Show off the X-MAS AVATARS

Dr. Freeman

Jul 11, 2003
Reaction score
Aight so Christmas is around the corner and to get into the spirit, change to an appropriate avatar :p
for now the Linux tux will do for me but i am looking for something nicer ;)

where is urs?! :p
My cat died today, screw xmas. I'll change it if someone makes me one, but I myself cant be assed to mess around in adobe.

Yours is cool though.
I have one ready, but I will change it at an appropriate time

(When I feel like it :p. Probably when we put up the tree actually.)
*cough cough*

Usually I spice up an old classic Bruce Willis-avatar, I think this one kinda sucks.. Not sure what else I'd put on there though.
Ritz said:
My cat died today, screw xmas. I'll change it if someone makes me one, but I myself cant be assed to mess around in adobe.

Yours is cool though.

aww.. sorry to hear that :(

KagePrototype said:
Official new christmas colours: blue, white and black.

bah humbug! :p

hmm...i was wondering, are the forum banners going to be changed to reflect the season? they were last hopefully its done again this time around!

come on staff'ers, we want X-mas banners :)
Merry Christmas!

I might do something...
yey!!, my crappy attempt of making reagan happy for christmas. And just to give him a brake, just for christmas hes not giving himself brain damage ;)
Someone made this for me last year :E
Mines abit lame because i tried photoshop but i gave up and used google... my apologies for its lameness, but hey, its Christmasy and topical, sort of.

Edit: BTW these aren't Christmas avatars... except Jesus' i suppose. They are Santa, but i suppose both are about as real as each other.
*Puts on religious-nutter-flame proof suit*
Ritz said:
My cat died today, screw xmas. I'll change it if someone makes me one, but I myself cant be assed to mess around in adobe.
Sorry to hear about your cat, Ritz. :eek:
I made you a little something that'll hopefully put a little smile on your face. Nothing special, but.....well, maybe I'll get a smirk out of you.
already done. it sucks, a quick photoshop.
Letters said:
Mine's red and green already.. easy! :D

oh come on!
u haven't had Britney there for a while now.. its time to put an X-mas hat on her and use the avatar :p
I made this one for myself last year, and never changed it! Now im set to go this year, suckers.
Okay, as it is my moral duty to remain the master of hats... BEHOLD :O

Yeah, I know... took me like half a minute in PSP...
Ugh I need a santa hat for Inignot... :(
well... mine at least has red in it? But it doesn't really make much sense unless its a sadist christmas :O
You might need to add a transparent background, I wasn't sure how to do that myself. Whether you keep the lame present in there is up to you :D
Bad^Hat said:
You might need to add a transparent background, I wasn't sure how to do that myself. Whether you keep the lame present in there is up to you :D
LOL!I found it funny...instead of giving the finger he is giving a present. :D I don't know how to make a clear background...I don't have/know photoshop or even ms paint.

Thanks for the AV! :cheers:
Christmassy avatar AND profile pic ;)

Sorry to hear about your cat Ritz, mine's getting on too, probably wont be long for her neither :(
I had a feeling it was gonna be the bewbs, but I was expecting trees to pop outta der.