should i buy an x360?


Jan 19, 2004
Reaction score
first off, it should be known that i think each system has its pros and cons and i hope that one day i can own them all.. even the wii :)
but for now, im considering buying an x360 (pro)... i just need a little convincing first :P
at the moment, i see the the 360 as superior to the ps3 because it has a better selection of games and comes with more at a better price
my only concern is xbox live... do you NEED gold to play games online? is silver only for downloading demos and chatting with friends? how much does gold cost?
the only game ive had a significant amount of time with is gears of war and i loved it
played a little nhl 07 and cod3 but not that much... so what else for the 360 is good??
thanks for your input!
You'll need a gold subscription to play online - it's well worth it, especially if you have friends that also have 360s.

Ater GoW, Dead Rising is my fave game on the 360. It's awesome. If you like GTA then check out Saint's Row, I actually prwefer it to GTA. There's plenty of other decent games around, depends what you like.
do you NEED gold to play games online? is silver only for downloading demos and chatting with friends? how much does gold cost?
Yup, you need Gold to play online multiplayer games and it costs $49.99US a year I think.
the only game ive had a significant amount of time with is gears of war and i loved it
played a little nhl 07 and cod3 but not that much... so what else for the 360 is good??
Viva Pinata
Table Tennis
Many Arcade games
.. etc
i guess 49.99 a year isn't that bad
R6 Vegas looks pretty cool, and i really wanna try dead rising too
Ah ****...

Whatta mean, thats pretty cheap, and the service they give you is unmatchable by anyone atm

I say get it, and my suggestion is you use an LCD monitor to play games instead of a TV (unless you have a HDTV of course). Its a cheaper method to get high res games. My brother uses that setup so his wife can watch TV and he can play his games, its really nice.
I say get it, and my suggestion is you use an LCD monitor to play games instead of a TV (unless you have a HDTV of course). Its a cheaper method to get high res games. My brother uses that setup so his wife can watch TV and he can play his games, its really nice.

how do you connect a 360 to an lcd monitor?
you have to buy the VGA connecter(50 bucks I think), but the trade off is that you don't need to buy an expensive HDTV to get high def...
YES!! Make sure you get Rainbow Six Vegas and GoW of course.
Hell yes.

And get XBL Gold... For less than the price of a AAA game you get the BEST gaming service out there hands down.
Plus laods of Demos so you can try before you buy!
Easy, just take a list of games / developers behind each console, decide which one appeals to you the most, than go from there. :)
Its definitely worth it. After all, the money you'll spend buying an Xbox 360 will guarantee you won't have to buy another xbox console for at least 4 years. Spend that same amount of money on pc hardware and that hardward will soon be rendered obsolete in a year.
Aye, it's most certainly worth it. I love it.

One thing (note: why does a capital O look like a zero when I'm typing this? Blasted new reply box - looks snazz though) that could be improved is the Private Chat. It's a little annoying that you can only have 1 on 1 chats, and not have like a open room of 8 slots. It makes talking to people complicated and awkward when you have to keep changing channels. But other than that, I love the 360 - both as a console, and a media/community center.
I almost bought a 360, basically for GOW. I'm just glad I got to play GOW before deciding to buy a 360. Let's just say I have no desire to get a 360 anymore. I only got to play a few other games, none of which I thought were worth buying the console for.

I'd suggest you play a 360 either at a store or at a friend's house and decide for yourself.
Hell no.

You should buy me one instead. :D
as i think everyone knows i've been trying to decide between the wii and the xbox360 - i did find the solution: i worked over christmas and bought both.

i have to say, the xbox is AMAZING! i have gears of war which is so so so damn pretty and extremely fun. i also want to get viva pinata.

also the wii is very fun, but it's definately more kiddy, games on xbox are refreshingly difficult. basically i'm thinking wii for multiplayer with friends, xbox for me and more hardcore gamer friends. i do feel bad owning two rather pricey consoles though and i might take one back.

if i did decide to return one though, it would not be the 360. i don't care what anyone says, graphics MATTER. not that that's the sole reason, but still...

fable 2
halo 3
gears of war
viva pinata
lost planet!!
I almost bought a 360, basically for GOW. I'm just glad I got to play GOW before deciding to buy a 360. Let's just say I have no desire to get a 360 anymore. I only got to play a few other games, none of which I thought were worth buying the console for.

I'd suggest you play a 360 either at a store or at a friend's house and decide for yourself.

ya i played through GOW with a friend and thats pretty much what got me interested
i also had a good time playing a little bit of NHL07 and COD3 at my cousin's place
Oh, and get Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter, thats a pretty good game.
It should come with the premium console
I am wondering the same thing actually. I have been wanting one for a while, but the lack of excellent games (just my opinion--don't get mad) has kept me from doing so yet. Now, as I compare the list of must-haves for the PS3 and the 360, I notice that once I take out the cross-platform games, the PS3 actually has more exclusives that I really want to play.

That said, how well the the 360 handles Alan Wake will likely seal/break the deal for me no matter what the cost of the system when that game drops. Well...that and Mass Effect of course. :E
If you plan to own all next gen systems then buying the 360 first would be the most obvious choice. With a year head start, its already managed to a amass a pretty good game library. There are few system sellers at this point, but there are plenty of games that will hold you over until the big 07 titles hit.

Condemned, Saints Row, Lost Planet, Dead Rising, PGR3 & Viva Pinata should hold you over.
I just hooked mine up to my 19" CRT. The VGA adaptor cost 10 bucks and works like a dream. All in all, I'd recommend it wholeheartedly.
I just hooked mine up to my 19" CRT. The VGA adaptor cost 10 bucks and works like a dream. All in all, I'd recommend it wholeheartedly.

10 bucks?? where the hell did you find it for 10 bucks??
i thought the first party adapter was like 49.99