Should the Riot Shield be bought to Source?


  • Yes, the ballistic shield should be brought into CSS

    Votes: 38 60.3%
  • No, the ballistic shield should be kept out of CSS

    Votes: 25 39.7%

  • Total voters


Jan 1, 2005
Reaction score
I was just wondering, and i dont know if it has been bought up before but i was an avid fan of the shield during CSX (never played 1.6)

it was a very good inclusion to the game IMO

the only thing that bugged me was in the xbox version of the game the viewing square in the shield was not able to be shot through :(

please give your feedback as i would love this to be a part of CS:S :cheers:
It was canned due to fanbase reaction. Apparently 99% of the people had the exact opposite reaction to it.
bah, only because they couldn't kill people by firing loads of bullets at them. shields are good because they actually force people to be strategic in out manuevering them. pity that CS seems to have devolved into a deathmatch rather then objective based
yeah cause god nows that being tactical is having a shield. Yeah lets bring back the glitchy shield, so that i can have someone with an awp, mp5, m4, and an TMP and they have an invisible shield in front of them.
I think they should bring the shield back, but with new improvements. I think it would be cool if, for example, you were running and then someone started shooting at you, and as the bullets hit the shield you slowed down. Or if you were standing still with the shield out and someone started shooting at you, it would push you back. Then I'd think it would be cool. And of course the obvious bugfixes.
ShmengeTravel said:
I think they should bring the shield back, but with new improvements. I think it would be cool if, for example, you were running and then someone started shooting at you, and as the bullets hit the shield you slowed down. Or if you were standing still with the shield out and someone started shooting at you, it would push you back. Then I'd think it would be cool. And of course the obvious bugfixes.
We don't want more "You slow to a halt when you're shot" bugs. Besides, if you had a shield out, and someone shot at you, in real life, you wouldn't slow down. Then again, most CS players are too stupid to not shoot until they moved the shield, or to shoot at their feet.
dekstar said:
We don't want more "You slow to a halt when you're shot" bugs. Besides, if you had a shield out, and someone shot at you, in real life, you wouldn't slow down. Then again, most CS players are too stupid to not shoot until they moved the shield, or to shoot at their feet.

Allow me to reprhase myself. It would be a cool feature if you were getting barraged with bullets, by several people, that you get pushed back.

And clearly everyone here wants it back, I think I'll send an email to valve. [/sarcasm]
The shield is in CS:S, just not able to choose it ;) The model is there, I think, still.
Yes. Valve needs to add the shield to CS:S.
id like to see it back but not as it was in cs where it gave u god mode. it should be ineffective against awp and para IMO. and it should make u run very slowly (slower than when holding a para).

for all its problems i found it added a whole new level of strategy to a game that was becoming very repetitive.
shields on a pub server were awful people hated them i enjoyed them in matchs tho
the shield was impervious to bullits do you think a shield would stop a awp bullit they should make it less cheap if possible or give the terrorists something to beat the shield
Shield basically broke all the maps competetively. It is, bar none, the worst idea in the history of CS.
I think some things,(shield,RPG,etc.)would be ok if they were on specially tailored maps..special weapons for special maps or something like that..
wow yeah lets throw a nuke in there too just for the hell of it. OH and lets RPGS and grenade launchers and trip mines and .... NO stop, cease. CS:S is made for close to medium range combat not RPGs and other crap. Shield was a terrible idea and no one liked it. (ever notice how ever pub had it banned?) Valve nows it wasnt a good idea and they recieved so much hatemail they said ok its out.
Since they got rid of the shield, they should make the AWP and other sniper rifles much less accurate.
Uni-Ball said:
wow yeah lets throw a nuke in there too just for the hell of it. OH and lets RPGS and grenade launchers and trip mines and ....

... I am TOTALLY going to submit these ideas to valve. :E

Thanks man!

(I dont have horrible taste, really >_> <_<)
Since they got rid of the shield, they should make the AWP and other sniper rifles much less accurate.

I wouldn't say make them less accurate but they should definatly add weapon sway. I mean who can run then jump with a 20lbs. rifle and have perfect aim, I have no idea why they didn't add sway to source....for a game that strives on realism, this makes no sense to me
beam said:
I wouldn't say make them less accurate but they should definatly add weapon sway. I mean who can run then jump with a 20lbs. rifle and have perfect aim, I have no idea why they didn't add sway to source....for a game that strives on realism, this makes no sense to me
That would work too. I have been killed too many times by jumping snipers.
I liked the riot sheild, I think they should add it back into the game, along with horses. Horses are cool.
0mar said:
Shield basically broke all the maps competetively. It is, bar none, the worst idea in the history of CS.

Worse than the yogurt launcher? I don't think so :)

Seriously though, I loved the sheild. There were plenty of servers with the sheild disabled for those that didn't like it. It's kinda like low grav. It breaks all the maps competitively as well, but it is a server controlled option... you don't like it, don't turn it on. Just adds another level of strategy to the game for those that do like it.
come on, you have to love it when you are having a shitty day, so you decide to be an ass and camp with a sheild to hear all the 12 year old kids whine on thier mics
it was very glitchy on the hl engine, I think it should have a new try on the new engine ,also tweaked a little bit slower.:naughty:
It should be much easier to kill someone with the extremely laggy hitboxes, so let's give it a go!
imo ppl only sent hatemail to valve baout the shield is because it presented a new challenge to them, and tested their true abilities, and they could not handle it.
like in CoD, where server chooses wether to include FG42s, panzerfausts and flamethrowers, i think CSS servers should get a similar choice with shield. have an icon in the server browser so ppl know immediatly if the shield is included or not.

and about realism, i think the AWP and para should be made to use their bipods (the AWP has one doesnt it?)
and while were there, wheres prone?

i liked the shield, presented new tactics. those who knew how to use it were really effective. like on de_aztec, a person with shield could walk across it and team mates behind protected from most bullets.
and the AWP should do some damage to it. its actually an Anti-tank rifle.
furiousV said:
and the AWP should do some damage to it. its actually an Anti-tank rifle.
The AWP is like a ****ing howitzer!
hey lets rename this thread the "WORST CSS IDEAS EVER" cause so far ive never seen so many random comments!
I simply felt that it changed gameplay too much, i didnt mind it, be hardcore cs players could definatly be upset but a whoe new aspect to gameplay.

I think yes but shold be easly aloud or diss-allowed by the admins.. :imu: