Should Marijuana be legalized in the United States?

the_lone_wolf said:
the fact that people have tried scaremongering tactics before like saying it'll make you infertile or it suppresses the immune system, or that there are other more damaging things out there which are legal is a moot point, in the end you'll have to weigh up your own personal ups and downs and make a choice... i've simply got better things to spend my money on and the links to mental health problems are far too great when compared to any benifits i might get from smoking it. again it's a decision up to the individual but i wouldn't start ingesting, inhaling or injecting known cancer causing chemicals into my body through choice, whether the effects they have are proven or not.
you do understand we're exposed to carcinogens all the time from different sources?
Lol, not to mention that there are probably zero carcinogens in unburnt weed
Ennui said:
you do understand we're exposed to carcinogens all the time from different sources?
yeah, it sucks doesn't it, there's even carcigonens in every day toiletries and 3,4 benzopyrene is a product of roasting coffee beans

but would you go around rolling it asbestos for a laugh or sitting next to a running diesel motor cause you like to smell the fumes if you had the choice not to? why expose yourself to extra, avoidable, carcinogens?
LMAO, if that's what you believe then there's not a lot of point in arguing the toss, you can read and believe what you like, research is very rarely ever conclusive so you have to take a step back and observe the larger picture, and if you do that then you will see the truth

and no, it shouldn't be legal
What's your opinion on cigarettes and alcohol being legal?
Hey, just out of curiosity

I was cleaning my pipe earlier. If you've ever done this you know the inside gets covered in some nasty sticky gooey shit. Is that what my lungs are like? Cuz thats absolutely ****ing gross if they are.
that's resin
your lungs might look like that if you smoke a TON of pot (or a normal amount of cigarettes) for a few years.
not going to read the 10 pages of this because I honestly don't care that much will respond to whats probably in them based on discussions with others in the past.


marijuana is harmful it's about on par with pure tobacco
you only have 2 options all drugs legalized or all drugs illegal as the food industry pushes stimulants and narcotics and the medical industry pushes painkillers and mood stabilizers I'm going to say all drugs aren't going to be made illegal anytime in the near future so anyone fighting for making certain drugs illegal while leaving worse drugs legal is quite simply a complete moron

now for my favorite medical problem terminally ill patients are left suffering on morphine which does little to nothing for their pain heroin however in it's weakest form is 8 times as effective as morphine yet the U.S.A. surgeon general will not allow heroin to be used on terminally ill patients because it's more addictive than morphine many of you are probably seeing the same problem with this that I do... and currently going double-u tee ef?
Ennui said:
that's resin
your lungs might look like that if you smoke a TON of pot (or a normal amount of cigarettes) for a few years.

And, resin is some pretty powerful Shit. But I have to agree with Ennui (If this is his point anyway.) watch how much you smoke, don't go binge everday.
Umm.. the lungs do clean themselves out you know, smoking would probably make you suffocate pretty quickly if they didnt.
Teh Pwned said:
But Doesn't marijuana lead to bigger drugs?
Yes, its been shown that around 50% big time addicts of higher level drugs (I.E., Meth, Herion, Cocain.) started with marijuana. But, amazingly, the other 50% achieved it through alcohol

Just about everyone I know has drank before doing ANY other drugs. Alcohol->marijuana->other stuff

If anything alcohol should be banned. Also I dont know anyone who tries to start fights or beats up their spouse while high....
AzzMan said:
If anything alcohol should be banned. Also I dont know anyone who tries to start fights or beats up their spouse while high....
That depends on who's drinking it.

I like a drink, never get violent. Nor do I feel the urge to jump into a car and kill myself or any passengers. Unfortunately this doesn't reign true with everyone, but the fact is alcohol is highly taxed and generates a lot of money, just like tobacco.
AzzMan said:
Just about everyone I know has drank before doing ANY other drugs. Alcohol->marijuana->other stuff

If anything alcohol should be banned. Also I dont know anyone who tries to start fights or beats up their spouse while high....

Well, that would be stereotyping, because there are people that begin drinking, and never try anything else.

Alcohol rakes in to much profit, and people are always demanding it, so its not about to get banned anytime soon. And if it was, think of huge underground trade that would spring up, bringin the safety of liquor way down, as it will now be brewed in backwater distilleries with god-knows-what in it, instead of in regulated tanks. The same goes for weed, if it was legal, then its quality would actually become better/safer.

And weed is an emotional intensifier. Although it does make you feel happy, it intensifies whatever mood you were feeling when the high gets to you. If your scared, you get paranoid as shit, if you were happy, you become a regular clown, ect.
AzzMan said:
Just about everyone I know has drank before doing ANY other drugs. Alcohol->marijuana->other stuff

If anything alcohol should be banned. Also I dont know anyone who tries to start fights or beats up their spouse while high....

Violent tendencies have more to do with genetics, than alcohol. Of course the latter can increase such tendencies, but is has nothing to do with the larger picture.
shadow6899 said:
Teh-Pwned, from personal experience that is not true. I only get 2 different kind of moods, no matter what mood i was in before i got high. Either happy, or tired :/


And this is always on the top of every drug information sheet-

Everyone is different. It has different effects on everyone. Just because one of the side effects never happens to you doesn't instantly make it untrue, false, or never happening. These studies are based off of mass populous effects, not just one person. And did I not state that smoking pot does bring a sense of Euphoria?
Legalize it. Legalize it you god damn shit-eating assclowns.

I hope to ****ing Allah that the younger generations grow up with some balls to fight such stupid legislation.
Teh Pwned said:

And this is always on the top of every drug information sheet-

Everyone is different. It has different effects on everyone. Just because one of the side effects never happens to you doesn't instantly make it untrue, false, or never happening. These studies are based off of mass populous effects, not just one person. And did I not state that smoking pot does bring a sense of Euphoria?

Same goes with alcohol. Some people get silly, and some get violent and start fights. Weed, on the other hand, I have yet to see anyone get violent on, excluding cases of pcp of course...
Don't argue that if alchohol is legal then marijuana should be. I agree that alchohol should be illegal but that isn't possible any more. This thread would be pointless if it headed that direction.

Alchohol is too popular to make illegal and they already tried to do that once and it failed horribly. If we make marijuana legal the same thing would happen. Can't revert back due to society wanting to keep it legal even more so than now. It would be an even larger issue.
I should have the right to consume mind-altering substances so long as I do so in responsibility. The ban of alcohol was reversed because it was a failure? Look around you. Prohibition against cannabis is one as well.

It irks me to no end that some people can sit idly by as harmless drug users are jailed because apparently there will be widespread societal doom if cannabis is legalized, despite the fact there's really quite little to justify such a fearful rationale.
Where should we draw the limit? Should hashish be allowed? Should cocaine? LSD? Ecstasy? Heroin?
There should be no limit. Its the limits that cause the problems ffs.
i used to smoke a ton of weed, recently stopped, gonna start up again soon. but ya it SHOULD DEFINETLY be legalized, it doesnt lead to violent behaviour, only sleepy mostly, and ya i cant drive yet but i could only imagine how hard and insane it would be to drive under that influence. so driving on it should definetly be banned and im sure everyone else should agree with me. ive gotten a ride several times with this guy who i got stoned with, and its an insane experience just sitting in the back seat, ur head feels like its getting sucked back, so ya, driving would be an even bigger story than that, and that should be banned for sure. at least. but im all up for legalization, i love weed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Glirk Dient said:
Don't argue that if alchohol is legal then marijuana should be. I agree that alchohol should be illegal but that isn't possible any more. This thread would be pointless if it headed that direction.

Alchohol is too popular to make illegal and they already tried to do that once and it failed horribly. If we make marijuana legal the same thing would happen. Can't revert back due to society wanting to keep it legal even more so than now. It would be an even larger issue.

Exactly my point. Cannabis used to be legal. The same thing that happened with alcohol prohibition is happening. People are still using it, in the same quantities as before.
Legalize marijuana. People should have the right to screw up their own bodies, and alcohol's legal anyways. There's no good reason to NOT allow it, because it doesn't hurt anyone other than the user.