Should Valve Include the High Res Textures/Models?


Sep 22, 2003
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I read on one of the information pages that valve will not be releaseing the High Def pack with Half-Life 2 but possibly plans on releaseing it some where down the line. Do you think they should go ahead and add another cd and send the High def with Hl-2?
It will make HL-2 cost more. I'd rather D/L it later as a patch.
high def pack for what? hl2? Hl2's models are fairly high-def as it is.
I don't understand... why?

As FictiousWill said... if they're already damn good... why?

And I don't think it'd make it cost more... :|
It would make it cost more because of the extra cds they would have to burn.
I'd rather have it now, cause chances of me beating the game Then getting the HD's is slim
i dont think itll take up another disk, if htey dont ship wiht it, it'll prolly be becuase they dont want to use as much time or they didnt have enough time. my thoughts on the subject anyway.
With all this time they're putting into it... why the Hell would they even skimp in the first place?!
I think the thread starter may have misunderstood something that was said in the general editing section...

Either that, or he means that the High Definition pack won't be released with any version of Half Life ported to source...
from what i have been able to tell (so this could be wrong) is that the state computers are in now do not have the ablity to run it with the high res pack, valve is just that good :afro:
Time to clear this up..

it was mentioned in an interview that VALVe would release high resolution TEXTURES to take advantage of 256MB graphics cards down the road.
Letters said:
I don't understand... why?

As FictiousWill said... if they're already damn good... why?

And I don't think it'd make it cost more... :|

Like putting whip cream on Brittney Spears. same core but better tasting :LOL:

You get what I mean
Okay, there they're saying (With misinterpretation by the publishers of the article) that, at that time (June last year) they were working with texture resolutions that are only beginning to be used in games now, and that at some time in the future they may release higher detail models, once graphics cards can handle them... I think...
Doesnt a CD cost like 5c to press in mass production?????

That isnt alot, and if it increases the cost of the game even by $5 i think it would be worth it
You would expect that as the game will be a year late the graphics will have improved, and the game's textures and models will reflect the new hardware available.
That high def pack is ment for graphic cards with 256 memory and up, thats why they want to release it later, because those textures WOULD NOT work with normal cards.
The max texture size in source is 2k x 2k, the textures used in game are reduced versions of those high definition textures at 512 x 512 pixels. As I understand it even the present high end graphic cards available wouldn't run those sort of textures at viable framerates for game play purposes.

The reason source can scale to 2k texture maps is because Valve want to be ensure the engine has a long term life span in order to secure future licencing.
coolio2man said:
Like putting whip cream on Brittney Spears. same core but better tasting :LOL:

You get what I mean

That I do! ;)

And thanks Kadayi... that makes sense...