Should "Support the Troops" stickers be allowed on Police cruisers?

Should "Support the Troops" stickers be allowed on government services vehicles

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You don't have to support the cause Solaris, but you can sure as hell support the soldiers themselves. It isn't one in the same.
Well it revolves around the word support doesn't it.

I have friends in the army, one I argued for weeks with trying to get him to change his mind, I sympathize with them and all the other troops and I hope they don't get hurt. But I don't support what they are doing but I don't know to what extent if any I hold them responsible for it.

I cannot support the troops in what they do, and support the people they are fighting. I really cannot decide who I support, hell I'm starting to doubt if the occupation is immoral.
Well it revolves around the word support doesn't it.

I have friends in the army, one I argued for weeks with trying to get him to change his mind, I sympathize with them and all the other troops and I hope they don't get hurt. But I don't support what they are doing but I don't know to what extent if any I hold them responsible for it.

I cannot support the troops in what they do, and support the people they are fighting. I really cannot decide who I support, hell I'm starting to doubt if the occupation is immoral.

If you support the people they are fighting, then you support brutal religious fanatics that spend more time killing each other than they do killing our troops, intentionally target innocent civilians and who have done a whole lot more to **** up and destabilise Iraq than we ever could.

There are only three explanations for why you would do this - ignorance, delusion or malice. Since you're not quite that malicious, I have to conclude it's a combination of ignorance and delusion. I would suggest refraining from having any more opinions about Iraq until you've finished having the revelation you're obviously struggling with.
"Support the troops" is not a political agenda.

yes it is, in this specific case it is because it's government services vehicles. Emergency workers were not given a choice irregardless of their feelings on the matter. To the public there is only message that the government is conveying: support the mission in afghanistan, irregardless that most canadians are against the war. The decals are only ever in use when there's canadian military personnel killed in a conflict

"In fact, one would raise serious questions about the nature of a country in which the populace doesn't support the troops.

you prove my point: politicised

The only way it could ever be construed as pushing an agenda is if people choose to interpret it as such.

support the troops is completely meaningless, it doesnt say anything except that: "support the troops" it's open to interpretation and is easily construed as support the mission's as politicised had the police services slapped a peace sign on their cruisers

Absinthe said:
You're really pushing the political PR aspect, Stern. And I don't think you have sufficient grounds for it.

well to be fair in the case of my hometown, it has been politicised. to the point that the police pulled the plug on the campaign

Absinthe said:
This would offer far more clarity and resolution if the topic was whether such displays of political sentiments in general should be allowed on government vehicles. If that is your intent, then my apologies. But if I'm missing the point of this thread, it's because it's already gotten so clouded up with arguments about what "Support the Troops" really means, and I fail to see why that should matter.

the meaning behind the message is important but you're right in this case the meaning is abiguous yet emotional at the same time it's very nature it is drawing a line in the sand daring you to interpret it eithr way ..some would take this as support the troops period while others would see this as support the war ..politicsing this issue is inevitable least in canada it is where support for the mission in afghanistan is at an all time low ..canadians have disagreed with our involvement from the get go
This poll makes a very large assumption regarding the nature or "uderlying message", which from the get-go establishes anybody who disagrees with it as ignorant to an extent.

That said, I'm ambivalent. I really don't care if I see a police cruiser drive by with a sticker saying "Support the Troops". Maybe it shouldn't be there, but I'm not concerned. It would be one thing if the stickers said "IRAQI FREEDOM RULES" or some such similar rubbish, but I know die-hard, anti-war liberals who slap the "Support" saying on their vehicles purely out of respect for the US troops and their unfortunate situation. You read what you want into it.

You're really pushing the political PR aspect, Stern. And I don't think you have sufficient grounds for it. This would offer far more clarity and resolution if the topic was whether such displays of political sentiments in general should be allowed on government vehicles. If that is your intent, then my apologies. But if I'm missing the point of this thread, it's because it's already gotten so clouded up with arguments about what "Support the Troops" really means, and I fail to see why that should matter.

He pretty much said it all.

I read a "Support Our Troops" sticker as just that. A simple hope that the soldiers will return unharmed.
well removing them is just another stupid politically correct act.
Why wouldn't you support the troops?

You people confuse me. Hell, If there was a war here, I'd make sure that "Support The Troops" posters be placed everywhere. 'I, and most likely youu, cannot fathom how much hardship soldiers go through in a time of war. They require all the support they can get, and for them to be able to think 'Hell, we're fighting for those people who support us' and not 'Why the **** do we fight for people who callu s baby killers?'.

If I were Bush, I'd make sure that people realize that victory is the only option. I'd have those lloudspeaker trucks go 24/7 screaming how we must gain victory above the vile hated enemy.
If you support the people they are fighting, then you support brutal religious fanatics that spend more time killing each other than they do killing our troops, intentionally target innocent civilians and who have done a whole lot more to **** up and destabilise Iraq than we ever could.

There are only three explanations for why you would do this - ignorance, delusion or malice. Since you're not quite that malicious, I have to conclude it's a combination of ignorance and delusion. I would suggest refraining from having any more opinions about Iraq until you've finished having the revelation you're obviously struggling with.
Your wrong, I read in the Guardian a pres release by the leading resistance groups who had teamed together to denounce both the US occupation and those who kill fellow Iraqi citizens naming groups such as Al-quaeda.
Your wrong, I read in the Guardian a pres release by the leading resistance groups who had teamed together to denounce both the US occupation and those who kill fellow Iraqi citizens naming groups such as Al-quaeda.

Well gee, I'm convinced. :rolleyes:
Your wrong, I read in the Guardian a pres release by the leading resistance groups who had teamed together to denounce both the US occupation and those who kill fellow Iraqi citizens naming groups such as Al-quaeda.

Nice source! Today, right, in the Daily Ma -
The funny thing is, the troops haven't exactly done a great job, but no politician would ever dare to say it.
The funny thing is, the troops haven't exactly done a great job, but no politician would ever dare to say it.

Why do you think they haven't done a good job? Aside from a few retards most of them seem to be doing their jobs as expected.
I suspect the intention is to promote support for the war. Regardless, i'm against stickers of this type on squad cars fullstop. Why not gay rights or meat is murder slogans? It's not the polices place to advocate issues like these.
Why do you think they haven't done a good job? Aside from a few retards most of them seem to be doing their jobs as expected.
I've seen several documentaries that shows how many of them are starting to have some mental problems, and often apply tactic "shoot first ask later". Not that I blame them, though, I doubt I would be in a very fit state if I was in their shoes.

The US army is also becoming increasingly overwight, something I think will become a big problem in the future.
When I look at a police cruiser, I see a government vehicle. That being said, I don't see any stickers on it as being part of that vehicle. I look at it more of a desk. A way for the officers to personalize their space a little.

I don't have any problem with "Support the Troops" on there, for the same reasons Absinthe pointed out.
in this case it wasnt an individual choice fact it was made mandatory by the police department (they put the decals on the cruisers)
It would be quite comical if it were down to individual choice. Office Space springs to mind.

Sgt. Jones has 37 pieces of flair on his squad car. Now, you only need 15 on yours, including the mandatory 'Support the Troops' sticker, but what does going for the bare minimum say about you as an individual?

I won't mind 'support the troops' the day we see a squad car going around with a 'blasphemy is a victimless crime' bumper sticker.
Sounds good. Also the ruling party should have (re-election) campaign stickers on the cars too. After all they got elected already, so they can do whatever they want now right?
How can you not support the people whose primary task is to protect you, your family, your community and the lifestyle you enjoy at the expense of their lives, their friends or at the very least their total sanity, just because they do their duty?

Hell, they even earn a shit wage for their trouble, something that should strike a chord with your "big up teh working class" bollocks. Starting pay for a Royal Marines Commando is just over ?11,000 - and they have by far the hardest training of any basic infantry in the world.

If you don't support the troops, you're an arrogant scumbag and your citizenship ain't worth the paper it's written on.

I doubt anyone could argue they don't support our soldiers for carrying out their duties and giving their lives, although I certainly don't support the role they are currently playing - However, I acknowledge that they must do so and that they can't be held responsible for the grave situations they are placed it.

It's like el chi said earlier, you CAN support your forces whilst being against a war or conflict.

My 2cents. I didn't add anything really though :P
Supporting the troops isn't really the issue. There's plenty of good causes and nice stickers around, they've got no place on a police car, though.
No stickers or decals other than "CALL 911 FOR EMERGENCY" and flashing lights should be on an emergency vehicle...period. Their purpose needs to be easily identifiable.

As far as "support the troop" stickers go, in general...well, I'm not about to crap on those people over there by assuming that these stickers have hidden political agendas behind them. You can support the troops without supporting the mission that they're is quite possible. A lot of these stickers actually have fund raisers behind them supporting families of fallen soldiers and ones that are still in combat...I've purchased one myself (but haven't actually applied it to anything yet).
I don't mind "Support the troops" as long as it's accompanied by another sticker that says "Fuck the people that sent them there".
Why would you even put it down, everyone wants the troops to return unharmed and an ambiguous sticker doesn't aid that cause one bit.
support the troops has differnt meanings,my dad has that sticker on his squad car and he want us to get out of Iraq.

Im with him. I'll tell you what my buddy PJ told me (hes a Marine who just got back from a year over there, and hes heading out again in June)

"Me: Do you think we stay or get out?"
"PJ: We need to stay and finish the job we started."
"Me: Do you think we can finish?"
"PJ: No, they use everything against us. We build power lines, they blow them up, etc..."
Why would you even put it down, everyone wants the troops to return unharmed and an ambiguous sticker doesn't aid that cause one bit.

Yeah... I really don't see the problem with a "good luck" sticker.
Which is why I think there's a different motive to it.

It's implying that people who are anti-war do not support the troops and should be pro-war.
The point is that a cruiser is a publically payed for vehicle, not a billboard for opinions or personal expression. If a cop really liked the Red Hot Chili Peppers, he shouldn't be putting a RHCP bumper sticker on his cruiser.

Besides, magnetic ribbons are stupid. It's not even a real ribbon, it's a magnet shaped like a ribbon, how lame is that. Are we really too lazy to tie shit to our cars, we have to just slap it on there.
"Support Our Troops" is that they don't mean anything [...] that's the whole point of good propaganda.

It means supporting our friends, neighbors, relatives, or family members that over there fighting Islamo-Fascism with comfort or help. It means respecting them when they come home or return to a distant battlefield to fight. For they're suffering is far greater then ours -- and not just our combatants.

It's implying that people who are anti-war do not support the troops and should be pro-war.

No, its implying that people, irreguardless of political affiliation, should respect and give comfort where due or if asked so by our military personell. This message has no political allignment. For Democrat and Republican alike are serving over seas. Our political affiliations in war have little to do with our own sense of empathy. We feel it because we know that loosing a loved one can be the worst pain any one person could go through.