Should I Stay Or Should I Go?


Space Core
Jul 2, 2004
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Well, my housemates dropped quite the bomb on me last night.

We end our first semester of our 2nd year tomorrow, and they told me that they wanted to 'live as a 5 next year'. Wether that means year 3 (ie september 2008) or as of Jan 2008 i dont know yet, need to talk to them again i think.

But anyway, whats the reason? This is where i lol. The reason theyve given me is that 'I dont seem to be around or talk to us much and we feel youre not getting anything from living with us, as the rest of us have established a good bond with each other' i dont know about you but i cant see that as a reason for me to be leaving surely?
Ill admit i spend alot of time in my room, but thats because im working my ass off during the day and playing games at night, because quite frankly im in my 2nd year at Uni and i really dont want to be ***king up my marks as they actually count toward my final degree mark now.
Also, being quiet and shy is just who I am, always has been. Im one of the worst people to keep a convo going for some annoying reason.

Ive now got the attitude of 'well im on a contract with my landlord, not with them, and im paying to live here, so if im not actually doing anything wrong (i mean if i was causing arguments, breaking things, not washing up etc then yeah i could understand why they would say this) then why should i be the one to move???'

I need to have a proper sit down with them again im sure, for now that will come after new years when we come back as far as im concerned, im still working here hehe. Thing is, i dont know if i should fight for my right to stay or just leave and find some mediocre shithole where id end up with random people i dont know. To be honest, i dont want to move as this is a really nice house.

Is 'not talking much and not being around as much as we are' an actual PROBLEM??? Hell, they even said 'if you left it would be like nothing had changed' surely whats the problem if i just stayed anyway?

So ultimately, do i stay or do i go
Pfft I wouldn't go, sounds like ulterior motives if you're not doing anything wrong. I bet there is some other guy they go out with and socialise with that lives a while away. "Come live with us, we'll see if we can oust the guy that lives with us that never joins in". You don't need to go anywhere, they haven't got a hold over you in anyway do they?
Do a barrel roll.

Nah, seriously though, I'd go find yourself a different place to live. If they're going to act like that now, just imagine what it's going to be like next year.
Convince the landlord to evict them. Invite in some gamers who share your lifestyle.
I just dont know how to talk to them about it.

Do i sit there and give in? Do i potentially create an argument and make them see my point therefore just making it awkward if they decide its ok if i stay? Well quite frankly if they end up being really childish about it and not talk to me etc then i couldnt care less, im thick skinned i dont give a ***t, im here to work now, i had my fun in my first year in halls.

Im just stunned in that i cant see a valid reason for me having to leave...
Pfft I wouldn't go, sounds like ulterior motives if you're not doing anything wrong. I bet there is some other guy they go out with and socialise with that lives a while away. "Come live with us, we'll see if we can oust the guy that lives with us that never joins in".

yeah thats immediately what i thought when i read the OP.
Wait, your paying the rent to the landlord? said you answer to him right?'t it you who can kick them out?.

I dunno what crazy arrangements you have where you live, but in the UK its generally one person in charge or in contract or whatever with rent and stuff for flats and houses.
So they want to kick you to the street eh?

I'd personally tell them to go and **** themselves because as long as you're paying your share and keeping yourself and your possessions clean and tidy you've got no reason to leave.

"Not being social" is a load of bullshit too, there's keeping to yourself and there's being an ignorant dick. I doubt you're the latter.
I think they want to have gay sex behind your back. It's often a common excuse.
Im the kind of guy that just keeps to himself, always have been.

Its not like they never see me, i talk to them when im cooking, we watch certain shows on the weekend (Top Gear ftw!) and still have a laugh, i see them out on student nights (when i feel like getting drunk anyway, which hasnt been much this semester), its not like we go mute when we're sat in the same room.

And yeah we have one person in charge of the house per say but we all signed individual contracts. And besides, surely you cant push for an eviction based ONLY on the grounds of a social barrier. Im tidy and pay all my rent and bband and tv stuff on time just like they do.
Personally I think you should leave them. But of your own accord. Stay longer than they want you to, but not too long, because they sound like total pricks.
...maybe they have a point? ..ok not the kicking you out part but you live with 5 other people, you should get along with them if not then it's time to move. Anyways maybe you should try to socialise a little, university is much more than just being stuck in a room studying/playing games ..cut down on your video games and go out get drunk/laid more often. In fact for the most part the only games you should be playing in university involves one of the following: a dart board 2 pitchers of beer and 4 frosty mugs, a deck of cards with an unopened bottle of tequila and two members of the opposite sex, a bunch of friends a copy of the smurfs on dvd and 2 bottles of tequila, and finally sweaty bed sheets and a girl who's name might be Linda or Belinda ..or maybe it was Betty ..Mulva?
I'd agree with that entirely... if you hadn't mentioned getting laid as if it were just another act. That's one thing I hate about movies/media. It puts across sex as just another part of the day. Yeah, if only it were so f*ckin' easy! :angry:
In all honesty it sounds to me as though you're a bit boring, and they want shut of you.

Try spending less time playing games, and more time in the real world.

Either that, or they're the boring ones, and you're just living in the wrong place.
think of it as a bunch of guys who all wanna be great friends living in the same house together.. then theres the one guy who is around but never hanging out with the friends. Its like taking up space for someone who could be another awesome addition to the circle of friends(sounds gay ya). Id either start being more social, which i doubt will happen for you, or move on.
Less gaming more socialising tbh, there's plenty of time for computer games after University. Clearly these people moved in with you in the first place because they thought you'd be good fun, and quite clearly you've gone insular on them. Enjoy your student days by being a student and getting out and about with your friends, and sacrifice the game time a bit instead. Priorities should be:-

1) work
2) cultivating relationships
3) hobbies
If you go there will be trouble, but if you stay it will be double
If you go there will be trouble, but if you stay it will be double

That was the lamest thing ive ever seen on

Also, I'd leave. They've made their mind clear to you, and i think things might escalate a bit if you just stay there. Its kind of saying "Hey, I understand what you're saying, but **** off." Which you're totally in the right of saying, but its not the idea. situation and I think they may get a little offended or annoyed, which can only cause problems.

I think you should explain your situation to them, and see how they take to that. Then judge from there how you should act.
they clearly dont like you. consider yourself lucky that they were nice enough to make up some crap about wanting to live as a 5 to avoid hurting your feelings. why would you want to stay now, knowing they dont even want you living in the same place as them - even when they hardly see you because youre always in your room?
I would say it depends on how you like there currently, do you enjoy living there then you should stay. If it is not that great you should remian there until you have found another place to live.

You should not socialize more then you want to. But then there is the problem with being shy is that you do want to socialize but are uncomfortible doing so, I would say the best way to handle that is to simple ignore the discomfort.