Should the G-Man be killable?


Jul 7, 2003
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What do you guys think? If you were designing Half-Life 2 would you have a final showdown with the G-Man? Or should he remain an untouchable figure who manipulates from the shadows? Should the G-Man "win" when all is said and done or should the player get a chance to double-cross or outsmart the G-Man? I'm not sure myself; I want to see other people's opinions.
might as well make a thread saying is alyx really an antlion!!?
My opinion is, i think it is funner having some one to "hope" or "guess" youll see soon. Like in half life 1, i seen the Gman once, and i was wondering where he went. The first time you see him, he is upstairs and the way he walked was a deadend. So i think ill go with the --> Or should he remain an untouchable figure who manipulates from the shadows?
I can almost guarentee there will be a sp mod where you have to/get to kill the gman.
The G-Man might not be a physical being and that's why he cannot be destroyed with conventional weapons. And even if there is a showdown with him, I doubt it will be in this game - remember there is still HL3.
They'll probably make it more believeable. Like when you try to shoot him he'll say "aww Mr. Freeman, still trying your old habits are you? Too bad."
Originally posted by guinny
They'll probably make it more believeable. Like when you try to shoot him he'll say "aww Mr. Freeman, still trying your old habits are you? Too bad."

Heh heh, that sounds just like him.

Personally, I think a betrayal of some sort is very likely. Gabe Newell has stressed that character development is one of their main focuses (focii?) in this game, so I'm sure plot twists are going to play a part here.

I mean, how long can Gordon remain the G-Man's pawn? Doesn't seem very heroic, does it? I'm predicting we'll either cross the G-Man or we'll try to cross him and it will turn out he was manipulating us.
Or he could be like neo and the bullet would stop infront of him then fall to the ground. Followed by something cool being said, and he walks off.
Considering theres not much scripted scenes (if any) i think there are 3 things that could happen when you kill alyx/gman

A. You fail the game/mission/level and have to restart at a save point. Kinda like a "Alyx has died" message fade onto your screen like some games.

B. The story changes

C. You try to kill them, you end up wounding them and they fight back, killing you everytime, therefore makeing them unkillable to the player.
Gabe said if u attacked alyx dog would kick your ass.
A betrayal? I have a feeling there's going to be multiple betrayals, side-switching, ephiphanies(sp?), the whole nine yards. I have a feeling that the enigmatic G-man's symphathies will turn out to be just the opposite of what we think. (and it won't work if two people think opposite things about the g-man's intentions. it'll still be the opposite, dammit!) Oh hell. just wait for the game. I'm sure valve has a few twists and turns in store for us.
Originally posted by FictiousWill
A betrayal? I have a feeling there's going to be multiple betrayals, side-switching, ephiphanies(sp?), the whole nine yards. I have a feeling that the enigmatic G-man's symphathies will turn out to be just the opposite of what we think. (and it won't work if two people think opposite things about the g-man's intentions. it'll still be the opposite, dammit!) Oh hell. just wait for the game. I'm sure valve has a few twists and turns in store for us.

Lets just hope so, there must be a pretty damn good story to take a game 30+ hours to complete.
Remember that G-Man has a handgun inside his briefcase so he can defend himself when needed. So if you approach him with a weapon he might point a gun at your head and tell you to drop it in 5 seconds or else. If you try to fight back he shoots you in the face and you die immediately.

This is all assuming he is a bad guy. We don't know that yet, of course.
Originally posted by FictiousWill
A betrayal? I have a feeling there's going to be multiple betrayals, side-switching, ephiphanies(sp?), the whole nine yards. I have a feeling that the enigmatic G-man's symphathies will turn out to be just the opposite of what we think. (and it won't work if two people think opposite things about the g-man's intentions. it'll still be the opposite, dammit!) Oh hell. just wait for the game. I'm sure valve has a few twists and turns in store for us.

Yeah, I believe there was a preview where they said the line between enemies and friends would be blurry. Plus, Gabe has gone on and on about how these characters will elicit emotions from us, so really the story should be something to behold. However, it's hard to see how the Combine could be anything but bad guys, so maybe the line between friend and foe won't be that blurry. Like you said, we just have to wait!
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO why Yatta why? You ruined my Half-Life 2 experiance spoiler boy. I really hope u can kill him... if not... il just make him killable in a map... maybe have a combine firing line... and a car fall on him...
I think I should have given this thread a different name. I think we can all agree that there will be no blowing the G-Man's head off while he's talking or anything dumb like that. What I meant was should there be an intentional, climatic showdown with the G-Man. Maybe not even necessarily a fight, but a confrontation of some sort. Is Gordon going to be the G-Man's b**** forever? :eek:
Originally posted by TriggerHappy
Is Gordon going to be the G-Man's b**** forever? :eek:

YEAH G-Man's so bad*** then again... maybe thats what Shepherd is for.
ya, they should make a scene which the G-man gets killed, maybe by Adrian Shepherd.. putting a headcrab on the g-man's face. :" you fckuking gay-man, you killed all my squad and got me detained!! die alien-fcuker! ".......... lol
Originally posted by Dalamari
Or he could be like neo and the bullet would stop infront of him then fall to the ground. Followed by something cool being said, and he walks off.

Nothing Neo has said has been cool.

Can't really picture the G-man sportin lines like "whoa" "I know kung fu" "there is no spoon"
Gabe Newell said(I read this at Sierra's forums) that if U shoot Alyx, she'd shoot back, Dog would kick your ass. I wanna see the G-Man dance when you shoot him.
The G-Man is pretty anti-social. But he's an enigma waiting to be discovered in Half-Life 3!
Now watch in HL2or 3 we will find that GMAN him self is just a pawn and ... Dr. Kliener, Alyx, and Dog. were the real baddies.
I wonder if the G-Man and Gordon have any parties together. G-Man: Gordon, passsssss me the remote, I want to watch the Discovery Channel. Gordon: No way, it's XFL all the way! G-Man: Sssssuit yourself...
If I were Gordon, I would be mighty pissed at Kleiner for getting Gordon the job at Black Mesa.
Exactly... what if Kliener set it all up? Who to trust who to trust....
Well whatever the real story is, Im gonna put the gman in a buggie with me and drive it off a cliff screaming "YEEEEHAAAAWWWW" and then falling off my chair.

I'll do it with the SDK of course ;)
Originally posted by [Hunter]Ridic
Considering theres not much scripted scenes (if any) i think there are 3 things that could happen when you kill alyx/gman

There are a shitload of scripted scenes...what are you talking about......
not as much as you think.
if by scripted you mean "Say this" then yes,
if you mean scripted as "Move here, set down this, goto waypoint b, say this, break this" then no.

Anyhoo,I LOVED seeing the G-Man, he was EVERYWHERE.
first time you see him is on the tram going into black mesa No biggie, some suit. then you see him talking to a scientist (Before the accident).

then you see him in the freezer, and sooo many other places, behind locked doors, etc. really annoying, but adds to his mystique.

I hope that they keep him as a kinda mysterious person. :)
Wouldn't it be wierd of at the end of the game Gordon walked into a room and watched as the G-Man was having sex with Alyx doggy style? All of a sudden Alyx turns into a Alien, the Gman laughs and turns into one to, and you have to battle both of them.......hmm
Originally posted by SilentKilla
The first time you see him, he is upstairs and the way he walked was a deadend.
Actually, that's not the first time you see him. I just started the game again and am noticing him in way more places than last time. The first time you see him is during the tram ride. He's a walkway on the left. You can also see him conversing with a scientist on the way to your HEV suit. It goes on, and on. He makes quite a few appearances.
the wouldn't be wierd, that would just be retarded, but not just any retarded, full blown down syndrome, missing half a brain, blind, mute, deaf, retarded.