Should Marijuana be legalized in the United States?

Teh Pwned

Aug 18, 2005
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I've heard alot of talk back and forth on the legalization of marijuana in the government and wondered began to wonder exactly why it was Illegal.

Was it addictive?
Not physically, at least, not any more than alcohol, but thats legal, is it not?

Was it hazardous to your health?
All drugs are, but then, cigarettes are too, and besides, shouldn't a person have the right if they want to hurt thier body or not?

How Badly did it influence your decisions?
Marijuana, being to mild to be in the catagory of hallucinogenics, only amplifies your sensitivity to light and colors, disinhibits, and relaxes the user, while at times giving them a euphoric high. And though it does slightly disable motor functions and coordination, its 7 times less potent than alcohol, making it much safer, although I'd be all for giving out DUH's. (Driving while high.)

But can't it been grown at your house, thus escaping taxation?
Yes, but alcohol too, can be distilled at a house, thus making them both able to evade taxation.

But Doesn't marijuana lead to bigger drugs?
Yes, its been shown that around 50% big time addicts of higher level drugs (I.E., Meth, Herion, Cocain.) started with marijuana. But, amazingly, the other 50% achieved it through alcohol.

So whats so bad about marijuana that's not bad about alcohol? I mean, I would think that staying home, getting stoned, and watching some TV would be worse than going to the bar, downing ten beers, then driving home and taking out a family. Personally, I say make it legal, its our choice if we want to smoke ourselves to death.

I think Denver is an example of how the general public is starting to realize all of those facts (They just recently voted to legalize it).
We really just need to get it on some state ballots so people can vote on it.

Personally, I really want to see it legalized mostly because 280-300 bucks for an ounce is rediculous
Legalize it. It's a person's own responsibility, and one should be able to take their health into their own hands.
Teh Pwned said:
I've heard alot of talk back and forth on the legalization of marijuana in the government and wondered began to wonder exactly why it was Illegal.

Was it addictive?
Not physically, at least, not any more than alcohol, but thats legal, is it not?

Was it hazardous to your health?
All drugs are, but then, cigarettes are too, and besides, shouldn't a person have the right if they want to hurt thier body or not?

How Badly did it influence your decisions?
Marijuana, being to mild to be in the catagory of hallucinogenics, only amplifies your sensitivity to light and colors, disinhibits, and relaxes the user, while at times giving them a euphoric high. And though it does slightly disable motor functions and coordination, its 7 times less potent than alcohol, making it much safer, although I'd be all for giving out DUH's. (Driving while high.)

But can't it been grown at your house, thus escaping taxation?
Yes, but alcohol too, can be distilled at a house, thus making them both able to evade taxation.

But Doesn't marijuana lead to bigger drugs?
Yes, its been shown that around 50% big time addicts of higher level drugs (I.E., Meth, Herion, Cocain.) started with marijuana. But, amazingly, the other 50% achieved it through alcohol.

So whats so bad about marijuana that's not bad about alcohol? I mean, I would think that staying home, getting stoned, and watching some TV would be worse than going to the bar, downing ten beers, then driving home and taking out a family. Personally, I say make it legal, its our choice if we want to smoke ourselves to death.


Anything addictive is usually not good: drugs, alcohol, etc

No you should not be allowed to hurt yourself, I pay taxes for peoples healthcare. I will allow you to kill youself only if they pass a law that says anyone who is diagnosed with lung cancer or is suffering from some sort of overdose should be left to die, not treated at my expense (or worse I die because I need an operation and you are in there). Of course this is in Canada so we pay for our healthcare not per visit so it may not apply there.

I dont like any sensory distortion, thats when bad things happen (ie drinking related deaths) although I know it is nothing too serious. I dont want any more DWH's as alcohol is bad enough. Why add more to the problem. Although if legalised it would be a good idea to give them out.

If legalised it would be either home grown or like the LCBO where it can only be purchased through the government.

Leading to worse drugs is never a good thing. Every drug user I know drinks but most alcohol users I know dont do drugs. Either way not good.

My #1 complaint is second hand smoke. Sure you can hurt yourself but the problem is that I will be getting hurt too and that is not right. Besides if alcohol is a bad thing why do you compare marijuana to it? because it is slightly "less bad?"

Well if you can overcome the second hand smoke and healthcare issues then sure legalise it!
I've recently decided to stop smoking marijuana for a while (I was only a light smoker anyway), and it's working out fine for me. Cannabis is not at all addicting to me. Secondhand smoke is a NON ISSUE with marijuana and to be honest lung cancer is barely one.

I also never drink, even when I did smoke.

Mushrooms, now... that's a different story.

I believe it should be legalized - either that or alcohol become illegal.

Someone get burner in here!

Teh Pwned said:
But Doesn't marijuana lead to bigger drugs?
Yes, its been shown that around 50% big time addicts of higher level drugs (I.E., Meth, Herion, Cocain.) started with marijuana. But, amazingly, the other 50% achieved it through alcohol.
This is manipulative propaganda. Marijuana use does NOT, and I repeat does NOT lead to more dangerous drug habits. The fact that most hard drug users also smoke / have smoked marijuana doesn't mean that all marijuana smokers use hard drugs. In fact, the vast majority of pot smokers don't ever do any other drugs, except perhaps alcohol or tobacco.

The bottom line is that you cannot make a real argument against the legalization of marijuana without bending the facts or making an argument against alcohol or tobacco as well.
I think the easy problem to second-hand smoke would be not to hang around people when they are smoking, and make smoking in public places illegal. (As it is in Florida.)

But yes, shrooms, pcp, cocaine? That can stay on the illegal list.
Mary Jane should stay illegal. They should make alcohol illegal too. And cigarettes.
Teh Pwned said:
I think the easy problem to second-hand smoke would be not to hang around people when they are smoking, and make smoking in public places illegal. (As it is in Florida.)

But yes, shrooms, pcp, cocaine? That can stay on the illegal list.
If you knew even the barest of facts about psilocybin mushrooms you wouldn't have said that. Lumping ANY hallucinogen (except ones like Datura that are natural poisons) in with stimulants (cocaine, speed, methamphetamine), depressants (various prescription pills, alcohol), or dissociatives (PCP, ketamine, DXM) is purely ignorant.

Magic Mushrooms facts:
Ennui said:
If you knew even the barest of facts about psilocybin mushrooms you wouldn't have said that. Lumping ANY hallucinogen (except ones like Datura that are natural poisons) in with stimulants (cocaine, speed, methamphetamine), depressants (various prescription pills, alcohol), or dissociatives (PCP, ketamine, DXM) is purely ignoran

It wasn't out of ignorance, it was out of bad experiance.
DeusExMachinia said:
Mary Jane should stay illegal. They should make alcohol illegal too. And cigarettes.
If they did that you know how many people would be ticked off! ALMOST! our whole country would be killers without nicotine and Alcohol!
Teh Pwned said:
It wasn't out of ignorance, it was out of bad experiance.
A personal experience? Should have prepared adequately. Practically every decent mushroom information site on the internet is completely riddled with cautions on how important it is to be in a good mindset and situation. Set and setting, as Leary put it.
Well, first time, weekend, wanted to get to them quick, ect. It was the worst trip of my life, so suffice to say, I'm just personaly biased against using shrooms myself, but I don't really care about thier legalization so much as, say, herion.
Teh Pwned said:
Well, first time, weekend, wanted to get to them quick, ect.
Well that doesn't sound good. My first trip was completely ****ed up too, we messed up in planning and ended up completely falling apart... I won't get into details but let me tell you, getting busted by your friends mom because she thinks you're stoned off your ass is scary on shrooms, and eating dinner with his family while tripping my balls off was one of the strangest, most confusing experiences of my life.
Ennui said:
Well that doesn't sound good. My first trip was completely ****ed up too, we messed up in planning and ended up completely falling apart... I won't get into details but let me tell you, getting busted by your friends mom because she thinks you're stoned off your ass is scary on shrooms, and eating dinner with his family while tripping my balls off was one of the strangest, most confusing experiences of my life.

We tried it at my friends house, it managed to stay all good for a while, but we forgot to lock the doors, and one of us decided to leave. We figured out he was missing, went to find him, I thought I was in Lord of The Rings, looking for the Ring Bearer, and I thought that the woods were trying to kill me. That about did it for me.
I don't care if pot is legalized, just as long as I don't have to hear some idiot talking about "I GOT SO ****EN WASTED OMG!" we get it, you're a loser (not that I'm saying that all reefers are losers)
Dalamari said:
I don't care if pot is legalized, just as long as I don't have to hear some idiot talking about "I GOT SO ****EN WASTED OMG!" we get it, you're a loser (not that I'm saying that all reefers are losers)
You'd have to hear that it's lose/lose for you.;)
Be careful where you buy your pot from, dealers can be shady and put other substances in your marijuana.

Yah like somebody else it was Denver or some other mid-western state in one of their little cities whatever, it's legal to have possession of marijuana, but only an amount that is under an ounce.

That'd be so tight, buying mari J at the local 7/11 and the dude passes you this cute little bag full made by, "Maribrand"
It should be legal, as should all drugs (i believe nothing should be banned if you can aquire it yourself)
But medical help should not be given to those who develop health problems through drug use.
Yeh well, There are ups and downs to this subject, People are getting it anyway right now as it is.
I think it should be legal, but for private use in the home.
I hear enough people say "OH MAN WE GOT SO ****ED UP YO." I don't want to hear about how more retards got ****ed up tenfold :|.
short recoil said:
It should be legal, as should all drugs (i believe nothing should be banned if you can aquire it yourself)
But medical help should not be given to those who develop health problems through drug use.
I don't know about that, some 14 year old gets hooked on Meth because he's at the "experimental stage" in his life, and its in wide supply his local Cosco ( or where ever). Realizes he's made a huge mistake, tries to stop, but hears "srry, thats your problem, now **** off".

Let's face it, drugs harder then Weed/Mush have a tendency to rouine lives, legalizing them all would be opening the door to disaster.

Yes, weed should be legalized, the only person it hurts one.
brink's said:
I don't know about that, some 14 year old gets hooked on Meth because he's at the "experimental stage" in his life, and its in wide supply his local Cosco
It's a lot easier for minors to get drugs when they're illegal.
Danimal said:
I think it should be legal, but for private use in the home.
DeusExMachinia said:
Mary Jane should stay illegal. They should make alcohol illegal too. And cigarettes.

If they banned alcohol I would be tempted to kill someone.

As for weed, dont care, but if cigarrettes are legal, then weed should be, as cigarettes are worse for your health. Alcohol really is due depending on how often and how much you drink.
Ikerous said:



Ennui said:
I've recently decided to stop smoking marijuana for a while (I was only a light smoker anyway), and it's working out fine for me. Cannabis is not at all addicting to me. Secondhand smoke is a NON ISSUE with marijuana and to be honest lung cancer is barely one.

I also never drink, even when I did smoke.

Mushrooms, now... that's a different story.

I believe it should be legalized - either that or alcohol become illegal.

Someone get burner in here!

This is manipulative propaganda. Marijuana use does NOT, and I repeat does NOT lead to more dangerous drug habits. The fact that most hard drug users also smoke / have smoked marijuana doesn't mean that all marijuana smokers use hard drugs. In fact, the vast majority of pot smokers don't ever do any other drugs, except perhaps alcohol or tobacco.

The bottom line is that you cannot make a real argument against the legalization of marijuana without bending the facts or making an argument against alcohol or tobacco as well.

Quoted for future reference when penguins are our masters.
Ikerous said:
It's a lot easier for minors to get drugs when they're illegal.

It wasn't for me, by the time i was 16 I knew a group 18 year olds quite well and let's say they liked to drink.....

I guess its the double edged sword, but i still think drugs would be in wider use by all age groups, if it were legal.
First off, I am for total legalization of marijuana.

But I must say what really gets me is that only a few states have allowed medical marijuana. I have crohn's disease and using marijuana has been very effective for reducing my nausea. The other drugs they prescribe have way too many side effects and make me feel awful. So everytime somebody is against medical prepared because its an emotional subject to me.
Either ban all recreational and/or mood/mind altering drugs or legalize it. It is perfectly safe unlike many other kinds of drugs which is why there are so few arguments against it.

If you want to ban all recreational and/or mood/mind altering drugs then we are going to have to ban anything with caffeine as well. Yes it is in fact a drug. In other words yes I do think it should be legalized.
If its legalized I'm going to open an exporting plant in Colombia and hire 100 ten-year-olds to roll weed for me and pay them $.13 an hour, all the while I'm sitting in my office in my big leather chair counting profits.

Disclaimer: I do not smoke weed.
no because all people who smoke weed are losers. our youth is ****ed up enough as it is, we dont need them staring at pretty colors or wearing sandels and making hemp bracelets.

legalize it only if you make military service mandatory for 4 years after high school.
Ikerous said:
13th ammendment
wow... so south korea is a slave state? and israel?

paying your taxes is slavery? hint: because something is "mandatory" does not make it "slavery". thats an easy one, give me another. maybe another doobie will help you think of a better argument.
gh0st said:
wow... so south korea is a slave state? and israel?
In my opinion... yea
gh0st said:
hint: because something is "mandatory" does not make it "slavery".
Mandatory servitude is completely different than taxes...
key word being servitude

And i'd give you more reasons why im against the draft, but im out to go smoke a j :) peace
Ikerous said:
In my opinion... yea
behold the logic of a pothead. south korea the slave state! HOORAH! :rolling:
And i'd give you more reasons why im against the draft, but im out to go smoke a j :) peace
ah theres youre problem: reading is difficult for you.

draft is not equal to mandatory military service. a draft is where the poor black kids have to go to war and the rich white ones sit around and suck on j's all day. mandatory service is where EVERYONE has to devote a certain number of years to kicking peoples ass.

on second thought, no this is a bad idea. i dont want a bunch of emaciated stoners fighting with me.

ps, if the 13th amendment applies to anything other than slavery as it existed 120 years ago, then why did we have a draft in the 70s? ouch. should have paid attention during US history.
gh0st said:
behold the logic of a pothead. south korea the slave state! HOORAH! :rolling:

ah theres youre problem: reading is difficult for you.

draft is not equal to mandatory military service. a draft is where the poor black kids have to go to war and the rich white ones sit around and suck on j's all day. mandatory service is where EVERYONE has to devote a certain number of years to kicking peoples ass.

on second thought, no this is a bad idea. i dont want a bunch of emaciated stoners fighting with me.

ps, if the 13th amendment applies to anything other than slavery as it existed 120 years ago, then why did we have a draft in the 70s? ouch. should have paid attention during US history.
I like how you make points by being mean