Should I worry about the CE availability, you think?


Jun 2, 2004
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i'm not sure if i should pre-order it; i just fear there may be too many fanatics camping in front of stores to snatch all the copies on release day. think this will be the case?
Doubt anyone knows Cliffe, but I know I want one! I will even miss a day off school to go get it if I must!
Camp outside yourself! Do it for two nights to get the best spot
Realisticly though vALVE will know how much demand their will be for the CE and wont deribatley make to few of them when they can make so much money from selling them
I'd worry more about the regular edition

When SWG came out I couldn't find a normal version, but there were quite a few CE's left.
dekstar said:
Doubt anyone knows Cliffe, but I know I want one! I will even miss a day off school to go get it if I must!

That's quite the sacrifice you're willing to make there! :p

I'll probably end up pre-ordering, but not until a week or so before release, when all the facts about the CE are known...
trizzm said:
i'm not sure if i should pre-order it; i just fear there may be too many fanatics camping in front of stores to snatch all the copies on release day. think this will be the case?

actually i think u should pre-roder it.
i mean its gonna be tough enough getting the regular version...and considering this CE version is more than likely limited edition, chances are gamers are gonna pre-order it like no tomorrow.

now i understand nothing has been revealed about the contents of the CE, but rest assured HL fans will getting it... and if it turns out the goodies in the CE are great (which we here are hoping :cheese: ) that will mean even the average fan will want the CE.

anyway i pre-ordered it and now i am worry free :p
why not just pre order it? better to be safe than sorry. when the details of what the ce contains are released you can make up your mind if you want it or not. if you dont pre order your chances of getting it on the first day i bet would be slim to none. dont worry though if you dont pre order, and cant get it. i'll sell you my extra copy for $350. :burp:
I pre-ordered my CE today. Although not 100%, Doug Lombardi stated in one of the emails in the Valve thread that he believes that CE will be a limited edition release.
Why are you all so concerned about the retailers not having enough copies of the game in stock? I've purchased many highly anticipated games (and other things) on their release date, but I have not once had a store run out of copies.

Doom III was just as anticipated as Half Life 2 is (As for you retarded fanboys that will say something along the lines of "OMFG NO IT ISNT??!!! HL2 R0XORZ TEH BOMB11!!!", go away), but there was certainly no shortage of copies...
This is about the collector's edition, not the standard edition. The standard will be produced as many times as it will sell. A lot of times collector's editions are limited.
Collector Editions are usually no different in terms of production numbers than the regular games. Valve/Vivendi knows there is profit to be made in these things, so do you honestly expect them to produce too few when they could be making so much more money?

And just for the sake of argument, care to explain why copies of the CE's for games like Warcraft III or Star Wars: Galaxies are still available. Remember, these were highly anticipated games that sold very well.
At +$80 a pop, I wouldn't worry about it.

Then again, if whatever comes in it IS worth the extra $30 or so, then you might start worrying, if only a teensy bit. I doubt they'll be running out of them.

Of course, I should mention that I already pre-purchased the CE :)
MrBongo said:
Why are you all so concerned about the retailers not having enough copies of the game in stock? I've purchased many highly anticipated games (and other things) on their release date, but I have not once had a store run out of copies.

Well there's a HUGE difference between where you live and where I live (NC), because it's hard for me to count how many times all of the stores within an hours drive have run out. Maybe there just aren't as many rabid gaming fans where you are, or ditirbutor's just don't like sending games to NC. But there are 3 malls that I check with (eb or gamestop in all three), 5 wal-marts, 2 targets, 2 best buys, 2 circuit citys, a kmart, and a toys r us. And I have a hard time finding big games when they come out if I haven't pre-ordered. There have been more times than I can count that I haven't been able to find a game on it's release date due to being sold out. UT2k4 was sold out by my lunch (1pm) in all of these stores except for a gamestop where i got the last one. So I recommend to EVERYONE who wants to make sure they have a game on it's release date to reserve a copy ASAP, because sometimes the stores run out or preorder spaces and people get put on a list for 2nd/3rd shipments.
Based upon an email i got from doug lombardi, he really doesn't know if the ce will be in limited quantities but he believes it will be

From: Doug Lombardi [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Monday, August 30, 2004 1:39 PM
To: Me
Subject: RE: Question about Collector's Edition of Half-Life 2

Not sure, but I think so.


From: Me
Sent: Saturday, August 28, 2004 3:56 PM
To: Doug Lombardi
Subject: Question about Collector's Edition of Half-Life 2
Hi, I have a quick question about the collector’s edition of half-life 2. Will it be a limited edition release?

MrBongo said:
Why are you all so concerned about the retailers not having enough copies of the game in stock? I've purchased many highly anticipated games (and other things) on their release date, but I have not once had a store run out of copies.

Doom III was just as anticipated as Half Life 2 is (As for you retarded fanboys that will say something along the lines of "OMFG NO IT ISNT??!!! HL2 R0XORZ TEH BOMB11!!!", go away), but there was certainly no shortage of copies...

well consider urself lucky then because i have seen first hand a store run out of copies and gamers who hadn't pre-ordered were scrambling to see if other stores had a copy.

as for HL2's CE, as others have stated here Valve think the CE will be in limited i guess if pple here want to risk not having a CE copy on release day.. then more power to em.
I'm not preordering anything until the contents of each package and the MSRP of the Collector's edition is announced.
For some reason I haven't found anywhere in the UK to preorder a copy of the collectors edition. for one haven't even bothered to do that, and I don't get out enough to drive to somewhere (well, my dad drives, I kinda sit there quietly), like GAME to order it. Well, I doubt there will be much point in worrying because half the population of the UK falls into the stupid idiot cack smokers society (Sorry if I offended any of you british crack smokers, but you really are idiots), and so they will probably be too stoned to buy Half-life 2.... Joy...

On the same note: I don't think that VALVe would bother making CE limited. I mean, they know that half the population of America or Britain, who know and want to buy Half-life 2, will be buying it. So expect there to be like 1000 copies of the CE on your local shop shelves, and none of the regular, in my opinion.
They would be pretty stupid if they made a very limited number of CEs when there are lots of people willing to pay the extra money.

- Yellonet
Yellonet said:
They would be pretty stupid if they made a very limited number of CEs when there are lots of people willing to pay the extra money.

- Yellonet

having a limited number of copies is part what makes the CE if u wanna disagree thats ur problem but it makes sense to me anyway.
just a quick little update: i know info from retailers right now means almost ziltch since nothing is set in stone but i was at EB today looking for another game and asked about the HL2 CE.

it was listed at around $115 Canadian dollars.. so um.. yeah, take that price with a grain of salt pple :p
I pre-ordered my copy of the CE version. I am skeptical of what is going to be in the box though. If it is just a bunch of useless junk i have no interest in then I'll downgrade to the regular edition. But if there is some level of extra software or something then I'll keep it. I was origionally going to wait till they say what's in the CE but I'm really doubting they'll even bother or will do so at the last possible second.
I think I heard somewhere that the CE edition contained all the things like CS: Source and Half-life: Source. Nothing is new though about if it will contain cool stuff like T-shirts and maybe a poster or two. I'll be getting the CE no matter what though because I want Counter-strike: Source so much! :D
considering the CE is only 60$ at walmart, how could you pass that up. Thats only 10$ more then the regular version, hell, even crappy extras would be worth that.

But knowing valve, i doubt we would get stuck with crap. Heck, if the hl1 source, and opposing force source came with it, id be more then happy for 10$.

The other places that are charging 80$+ Ouch!

I ordered mine like a month ago, and my CC will be billed when it ships, makes me happy.
Schmiggy_JK23 said:
considering the CE is only 60$ at walmart, how could you pass that up. Thats only 10$ more then the regular version, hell, even crappy extras would be worth that.

But knowing valve, i doubt we would get stuck with crap. Heck, if the hl1 source, and opposing force source came with it, id be more then happy for 10$.

The other places that are charging 80$+ Ouch!

I ordered mine like a month ago, and my CC will be billed when it ships, makes me happy.

yeah, it would have to come with the other source modified games that the regular game doesn't for me to buy it. I love half-life as much as the next person and have been playing it since it first came out, but some T-shirt or poster and fancy box is just not worth the extra money.
Hehe. Well it seems everyone has different expectations of what they want in that little cardboard heaven that is the HL2 Game case. Nevertheless, all will be revealed when the Game is released, and we can all sit down and wait for the moderators to delete all the "When's HL2 coming out?" threads. I, for one, don't care what comes in the box. But I wouldn't feel it was a waste if on the day after release I was sitting at my computer desk wearing my Hl2 T-shirt, pinning up my Limited edition Hl2 poster, and deleting all my old games (doom 3 for one), then letting my computer feel the pleasure of booting up that Hl2 DVD, ready to install.

What do you lot think?
what you just said

edit: lol, no offense but cud u just get an avatar?

i'll draw a version of Gman for you! like my Shepard! he have a.. shiny... eye?
I, personally, don't think there will be much problem regarding getting a copy of CE. There are alot of people that are huge fan-boys, and aren't old enough to hold a job, so their parents buy it for them. Parents aren't goign to shell out 80+ bux on a least I would HOPE not..... \=