"Should I Get This?" Thread

No, you don't want that monitor. You want this one: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16824112005 Displays in full 1080p and you can use it as a tv set. :O Trust me this monitor is VERRRRRY GOOD! The stand is a pos though. It's a flimsy plastic stand that wobbles. Go down to a craft store and pick up a thin rubber mat and place it underneath the monitor. That stopped it from jiggling for me anyways. You may never have heard of sceptre but they are very good. It has the HD connection in the back too. It also has a $20 rebate going on. *Don't listen to the people complaining about backlight bleeding through. They complain about that on all LCD's but I have never seen that on one. Also those people are retarded and didn't set the backlight settings to low when they got it.
ive read that tigerdirect.com rebates seldom work ;/
The link to your jumper has now expired, but I remember it vaguely being a real show-stopper. All the ladies love that kind of thing. ;)
Is an mx510 mouse worth it for $23? Or should I wait for a better deal for a mx518, G5, razer copperhead or diamondback? (This is all on ebay, I'm not gonna spend anywhere near $50 for a mouse)
ah the material love of the western family. i don't think i'm getting anything big this christmas, i needed a laptop for uni, so i got that for my christmas, birthday and christmas present. i love it though! a mac!

edit: jumper = ew!
Is an mx510 mouse worth it for $23? Or should I wait for a better deal for a mx518, G5, razer copperhead or diamondback? (This is all on ebay, I'm not gonna spend anywhere near $50 for a mouse)

Not quite sure about the MX mice, I do believe the g5 has adjustable weights and a high dpi.
I do have a copperhead however, and it was EXTREMELY expensive for a mouse. They do have a killer mouse pad though. I love my mouse though, very light and the software it comes with is great.

ah the material love of the western family. i don't think i'm getting anything big this christmas, i needed a laptop for uni, so i got that for my christmas, birthday and christmas present. i love it though! a mac!

edit: jumper = ew!

Didn't get anything for my b-day or Christmas last year, no biggie.
Is an mx510 mouse worth it for $23? Or should I wait for a better deal for a mx518, G5, razer copperhead or diamondback? (This is all on ebay, I'm not gonna spend anywhere near $50 for a mouse)

I've had an MX510 for around 2 years now, and I f*cking love it. It's really reliable, very comfortable, and cool as f*ck. Unfortunately, it's starting to go kaput- the right mouse button is getting stuck :( Still, it's a fantastic piece of equipment.
That sweater is ****in ugly. Don't get it. AE sucks for everything but jeans.
whats my best option for a monitor around 300?

No, you don't want that monitor. You want this one: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16824112005 Displays in full 1080p and you can use it as a tv set. :O Trust me this monitor is VERRRRRY GOOD! The stand is a pos though. It's a flimsy plastic stand that wobbles. Go down to a craft store and pick up a thin rubber mat and place it underneath the monitor. That stopped it from jiggling for me anyways. You may never have heard of sceptre but they are very good. It has the HD connection in the back too. It also has a $20 rebate going on. *Don't listen to the people complaining about backlight bleeding through. They complain about that on all LCD's but I have never seen that on one. Also those people are retarded and didn't set the backlight settings to low when they got it.
All good, but seriously, rendering 1080p at 1680*1050 for the lose :x
That sweater is ****in ugly. Don't get it. AE sucks for everything but jeans.

False, I got a new red sweater a couple days ago from AE, and might I add I look quite snazzy in it.

Walmart for shirts though.

As for the monitor around $300, look at the previous one i posted.
Doc martens look shit.

And yeah, they're blatently 'tight emo jeans'.. whatever mate. I like skinny jeans, I don't listen to 'emo' music, so shove it.
What emo music? I didn't hear him say anything about emo music.
emo is not the same as metro. There is a big difference. Metro are the guys that get the girls and the people calling them metro are the guys with no fashion sense wishing they could get the girls.
emo is not the same as metro. There is a big difference. Metro are the guys that get the girls and the people calling them metro are the guys with no fashion sense wishing they could get the girls.

not true, i know a few girls who make fun of the guys who wear the really tight jeans and stuff.
I smell a fashion war on the horizon.. I remember the first one surprised people got out alive...
Haha, take fashion advice from someone who wears pointy shoes and tight ass jeans.

That'd be a good idea really :) In fairness mate, we have different tastes - I actually like looking nice :p

Doc's are wonderful shoes. I can work AND play in em, and they'll still hold up!

Whats the bloody point in looking like you've just stopped working?
I know some of you like ribbing Comrade for his metrosexualness ...but it seems to work for him ..and he seems quite happy about it ...methinks some of you are jealous :E
Haha, I'm too fond of my spacious pants too be jealous of doodle choking trousers.
Meh, me don't like high waters tight jeans, for me they have to be baggy; I don't like showing the socks. tight jeans aren't very confortable. ;)

Well anyways, I am thinking about getting 'Splinter Cell: Double Agent' but my question is it good? I am also thinking about getting 'Dark Messiah: might & maggic'.

Also RTB.
I just dl'ed Dark Messiah Demo today, haven't touched it yet.
I just dl'ed Dark Messiah Demo today, haven't touched it yet.

RTB means Raising the bar. :)

the demo is pretty good, what they did with source is neato; I am lovin' the blood stains on the sword.
I know nothing about clothing and fashion, because I don't really care that much, but I will say that Dark Messiah was the shit.
Grabbing a Wii... hopefully.

Should/Should not? Do tell.
Grabbing a Wii... hopefully.

Should/Should not? Do tell.

Meh. I wasn't too excited by it. While all the different ways the controller is used are cool, I think it might get irritating. Beyond that, I haven't really seen anything of it, so I dunno. I havn't even seen what the actual system looks like. But I've always been a fan of Nintendo.

Making a contribution to the actual thread purpose, I'm planning on getting a 360 myself. Eh?
Making a contribution to the actual thread purpose, I'm planning on getting a 360 myself. Eh?
360 is awesome, if you're into shooters. Prepare to pay a bit for XBL, but it's far superior to the PS3's online services.

Whats the bloody point in looking like you've just stopped working?

Some docs look nice given the rest of your outfit doesn't look like you just got off work. This girl I liked wore docs and she pulles it off very well.

It deffinately leans more towards preppy but kids over here pull it off very well. I guess they don't buy the docs that are meant to be for work.
Good thread I suppose.

Anybody got a suggestion for a Digital tablet in the region of £80?
360 is awesome, if you're into shooters. Prepare to pay a bit for XBL, but it's far superior to the PS3's online services.


I'm most definately a shooter man, but I was gonna pick up Dead Rising as one of my firsts.