaps told him that I'm gonna do it if he's not.

I'd expect the same from a friend. It's just decent to do.

I don't know how experienced with girls you are Darkside, but in the case that not much, then I can tell you that it's easy to theorize like such, having never felt grief in this department. If it's the contrary, then I admire your rationality.

For the record, I barely feel bad about fooling around with a girl that's taken by someone I don't know. I don't know the guy, they're not married - I don't care, I've got the same right to her as he does.

But if it's a friend, then I care about him, thus I will not hit on his girl or a girl he wants to make a move on.
Of course his friend should apologize if he knew about him liking the girl.

If I knew a friend of mine liked a girl, then I would not hit on her UNTIL I consulted this with him. I'd just ask "are you going for it or not?" and perhaps told him that I'm gonna do it if he's not.

I'd expect the same from a friend. It's just decent to do.

True, but going on a date with somebody doesn't really profess to the world that you like them.
True, but going on a date with somebody doesn't really profess to the world that you like them.

Agreed. But I assume that since the friend apologized he well knew what was going on.
Agreed. But I assume that since the friend apologized he well knew what was going on.

Or maybe he's just trying to be cool about it? Most people won't get confrontational about something as small as this cause the outcome is hardly ever worth it.
Or maybe he's just trying to be cool about it? Most people won't get confrontational about something as small as this cause the outcome is hardly ever worth it.

I doubt it, but maybe :p
The situation here is basically what you can expect for the rest of your life.

Your battles of today are the battles you will be fighting for the rest of your life.

Also, the last thing you want in your house is an an alternative penis.
The situation here is basically what you can expect for the rest of your life.

Your battles of today are the battles you will be fighting for the rest of your life.

Also, the last thing you want in your house is an an alternative penis.

The solution is obvious.

Dismember his cock.
I used to either hand off a girl to my friend I didn't connect with or vice versa. This one time this chick was all over me and such for a few weeks. I really ignored her and truth be told all she wanted was her virginity taken away. i told her i wasn't interested because she was a tad bit under the legal age (i was 19 at the time) and my friend said she laid there like a rock and it was the boring chick he ever been with. you know whats probably going to happen 9 times out of 10, the girl will leave and you and your friend will be back to square one
You weren't dating this girl? Nothing about your story sounded malicious, and although it sucks for you, I don't see what there is to be angry about. Does she have some obligations to you that you didn't make clear to us?
I would go into details about how insane the early pages of this thread are (two culprits have 'star' in front of their names) but Darkside's got that covered pretty well. What the hell kind of contract did you ever make with this girl? Why do you feel entitled to her affections without having to court them? A couple weeks of talk and an accepted invitation are not binding contracts, let alone (as Ravioli seems to think) merely having a vagina.
This thread started off so great, but now its just stupid.
I am sad to report that the same can be said of your mother.
No you should not be mad. At other people, anyway. Its not thier fault you're a gutless cretin around women and you certainly shouldn't be acting like a dick about it and blaming it on your friend.
Oh god, this thread is amazingly hilarious.

I will never think of anything else ever when Ravioli posts. He will never bother me or cause me to lose faith in humanity again. I can only laugh.
I'm not sure how or when I implied that I expected anything at all to happen between this girl and me. I think explicitly saying that I didn't expect anything to happen and assumed she was going home. The issue here is not that I didn't get laid or something. The issue is that what happened with my room mate.

This thread probably should have ended somewhere on page two...
Bitches and whores.
Beaches and shores.

Anyways on topic everyone in this thread is a dumb f*ggot and OP you should just slip this girl a roofie and skullf*ck her until you have no use for her and dump her in your friend's closet and when she wakes up she'll think he did it and he won't be able to prove he didn't.

Revenge is a bitch the all knowing Tom Servo's Robotic Asshole has spoken.

That didn't even rhyme. How do you expect to close threads if you don't follow the chain.

Snatches and pores.
Starbob's thread has made me lose faith in ever getting the wimminz or getting laid for that matter.

Hatches and Chores ?
Reading this thread has made me realize one thing. It doesn't suck to be an Indian. In the first year of Uni, I pitied myself. I pitied the fact that due to me being Indian, I couldn't get a girl friend. I was expected to pass with an A grade average. TBH I regretted that. I too wanted to have a girl friend. I too wanted to pass out drinking on Saturday nights. My white friends ridiculed me.

But after reading all these relationship threads and hearing how my friends latest OMG I can't believe she/he cheated on me stories, I can't help but think in some ways that I am lucky. I don't have to worry about falling in love or getting a girl friend. All I have to do is get past Uni with high enough grades.

Just an observation of course.