Show me your WASD!

It's all a matter of preference. I used to use the arrow keys. But started to use WASD in BF:V when i needed a few more keys.
I just got used to WASD and find it more confortable now.
You, on the other hand, are using your thumb to attempt to access C, V, B and N - the thumb is not a precise instrument, so you're going to end up occasionally hitting the wrong key or mashing Space as well in the process.
I'm sure you've accidentally hit the spacebar many times in attempt to use WSAD, but just because your thumb might be less "precise" than the other persons dosent mean other have any problem with it. Very nice assumption. I can't remember ever having a problem gliding my thumb around from x, c, v, b, and maybe n.
You have to reach up 10x higher to hit Del, End or Pg. Down compared to hitting Q, E, or R and contort your hand even more than trying to hit anything under S. Flawed.

Anyway, this is just turning into a preferance war where none of the parties will agree with eachother. Pointless.
Axyon said:
I was obviously unaware that the distance between the mouse and keyboard hand was an important factor in anything.
When you play, what's the distance between your hands?
The_Monkey said:
When you play, what's the distance between your hands?
That dosent matter at all man... drop it.
EDIT: Erm.. well, actually, I just looked and realized, that with most chair's arm rests, you can have your hand on WSAD, and your arm is competly straight, resting comforatbly on the arm rest, and your other hand on the mouse, arm is stright as well.
With Arrow Keys your arm has to lean over, not resting competly on the arm.
keyboards are for noobs, i control everything via telepathy
I use WASD mainly because i find it more comfortable, and due to the nice gap between WASD and the mouse, when i try to use arrow buttons i feel cramped up
Axyon said:
I was obviously unaware that the distance between the mouse and keyboard hand was an important factor in anything.
I hope you are joking... With arrows and mouse your arms are uncomfortably pointed inward like that... All scrunched up... But with WASD your arms are spread out giving it a much more natural feel. They are about the same distance as if your arms are at your sides.

And if you have trouble hitting the key you want with WASD, or as you put it "mashing" incorrect buttons... I don't know what to say.
Axyon said:
About 25-30cm.
That's bad for the shoulders. The distance between your hands should be the same as the distance between your shoulders.
The_Monkey said:
That's bad for the shoulders. The distance between your hands should be the same as the distance between your shoulders.

Maybe he has close shoulders.

And I'm with xLostx, telepathy ftw. Noobs.

And I'm ****ing sick of this mod censorship without so much as a warning in a PM.
Crushenator 500 said:
What the hell do you play with, sand paper? :|:eek:

Hehe, maybe my skin is a little rough :p. I've got some cheap media-tech or whatever keyboard. It serves me well, the keys press nicely, it doesn't give me any weird behaviour. It seems the only disadvantage is that those keys wear off.

If I had some money to spend on a new mouse and keyboard, I'd rather buy such cheap keyboard, so that I had more money for the mouse - nothing beats a good mouse, who gives a crap about worn off keys (OK, at least one of the posters do, but how does that actually affect you?).
vegeta897 said:
I hope you are joking... With arrows and mouse your arms are uncomfortably pointed inward like that... All scrunched up... But with WASD your arms are spread out giving it a much more natural feel. They are about the same distance as if your arms are at your sides.

And if you have trouble hitting the key you want with WASD, or as you put it "mashing" incorrect buttons... I don't know what to say.
I think I'll decide whether it's uncomfortable or not, thanks. If you honestly say that you never hit incorrect keys throughout your WASD-using days, then your contributions to this thread are pure fiction. From C-M, there is absolutely no way that you can hit each of those keys precisely 100% of the time with your thumb in a twitch-game situation. If you say otherwise, you're talking bollocks.

The_Monkey said:
That's bad for the shoulders. The distance between your hands should be the same as the distance between your shoulders.
How is it bad for the shoulders, then? Throughout our entire day our hands are seperated from this so-called perfect width distance from the shoulders, so why should playing a game be any different?
Axyon said:
I think I'll decide whether it's uncomfortable or not, thanks. If you honestly say that you never hit incorrect keys throughout your WASD-using days, then your contributions to this thread are pure fiction. From C-M, there is absolutely no way that you can hit each of those keys precisely 100% of the time with your thumb in a twitch-game situation. If you say otherwise, you're talking bollocks.
I've never even said anything about those keys. Don't mix my arguments with someone elses.

But, I drew up a little diagram in paint in about a minute, excuse the crudeness but i think it speaks for itself.

Your "offset" argument is in fact a supporting factor of my argument.
I use WASD and hardly ever use my thumb. I just use that for the spacebar. I've never had a problem hitting the right keys, but I have small hands so I guess it's easier.

I've just got a new keyboard so there's nothing special about my WASD keys
vegeta897 said:
I hope you are joking... With arrows and mouse your arms are uncomfortably pointed inward like that... All scrunched up... But with WASD your arms are spread out giving it a much more natural feel. They are about the same distance as if your arms are at your sides.

It is of course impossible to slide the keyboard to the left...

Anyway, the best key combination I have found ie ESDF, because it offers access to the most buttons, namely qwazxrtyghcvb123456` as well as the 4 big ones on the left, L alt and the spacebar, all of which I can reach without lifting my wrist from the desk, which is my defenition of "instant availability" buttons.

Oh, and back to topic, my keys are not worn, because I didn't buy my keyboard at a market.
Or maybe it's all down to personal preference and what your used to. Playing with the arrow keys might seem easier than WASD to some, and vice versa. It's a bit silly arguing over it.
Link said:
It is of course impossible to slide the keyboard to the left...
Why bother preserving an area of your deskspace for sliding the keyboard to the left, AND making it harder to type in game because, well, the keyboard is about 8 inches over to the left... When you can just use WASD without the hassle.
vegeta897 said:
I've never even said anything about those keys. Don't mix my arguments with someone elses.

But, I drew up a little diagram in paint in about a minute, excuse the crudeness but i think it speaks for itself.

Your "offset" argument is in fact a supporting factor of my argument.
You used the word 'mash', which I have only referred to in this thread by the way of the Space key and corresponding C-M keys. You refer to that word, you refer to my comments on that subject.

You actually sit like that, with arms fully outstretched, when playing a game? There's a good 60-70cm between you and your keyboard, which I find absurd. I sit much closer to my keyboard, which renders the W-S angle ineffective, but allows much easier use for arrows.
I just use my thumb for spacebar too. And i can't say i hit the wrong keys all that often, only if i take my hand off the keyboard then put it back onto the keyboard without looking i press wrong keys. It helps that i can touch type too, i just know where all of the keys are, so i dont miss any.
I guess it's just preference.

My arms aren't outstretched... And I'm not sitting far away. That's one of the crude points in the drawing. My arm is actually bend downward at the elbow, and then back up, resting on my gel pad thing, and at the perfect angle for WASD. Even if my hand was straight, the offset is so slight it doesn't matter in the slightest.

I can't see how sitting close would make the arrow keys comfortable... Wouldn't your left arm be angled inward, and then your hand angled straight?
Axyon said:
How is it bad for the shoulders, then? Throughout our entire day our hands are seperated from this so-called perfect width distance from the shoulders, so why should playing a game be any different?
Many gamers consider WASD to be superior to the arrow keys for various reasons, including that more keys surround WASD than the arrow keys, allowing the player better access to more game commands, and the hand position for WASD being more ergonomic for right-handed players (one hand stays on the keyboard and the other on the mouse).

Ignore this post if you're left-handed, Abom.
I think I'll decide whether it's uncomfortable or not, thanks. If you honestly say that you never hit incorrect keys throughout your WASD-using days, then your contributions to this thread are pure fiction. From C-M, there is absolutely no way that you can hit each of those keys precisely 100% of the time with your thumb in a twitch-game situation. If you say otherwise, you're talking bollocks.
Like you never have any problems with Arrow Keys (not saying you said that, just pointing it out). You can just as easily accidently hit Num 1 insteadof Num 0.
The_Monkey said:

Ignore this post if you're left-handed, Abom.
That reason for why it is ergonomically more correct is ridiculous - why would your hand not stay on the keyboard while using arrows?

WhiteZero said:
Like you never have any problems with Arrow Keys (not saying you said that, just pointing it out). You can just as easily accidently hit Num 1 insteadof Num 0.
Absolutely not. I've already explained that my thumb is solely reserved for NumPad 0, so it never even comes near NumPad 1.
Axyon could you respond to my post? I edited it.
vegeta897 said:
Axyon could you respond to my post? I edited it.
Didn't see you had edited. Hold on, I'll draw a picture.
Hands are too big.

I have trouble with most keyboards, my fingers are LONG. Which means I can reach a bunch of buttons that most people cant. It would be nice to have a big keyboard for once though.
wasd ftw


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What an interesting debate...

People have their preferences and that's that.
kirovman said:
What an interesting debate...

People have their preferences and that's that.

Noes! My preference is right for everyone and I can prove that by quoting wikipedia and drawing diagrams!
Which brings me to another point, it's too bad you have to move your thumb up to the num pad 0 (slightly uncomfortable) as opposed to the thumb naturally resting on the spacebar with WASD.

Kirov and SimonomiS, shush, we are just having fun; it was indicated and proven long ago that it is indeed based on preference.
I used to use arrow keys and used them for about a year and a half. It's not as bad as some claim, but at one point I started using WASD for Max Payne (I can't remember why, maybe you couldn't redefine them). Personally I find WASD a hell of a lot easier than using the arrow keys - there are plenty of things within very easy reach, I don't have problems with pressing c instead of v or whatever, with my thumb I can easily reach as far as m and it's a more comforatable position for hands an arms anyway. Preference, I guess.
I used to use arrow keys, for old games, then I played the first unreal and used WASD, I decided it was more comfortable and stuck with it.

The main reason I use it is because its default, if I go to a lan cafe, I don't want to spend half of my time reconfiguring my controls.
Here's mine. I've used WASD since I got half-life in 1999. I never use arrows except in Warcraft 3.
I've gone through at least 1 keyboard. It was exactly like the one I have now, except it was USB and it had 2 USB ports on the sides. Unfortunately, I spilled an entire can of pop on it. When I pressed a key, such as A, it would put in "A1" "S2" "D3" F4" etc. Each of the middle row keys would do itself and the number above it.


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DreadLord1337 said:
No it makes it extremely inefficient. You can always tell a WASD noob, they have trouble doing the simplest of things.

Heh, whatever bud, I've seen people using both parties without problems. But if everyone is that entrenched within their single-minded opinions, so much the lamer.
WASD forewah!

While reading this tread I've tried the different options, but nothing beats the WASD
lol first pic looks edited..........

my sister ocudl do a better job
Shodan said:
I used to use arrow keys, for old games, then I played the first unreal and used WASD, I decided it was more comfortable and stuck with it.

The main reason I use it is because its default, if I go to a lan cafe, I don't want to spend half of my time reconfiguring my controls.

Same for me too.

I've always used the arrows keys for games like Doom because I think that's all you could use. Once I strated playing newer games (Quake 3) I started using WASD and stuck with it. Afterall, in Doom you couldn't reload, crouch or do any of the other stuff newer games have implemented. I can't be bothered to reconfigure all the keys to work smoothly with the arrow keys as WASD is already the fine.
Joims said:
lol first pic looks edited..........

my sister ocudl do a better job

Why do you say that? Because some of the letters are erased? My friend's keyboard is totally missing the WASD.