Should i buy XBox 360 ?

XBox 360 ?

  • yay

    Votes: 37 64.9%
  • nay

    Votes: 20 35.1%

  • Total voters


Jul 6, 2003
Reaction score
Like the title says,
im kinda a multiplayer type person, i prefer Multiplayer mode on Single anytime.
tho im a PC fanboy :p.

So can anyone give me some cool features in xbox live ?
Spending your government grant, ey? You Kuwaiti's are so damn lucky.
It depends - are you one of these thumb challenged people that can't use a joypad? ;)
xbox live has:

# friends list; you can msg, invite them to play (one click and you're in the same game), etc
# gamerscore; boost your e-penis by doing achievements in games
# marketplace; download game movies, demos, music videos, themes, picture packs, game add-ons, etc

there's some of the features of xblive.

if you're going to get a console, either get a 360 or.. i'd say a wii but it won't be out for a few months.

also, sdtv's do little justice, a hdtv or monitor is really important.

what do you want a console for ? like, games, etc ?
i got one the other day with test drive and dead rising. its all very good and glad i bought it. online multiplayer is good fun
share bought one with a housemate

only other console I own is a Gamecube (Which I still think was the best of last generation)

I'd say yeah.
Eh, GameCube blew chunks, it got shafted on a regular basis with the worst version of the multi-console releases and none of their first party stands out.

As is, the only game worth a damn (not on other formats) is upcoming Zelda and that isn't even out yet.

As for the topic starter, it's best to do your own research and find out on your own. When it comes to consoles, people are more often than not biased towards their own purchased product.
Eh, GameCube blew chunks, it got shafted on a regular basis with the worst version of the multi-console releases and none of their first party stands out.

I couldn't disagree more - the GC is a great console. Not a patch on the N64 or SNES, but still well worth the money. Having played PoP on the pc, ps2, and Xbox, i'd say the GC version is also the best. And there's Metroid Prime - which rocks.
Buy the 360. With the smorgous board of great games coming up (Gears of war, mass effect, halo 3, R6:vegas.) and the current library of outstanding titles (GRAW*freaking outstanding, Dead Rising, Fight Night rd 3, Saints Row), you'll end up getting one later anyway. Buy it while you can afford it.
Buy the 360. With the smorgous board of great games coming up (Gears of war, mass effect, halo 3, R6:vegas.) and the current library of outstanding titles (GRAW*freaking outstanding, Dead Rising, Fight Night rd 3, Saints Row), you'll end up getting one later anyway. Buy it while you can afford it.

^ what he said there cracking consoles which have a massive head start over the ps3 and will most likely win the console war if they havnt already :cheers:
Buy the 360. With the smorgous board of great games coming up (Gears of war, mass effect, halo 3, R6:vegas.) and the current library of outstanding titles (GRAW*freaking outstanding, Dead Rising, Fight Night rd 3, Saints Row), you'll end up getting one later anyway. Buy it while you can afford it.

Agreed. It's also worth picking up a 360 if your pc is struggling these days and you want to play games like Alan Wake, Episode 2/TF2, Oblivion etc at decent settings.
I had been tempted to get a 360 lately but now I'm just going to save the $$$ and get that much more Wii stuff when it releases.
I am in the same position that you are, I want a next-gen console and I was thinking of buying a 360 for Gears of Wars and whatnot, but at this point you might as well wait a little to see how the Wii and PS3 turn out, you will hear a lot of good and bad things about both consoles right now, but the true is that no one has them yet, so who knows? maybe you will choose one of them instead of the 360, don't get me wrong, if you want the 360 and can afford the other consoles as well then go for it, but is your budget allows you to go for just one console at the moment, then just do the same as I am doing now, which is wait..
I was waiting, but when the revolution turned into the wii and sony kept up the bs with the ps3 I lost intrest in them both. I am enjoying my 360, I think its online componet will be hard to beat if that is what your intrested in. Sony says the ps3's online service is better but then, it's sony.
Yeh - if online is your thing then the 360 is almost certainly one to go for.
Gears of War
Lost Planet
Double Agent

The future of the 360 is looking very nice.
I couldn't disagree more - the GC is a great console. Not a patch on the N64 or SNES, but still well worth the money. Having played PoP on the pc, ps2, and Xbox, i'd say the GC version is also the best. And there's Metroid Prime - which rocks.

Exactly, considering how many memorable titles there were for N64 and SNES, the GC in comparison just blew. They really dropped the ball onthat generation, there were at best 2 maybe 3 must-have games exclusive to it. That's really shit considering the consoles been out for all these years and all they could produce were a few AAA titles.

If you put the top games of PS2 or Xbox, and place it next to GC, it'll pretty much blow it out of the water.

I can't remember exactly, but if you look at Ubisoft's multi-console releases, they usually shaft the GC version. Normally it losses multi-player support but sometimes it get's the worst features / bonus' out of the three.
isn't ps3's online component supposed to be free... meaning no subscription?
And if you hold out for ps3 you are garunteed unreal tournament 2007. What other and of course valves episode 2/team fortress/portal pack, and double agent as well. I'm holding off. But I also really want blu-ray.
Should you buy it? Simple, look at the games available for it ... then look at the games slated to come out for PS3/Wii/PC and decide where you want to put your money. Keep in mind that since you're big into online you'll be required to pay a monthly fee just for simple matchmaking if you get the 360.

I did that and decided I wanted a PS3. But no one can tell you what you should buy.
bought 1 broke 1 hate 1...they r cheap and explode if not on hard flat surfaces...PS3 ALL THE WAY...o and Wii is cool 2 i guess
Although the 360 is an exccelent choice for a console, I would atleast wait for the Wii to launch. There are supposed to be some AAA titles at launch (zelda, metroid), where as with the ps3 I'm not so sure. So bottom line; wait for the wii and maybe the ps3 before you decide which next generation console to buy.
I couldn't disagree more - the GC is a great console. Not a patch on the N64 or SNES, but still well worth the money. Having played PoP on the pc, ps2, and Xbox, i'd say the GC version is also the best. And there's Metroid Prime - which rocks.

Zelda/Rogue squadron/Viewfull Joe/Res Evil/Super Smash Brothers/MarioCart and the single greatest controller. Don't belive me? Then why is the Xbox 360s controllers feel almost identical to that of the Gamecubes hmmm?

anyway this is besides the point.

Only thing I'd say against it is it's damn loud spinning discs
One reason for getting a 360 - at 4am last night I woke up my girlfriend, who was sleeping two closed doors, one room, and a long corridor away, by screaming 'ave it you dead ****'! to a zombie in Dead Rising. It's been quite a while since a game did that to me :)
Sure, get one now before any price drop. Then be sad that you have no money for the Wii-craze in a couple of months. ;(

Wait, I say....
I am going to make the jump and buy a 360 when Gears comes along, hopefully there will be somekind of bundle or christmas sale going on ;)

oh and are there any hl2netters in Live ?

Hm... wouldn't you have some serious lag issues playing online against people on the other side of the world? After all, the majority of XBL user's are within North America IIRC.
Hm... wouldn't you have some serious lag issues playing online against people on the other side of the world? After all, the majority of XBL user's are within North America IIRC.
well, my friend got an xbox and i dont see any major lagging issues.
If you can find any games you like then sure... why not.


We have a game room at our Uni where they have most consoles from the original pong console all the way through commodore 64s, NESs, Megadrive/genesis and up to all the current gen consoles and a 360. Let me tell you, no one is playing on the 360. The gamecube and the PS2 is the most played consoles. You're lucky if we see someone playing some Xbox Arcade game on the poor little thing. It's not that we dont have games... we do... loads... but the games arent very fun (not compared to the current-gen ones at least).

Make whatever you want of it but I personally wouldnt buy one :)
well, my friend got an xbox and i dont see any major lagging issues.

Was he playing online vs North American opponents? I've never played on XBL but I'd imagine there'd be lag issues when you play from different continents.
We have a game room at our Uni where they have most consoles from the original pong console all the way through commodore 64s, NESs, Megadrive/genesis and up to all the current gen consoles and a 360.
That is quite possibly the coolest thing I have heard! What university??
That is quite possibly the coolest thing I have heard! What university??

University of Skövde (In sweden).

We also got a real size car simulator with 360 degree view. You're sitting in a car (a new Volvo S80) with huge screens all around you and you play a realistic driving game. It also features forcefeed back (you can feel the car vibrate in high speeds) aswell as simulated winds. Great fun to make handbreak turns at over 260KM/h on the freeway :D

We also have a couple of 3d "caves" (cubes with 380 degrees view and surround sound), we have a exercise bike modded to play Paper Boy with it (with simulated wind! :D), a small fake apartment (looks like the ones in a IKEA catalog :)) with cameras and microphones everywhere to analyze how people play games as well as other little cool studios here and there. The university is doing alot of research on how people interact with video games. I study game development there and will be doing alittle research myself in the future. But for now... woah... offtopic! I'll get a vid of these stuff when I have the time and make a new topic about it... very cool stuff.
Hm... wouldn't you have some serious lag issues playing online against people on the other side of the world? After all, the majority of XBL user's are within North America IIRC.
I play with Americans the majority of the time when I'm on Live and while it's not perfect, I can play most games (Halo2, CoD2, etc) perfectly fine, while some like GRAW are a little too laggy.
I loved Xbox360. My grandma got it for me for 1100 dollars for christmas. insane. I know. An awesome multiplayer game is called ChromeHounds... Its like Mechassault, only the singleplayer sucks bawls and you can actually CUSTOM make your mech, its like the shiz man.. you should only buy this game if you intend on playing in on xbox live. although, unlike mechassault, its more of a strategy game and isnt as action-packed.. you have to go miles if your a slow mech to get to your preffered position. Plus, you go into gun-view (kinda like a sniper rifle's scope) so you can get the most awesomeness out of shooting. There are ACTAULLY sniper rifles that have very far range and gun-view, the network is a bit scratchy, and if you arent to great with network, you can disconnect. The funnest part.. and the most overused.. is the heavy weapons. Huge cannons throwing bolts that can devastate another mech.. its like mechassault only better!!!! There a squads, kinda like factions or guilds, with a max of 20 people online, online is a war where you can choose one of three countries fighting it out. like other games on xbox 360, if your country wins the war, or you do certain things, or battle alot, you can get awards. I seriously recommend this game: It doesnt matter what 'rank' you are, you can get ALL the parts available. It all depends on skills.
It may have gotten a 70 on metascore, cause of the bad singleplayer and choppy network, but it is awesome.
I loved Xbox360. My grandma got it for me for 1100 dollars for christmas. insane. I know. An awesome multiplayer game is called ChromeHounds... Its like Mechassault, only the singleplayer sucks bawls and you can actually CUSTOM make your mech, its like the shiz man.. you should only buy this game if you intend on playing in on xbox live. although, unlike mechassault, its more of a strategy game and isnt as action-packed.. you have to go miles if your a slow mech to get to your preffered position. Plus, you go into gun-view (kinda like a sniper rifle's scope) so you can get the most awesomeness out of shooting. There are ACTAULLY sniper rifles that have very far range and gun-view, the network is a bit scratchy, and if you arent to great with network, you can disconnect. The funnest part.. and the most overused.. is the heavy weapons. Huge cannons throwing bolts that can devastate another mech.. its like mechassault only better!!!! There a squads, kinda like factions or guilds, with a max of 20 people online, online is a war where you can choose one of three countries fighting it out. like other games on xbox 360, if your country wins the war, or you do certain things, or battle alot, you can get awards. I seriously recommend this game: It doesnt matter what 'rank' you are, you can get ALL the parts available. It all depends on skills.
It may have gotten a 70 on metascore, cause of the bad singleplayer and choppy network, but it is awesome.

What.... the... ****?

>System Error...
>Shutting Down...