Should I change my name?

Which name should I use?

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The Freeman
Jun 2, 2003
Reaction score
You guys are the only people who still know me as Stigmata. Every other username I have on any other site or service (Xbox Live, Xfire, etc) is Soupstorm. It's been that way for a year and a half now.

So the time has come to decide, once and for all, if I should change my name from Stigmata to Soupstorm. And you, the HL2.netters, shall decide my fate.
We are plainly more important than everyone else.
What is up with everyone changing their name? You people aren't happy with yourselves.

Where have I heard Soupstorm before? Was that ever your name on here?
If you change your name, then you will be starting back at the bottom of the food chain, since nobody will remember who you are. Its like that with xendance right now. I dont even remember his new name, so everytime he posts, its like a newb just posted.

Where have I heard Soupstorm before? Was that ever your name on here?
I believe I'm every single Google result for Soupstorm. Take what you will from that :P

And I think, since a lot of people know me by both names, I won't have to start from the bottom. Or at least not too far from the top...
Well... I wont recognize you. It takes me like a year to remember someone's name.
Soupstorm. :p
I already connect Soupstorm and Stigmata.
Oh, well if your keeping the avatar then ill probably remember. I will also probably still call you stigmata like I do with xendance. Helps me keep things in order :)
I've connected both names a long time ago, but for the sake of everyone else... keep it the same.
Well, I could change my signature to say "I AM STIGMATA" in 7-point font, and then every two weeks reduce the font size by 1 until, two months later, it disappears completely...
Not to my knowledge. I tried to change my username about a year ago but none of the mods replied to my PMs, so I kind of gave up.

[edit] And so everyone knows, I might be without internet for the next week, possibly longer, so I'll miss you guys ;(
Change it and I`ll cock whistle you.

If you change your name, then you will be starting back at the bottom of the food chain, since nobody will remember who you are. Its like that with xendance right now. I dont even remember his new name, so everytime he posts, its like a newb just posted.

Oh, well if your keeping the avatar then ill probably remember. I will also probably still call you stigmata like I do with xendance. Helps me keep things in order :)

Thats why I have a big signature telling you my previous name, so you DO remember.

And I've had the same avatar since I joined, so you can err remember me by that (Y) :D
mehs - I can't say much...

I like Soup better, but if you want the rest of us to stay sane - keep Stiggy.
SoupStorm.... that is one METAL name.

I vote change ftw
Soupstorm sounds like Hot Soup which feels 2003-ish. Make it Soupstorm for massive damage :D
Name changes don't always go according to plan. Just ask Xendance or Rabarber.
My name change went to plan, back in the days. It made everyone think i'm French.

Oh wait, that's not a good thing.
Stigmata rules, stick to it. Soupstorm ain't no good.

If any mod reads this, can I get mine changed back to evil^milk?
Keep the avatar and you're fine.

If you change your name and avatar, all hope is lost.

I should really change my name...I haven't used this name since 2004
I had mine changed. The first one was "cyberpitz"...I liked my capital C and P. I vote Yes...but really, I <3 the stiggy name.
Doubted if I should change my name to PervertRyan, but figured it would give people the wrong impression :P