Should I say this joke... or not ?


Sep 4, 2009
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I am planning to apply for a United States entry Visa. The process will require me to attend an interview at the local embassy, and answer specific questions. While I am sure one of the questions asked will be inquiring if I could prepare or build bombs, I thought a funny response to that could be "Well my only experience with bombs is an evening after-meal gigantic fart, sometimes silent but deadly". Do you think the American local consulate agent interviewing will appreciate this joke?
This isn't going to be the great first post how you imagined it would be.

Welcome to [strike]America[/strike] [strike][/strike] Guantánamo Bay!
epic 1st post though, welcome to
This will become the "Plan 9 From Outer Space" of forum posts.
I am planning to apply for a United States entry Visa. The process will require me to attend an interview at the local embassy, and answer specific questions. While I am sure one of the questions asked will be inquiring if I could prepare or build bombs, I thought a funny response to that could be "Well my only experience with bombs is an evening after-meal gigantic fart, sometimes silent but deadly". Do you think the American local consulate agent interviewing will appreciate this joke?

put some wires in your shoe as well.
Some people can't take a joke. I'd advice against it.
Well, as the joke sucked, no. Even if it was good, I still wouldn't recommend it.
Oh maaan definitely do that it'd be so hilarious bro! omgomg I can just imagine their reactions they'll be all like "wait wtf for a second" and then it'll dawn on them and they'll double over laughing its gonna be awesome dude!
They may ask you some common knowledge such as name two states in America that begin with 'P'.

You will answer, Pennsylvania and pearl harbour.

'Pearl harbour aint a state!'

'It was a ****ing state when the japs left it'
i heard black jokes work the best...even if one of the people there is black. if that doesn't work it's probably a dream and i'd take off all your clothes so you wake up.
I am planning to apply for a United States entry Visa. The process will require me to attend an interview at the local embassy, and answer specific questions. While I am sure one of the questions asked will be inquiring if I could prepare or build bombs, I thought a funny response to that could be "Well my only experience with bombs is an evening after-meal gigantic fart, sometimes silent but deadly". Do you think the American local consulate agent interviewing will appreciate this joke?
I don't, I also don't think it will help you use the alias Serialkilla, I hope that isn't your middle name or something. It is a pretty awful joke, in my experience...dick jokes are consistently more effective.

Also, stay in Switzerland. It's a lovely country!
i heard black jokes work the best...even if one of the people there is black. if that doesn't work it's probably a dream and i'd take off all your clothes so you wake up.

If one of the people there was black that would probably be worth mentioning.
methinks he's a bot.

i'd agree but i can't imagine what the motive is...unless he REALLY wants to tell this joke but is conflicted.
i can picture him at the interview...

"have you ever been convicted of a felony?"

"convicted? did i accidentally kill 3 pregnant women and a golden retriever last week?..possibly."
Please stay out of our country. We have enough idiots already.
Well I probably couldn't get my application rejected, after all a fart does have similar attributes to a bomb but doesn't cause destruction and death. Though may be inappropriate to joke like that during an interview, I insist some questions that will be appointed to me seem rediculed in my sense so deserve rediculed answer. Though if I really want to make to the states, and from your answers I probably shouldn't say this and most probably will not.

Thanks for welcome posts!
I would deny that application, cause the joke is really bad.
I can swear I posted in this thread before.

also, do it.
While I am sure one of the questions asked will be inquiring if I could prepare or build bombs

So you either admit to having the ability or flat out lie, enjoy.
If you tell this joke they'll charge you with 1st degree manlaughter.
Why is this thread not closed yet?

Things you shouldn't say in your first post.
A friend of a friend of mine was travelling to the states once years ago and on the immigration form he was asked "Do you intend to overthrow the government of the United States during your stay?"

For a joke, he wrote down "sole purpose of visit".

They sent him home on the next plane.
just say the words "I love ronald reagan" and they will let you in

oh and combined whit "I will join the army"