Should we cure Cancer/Diseases/etc?


The Freeman
Apr 16, 2005
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First I'm going to say: If you know someone with cancer or something like this, or have cancer or anything, your opinions will be somewhat biased, so please say if you have/know someone with one of these things before you say anything. I'm currently healthy and know no one with life threatening ailments.

Next would be the thread topic - Should we really be curing cancer/diseases/etc?

Think about it.. If we found a cure for, say, cancer tomorrow, within, for example, 100 years, we'd have an extra 6,827,600 people. (this is based on the statistics from here) This is 20% of Canada (If I've done my math correctly). This is JUST for Canada, too. Think about if I've factored the whole world.. We'd have tons of extra people, and I doubt we'll be anywhere close to be finished terra-forming mars or finding some other place to put these people.. And this is just for Cancer..

I don't mean to be an ass or anything, but speaking as a healthy person right now, I think it would be too soon to develop cures for these things. I think we should have some sort of plan first, before we atleast release a cure to the public..

Anyways, this is just something I was thinking about earlier today.

Your thoughts?

I'm already ready to be flamed back to hell...
We should cure diseases and work to artificially curb the population growth.

ya, **** em, right?
Yeah I think it should be cured, I don't know anyone personally, but I know that it is a horribly slow painful experience, and no one should have to go through it.

The problem is people breed to much, we should seriously invent some sort of law limiting the number of children someone can give/have/concieve. If they hit that number they either get a visectomy to prevent it, or just have an abortion. This idea has tons of religious loop holes in it, but whatever.

Point is cancer should still be cured if possible, no one should have to suffer that, even if it means an increase in population, no one should suffer it, not even the worst of people.
like a suppression field! Or maybe they already have a cure and aren't letting us know cause of this very issue.
Well, I've had cancer, so consider my opinion "biased" if you want to.

I don't get if you're saying that people with cancer or other life threatning diseases don't "deserve" to live or something like that, but you really can't be that cold when it comes to saving someones life. You could say the same things about starving people in africa.. if we feed them, and save their lives, than we're adding to the world population, but in my point of view, and this point of view is completely independent of my cancer episode, no one has the right to judge who deserves to live or not.

All I can ask of you is that you put things in perspective, and forget for one second the fact that you're an healthy person, and wonder that if one day you wake up and find out you have cancer,you'll problably wanna be cured.

EDIT - and if wan't me to be that cold, find a cure to cancer, and kill every murderer or rapist in the world (although I don't feel I have the right to decide if they deserve to live or die. I don't believe in the "eye for an eye" way of seeing things)
Yes, I fully think we should find a cure for diseases. After all, my mother died of cancer.
Sorry to say OP, but your idea is simply facist.
Rather then inventing a cure, they should invent something that drastically decreases the pain of cancer, wouldn't that be alot better? They could have probably done it already with all the research money they get.
Rather then inventing a cure, they should invent something that drastically decreases the pain of cancer, wouldn't that be alot better? They could have probably done it already with all the research money they get.

Well, I've had cancer, so consider my opinion "biased" if you want to.

I don't get if you're saying that people with cancer or other life threatning diseases don't "deserve" to live or something like that, but you really can't be that cold when it comes to saving someones life. You could say the same things about starving people in africa.. if we feed them, and save their lives, than we're adding to the world population, but in my point of view, and this point of view is completely independent of my cancer episode, no one has the right to judge who deserves to live or not.

All I can ask of you is that you put things in perspective, and forget for one second the fact that you're an healthy person, and wonder that if one day you wake up and find out you have cancer,you'll problably wanna be cured.

Exactly, that's my point. As a healthy person right now I'm making this thread. If sometime in the future I get cancer, and start dying, I'd obviously try everything to not die, so my argument would change, that's why I said the biased thing in my first post. I'd rather have the opinions of people who know/knew no one with cancer, or have never had cancer.

You're also right about me not deciding who should live or die, but not inventing a cure isn't killing anyone.. By that logic, since the scientists haven't found a cure yet, everyone who's ever died from cancer in the history of the world has been dealt death solely by these scientists, just because they haven't found the cure for cancer yet.

I also don't want anyone to take this personally, I mean I'm all for saving people, but this is a rare case in which saving lots of people probably wouldn't be a good idea in the long run, atleast not yet. The moral part of my opinion - save people. Save as much as possible. The statistical part of my opinion, don't invent a cure. Sounds heartless, but you got to think about the big picture.
Rather then inventing a cure, they should invent something that drastically decreases the pain of cancer, wouldn't that be alot better? They could have probably done it already with all the research money they get.

No...they REALLY should invest on a cure... There already are ways to drastically reduce the pain

EDIT - so basically you want the opinion of those who don't know sh*t about the matter and have an higher probability of agreeing with you...

EDIT 2 - why don't we just go for it and put everyone with aids/cancer/common cold on a gas chamber and be done with it..
The health and welfare of our sick trumps our concerns over global overpopulation. Giving up on these people may cut down the numbers, but could you really have any dignity after doing that? You are literally just sacrificing people, many who live on the hope of a cure.

Overpopulation will simply have to be tackled in some other ways.
Rather then inventing a cure, they should invent something that drastically decreases the pain of cancer, wouldn't that be alot better? They could have probably done it already with all the research money they get.

Oh, good idea, get them addicted to a drug.

The entire idea of not-curing cancer because of population increase is best described as the term "throwing the baby out with the bathwater"
No...they REALLY should invest on a cure... There already are ways to drastically reduce the pain

It should be zero pain, not reduced pain.
EDIT - so basically you want the opinion of those who don't know sh*t about the matter and have an higher probability of agreeing with you...

So the only valid opinions, in your opinion, are from the people who had association with cancer? Obviously losing someone is very hard, so you'd be pissed at whatever took them from you.. I mean if you got killed in a car crash, and then the car was repaired, would you expect you family do drive it, and be mad if they didn't? I don't care if anyone agrees with me, it's the internet, but something as shitty as cancer will make someone extremely biased towards wanting a cure.

EDIT 2 - why don't we just go for it and put everyone with aids/cancer/common cold on a gas chamber and be done with it..

As for AIDS, I think people with STDs should stop f*cking each other, it's a simple solution, yet no one can do it.. You've seen my argument for cancer.. And the common cold isn't deadly, so why even worry? Things like chicken pox, cold, and crap like that is basically just an irritant. The percentile of people who die from those things are very small, and wouldn't really impact the overpopulation factor.

Oh, good idea, get them addicted to a drug.

The entire idea of not-curing cancer because of population increase is best described as the term "throwing the baby out with the bathwater"

So you'd rather have them in intense pain, awaiting death. Or would you rather have them go out in a nice dream? POSSIBLY addicted. It's not like they won't be able to kick the habit if they get better. They've overcome cancer, they can probably kick a drug addiction..
Saying: "The population would be x-million higher if it weren't for cancer" is hardly a sensible.
All that says is that, were cancer a thing of the past, x-million people would still be alive (and possibly feel fantastic).
The impact of this on society is almost impossible to tell seeing as population growth depends on too many factors which all inevitably impact on one another.

I mean sod it, we're pretty much getting into chaos theory here...
you dont realize that if we allow something like this, it wouldn't stop at cancer victims.

Maybe we should just stop taking care of people all together? Remove Emergency rooms?
Lol Iam Durnk Crhis

edit: Oh you posted before me. Well that's just ruined everything.
Someone with cancer might solve the population crisis. OH YEAH
Lol Iam Durnk Crhis

edit: Oh you posted before me. Well that's just ruined everything.
Someone with cancer might solve the population crisis. OH YEAH

This guy is hilarious. Why don't you post more? Oh wait, because you suck, now stfu.
I have a lot of people who have been affected to cancer. Family members, Old friends of family and a school friend of mine. I really hate this disease. but i am also worried about what might happen if we do overpopulate. How will we gather enough resources to meet the demand of the people? I'm going to say I have no opinion in this because whatever I choose, people are going to be hurt :(
So the only valid opinions, in your opinion, are from the people who had association with cancer? Obviously losing someone is very hard, so you'd be pissed at whatever took them from you.. I mean if you got killed in a car crash, and then the car was repaired, would you expect you family do drive it, and be mad if they didn't? I don't care if anyone agrees with me, it's the internet, but something as shitty as cancer will make someone extremely biased towards wanting a cure.

No, not the ONLY valid opinions, but you can't ignore someones opinion, even though they went through the problem in question. The thing is, my opinion is just as biased as your's, because as I'm opinating towards my own life (since i've had cancer), so are you, because maybe the thought of overpopulation and all the problems it will brings scare you. And honestly, my opinion is as biased as a jewish persons opinion about the holocaust. It's the EXACT SAME THING, in its own proportions
No, not the ONLY valid opinions, but you can't ignore someones opinion, even though they went through the problem in question. The thing is, my opinion is just as biased as your's, because as I'm opinating towards my own life (since i've had cancer), so are you, because maybe the thought of overpopulation and all the problems it will brings scare you. And honestly, my opinion is as biased as a jewish persons opinion about the holocaust. It's the EXACT SAME THING, in its own proportions
Well, to be honest I couldn't care less of the direct effect on me of overpopulation.. Before anything close to that happens, I'll be long dead, so whatever, for my own sake, but I'm thinking of humanity in general. Either way the outcome one way or the other doesn't affect me (at this state in my life), and it has affected you, which is why you're arguing towards the cure, and I respect that.

I lost my mum to cancer when I was 10 and I miss her TERRIBLY. I barely remember her as when she died I suffered from some trauma and memory loss but I'd do anything to have her back. If curing cancer meant less kids (and people) had to go through this, I'm into it.

Also I have pretty bad SLE and would ****ing love it to be cured. LOVE.

But mostly the cancer thing. It's purely emotional, but that's just how I roll.
Well, your opinion hardly seems to be for the greater good of the "general population"..just for the healthy ones


I lost my mum to cancer when I was 10 and I miss her TERRIBLY. I barely remember her as when she died I suffered from some trauma and memory loss but I'd do anything to have her back. If curing cancer meant less kids (and people) had to go through this, I'm into it.

Also I have pretty bad SLE and would ****ing love it to be cured. LOVE.

But mostly the cancer thing. It's purely emotional, but that's just how I roll.

It's not purely emotion. I admit I'm pretty paixonate about this matter, with obvious reasons, but that fact is that even if I never had cancer in my past, my opinion would be exactly the same.The fact that I had cancer and that I saw lots of people dying around me, and many other strugling for they lives only makes me think they deserve to live much more than most people. And again, I don't feel like I have the right to decide on who deserves to live or not, so this last sentence was purely emotional

PS - and I'm very sorry for your mother and wish the best for that thing you have, from the bottom of my heart
Well, to be honest I couldn't care less of the direct effect on me of overpopulation.. Before anything close to that happens, I'll be long dead, so whatever, for my own sake, but I'm thinking of humanity in general.

So you think having humanity not take care of it's sick and dying will ultimately help it in the long run? Are you mad?

I lost my mum to cancer when I was 10 and I miss her TERRIBLY. I barely remember her as when she died I suffered from some trauma and memory loss but I'd do anything to have her back. If curing cancer meant less kids (and people) had to go through this, I'm into it.

Also I have pretty bad SLE and would ****ing love it to be cured. LOVE.

But mostly the cancer thing. It's purely emotional, but that's just how I roll.

Man, <333333333333333333333333333333333333
Part of the reason humans survive and develop so well is that we are nurturing (obviously not always).
For example, we don't lay 20 babies and then just let them live off on their own and get killed, hoping one or two survive.
Humans generally take care of a smaller amount of offspring for a better quality offspring. It's what sets us apart from an insect hive that kills and eats its weak. I am sure people will dissagree with me, but I think taking care of other humans is a definitive and good characteristic of human nature that we should continue to pursue.
We loose our human dignity if we start not-caring for our ill. Not doing anything is just as bad as intentionally hurting them.
Well, your opinion hardly seems to be for the greater good of the "general population"..just for the healthy ones

I think it would be too soon to develop cures for these things. I think we should have some sort of plan first, before we atleast release a cure to the public..

First post.

I'm not opposed to making a cure per se, but we should keep it 'hidden' I guess is the best word.. We should have a plan on what to do when we get overpopulated.. This isn't like dumping sewage in a lake, then cleaning it up, then everything is all better... We have no where to go. This is it. For now, atleast.