Show your CS: S FPS!


Sep 2, 2004
Reaction score
my pc is 2.4GHZ, 512 MB RAM, GF4mmx 440 video card... It can run up CS: S about 20-60FPS (800*600).. What about you ?
amd athlon xp 2600+, radeon 9600XT 128 mb, 512 ram
55 FPS (stress test)
2500+, 9800 pro 128mb, 1 gig ram, 65-75 fps
a64 3500+
1 gig pc3200
gf 6800gt @ ultra speeds

hold on let me go do the stress test..

67 fps on the stress test at everything high 1280x1024 4xaa 4xaf

edit: whoops I had vsync on.. i got 98.54 fps on those settings
P4 3.2Ghz...1024mb PC4000...6800GT @ 401\1100
most maps its around 80-90 chateau its around 50-60
1024x768 everything on absolute high detail
2xAA 8xAF
not too shabby

EDIT: goes to show that the Athlon 64's perform better for games...evidence there :D
1700+ XP
512mb PC 2300

60-120fps on dx7 1280x960 med settings
Better to know what true minimum fps you get instead of the avarenge
AMD XP-M 2500+ @ 2.4ghz
1GB Crucial Ballistix 4000
9800PRO 128mb @ stock

1280x768 (16:10 Widescreen)

63.36 fps

edit: whoops, forgot visual settings, everything to highest including 'reflect all'
amd athlonXP 2500+ 1.83GHz(damn locked multiplier!!!)
BFGTech 6800GT OC'd 256MB
512MB DDR PC2700

I get a somewhat steady 80-85fps with medium tetures and models
,reflect world,6xAA,4xAF,high shadows,DX9.0c(?)
resolution:1600x1200...definitely playable at those settings

and for shits and giggles I set everything as high as possible..including my resolution,at 2048x1536...
40-45fps!!!not too bad considering..but I don't think I will run it like that in a game...
these results are from mutiple VST's,BTW..
oh yeah I am currently running the 66.81 drivers for my card
P4 2.8 Ghz
GeForce FX 5600 256 MB

60-100 fps..
I have:
3 ghz w/ HT
1 gig dual channel pc 3200
x800 pro

I play cs source with max settings accross the board
6 x AA
16 x AF

I get 80 to 120 fps in game and god is it gorgeous!
Pentium 4:

Frequency: 2.4 Ghz
Memory: 1024ddr
R9700pro: (373/310)
Resolution: 1260*1024
FPS: High,High,4xAA,---->70-77FPS

Note : everyone with a radeon 9700pro listen to this.

-R9700pro has a really good core. You should overclock it!
i did aswell.. i got alot more performance

go to : and download the ''ATiTool''
set the core to : 373 , and memory to 310.

Core performance increase = 100%*373/325 = 115% increase=15%

i haven't changed the memory yet. still tweaking for good settings.

kind regards,
AMD 64Bit 3400+
1024 PC 3200

Everything Boosted to max on 1024X786 with AAX6 AFX2
Video Stress Test:
82.78 FPS
AMD XP 2600+
Geforce 6800 Standard
256 DDR (getting 512)

About 40-50 fps :-/ (In vst)
Average FPS in a busy CS: S game, 60-70 fps most areas, 30-40 fps in crowded areas.. And still only 19 fps in the market area of italy (lol)
T.H.C.138 said:
amd athlonXP 2500+ 1.83GHz(damn locked multiplier!!!)
BFGTech 6800GT OC'd 256MB
512MB DDR PC2700

I get a somewhat steady 80-85fps with medium tetures and models
,reflect world,6xAA,4xAF,high shadows,DX9.0c(?)
resolution:1600x1200...definitely playable at those settings

and for shits and giggles I set everything as high as possible..including my resolution,at 2048x1536...
40-45fps!!!not too bad considering..but I don't think I will run it like that in a game...
these results are from mutiple VST's,BTW..
oh yeah I am currently running the 66.81 drivers for my card

have you tried the fsb oc? thats what I did..

2500+ oc'd to 3200+
2x 512MB corsair XMS
GeForce 6800 128mb

i have vsync on cause i have an lcd, so my fps doesnt get more that 60. In dust i never go below 40 fps.. mostly 40-60fps on most maps when 10+ players present in screen.
edit: ill run stress test later on but i get 8,600 3d mark for 2k3, and for 2k5 i get 3,100.
Pentium 4 3.06Ghz Processor with HT
512 MB Ram
9700 128MB Ram
1024 by 786 at 82FPS
lol, dont you love it when people dont post their in-game settings.

wendle said:
I have:
3 ghz w/ HT
1 gig dual channel pc 3200
x800 pro

I play cs source with max settings accross the board
6 x AA
16 x AF

I get 80 to 120 fps in game and god is it gorgeous!

lol, I highly doubt you never get below 80 fps. I have a 6800 gt, a64 3200 @ 2.4 and a 1 gig pc3700, max textures and reflections, aa 4x, af 8x, and I've seen my fps go down to 10-15 fps a number of times; for example, on chateau when a nade goes off in the room full of wooden planks, or even office can get slow with lots of people, maybe you should play all the maps. However, usually I get 30-60fps in a 32 player server, more fps if their are less people playing.
Oh and I get 85 fps with my settings on the stress test.
xTHRICEx said:
lol, dont you love it when people dont post their in-game settings.

lol, I highly doubt you never get below 80 fps. I have a 6800 gt

well, theres your problem right there. :D

and specs below

max across the board with aa/af maxed too.

lowest hit: 40fps

average: 137 fps

highest: 2,017 fps

now idk if that highest fps is accurate or not, coulda been a flaw, but on net_graph 3, for one second, i was getting 2,017 fps lol.

"In the meantime, NVIDIA’s high-end GeForce 6800 Ultra and 6800 GT currently hold the lead over ATI in our testing, although in Italy, we had a virtual tie at max settings, as the 6800 Ultra and X800 XT PE finished within 2% of each other, while the 6800 GT and X800 XT AGP were separated by a margin of just over 1%! That’s about as close as you can get folks."

"For now we'll give this round to NVIDIA, but there's still one more Valve release that we're eagerly awaiting: Half-Life 2 itself."

nuff said...
no clue on how to oc the FSB..I bought the video card oc'd..I have tried (with my friends guidance) to play with my speed settings in the bios to no avail..what is the lowest AMD that is NOT locked anymore?
This is my setup.

P4c 2.8
Geil Dual Channel 1GB 3200
Sapphire 256mb 9600XT

I use the default in catalyst 4.9, and use medium settings in CS>options>video .. and get like <50fps!! I think my computers shitted up or some bullshit.. i dont know WHY its so low.. would anyone have any idea?? Maybe its my 10gigz of porn. :p:p:p:p

Write Back!!~!!
amd athlon xp 2600+, radeon 9800 pro, 1 gb corsair xms ddr400... i run all settings high no aa or af and 1024x768 and i usually get around 50-70 fps and on some maps 70-90

Pentium 4 2.66 GHz
512 MB PC-2700 RAM
GeForce 4 Ti4200 128 MB

All settings maxed without shadows, AA, and AF.
Usually get anywhere from 20-60 FPS in CS:Source and most of the time it hovers around 50 FPS.

VST - 57.67 FPS.

EDIT: 1024x768 Resolution.
xTHRICEx -- I agree with you!

When posting these kinds of threads its also important to list the resolution you are playing! Cause if you are getting 100fps I say wow thats great! But if you are getting 100fps at 640x480 resolution, well thats not that great in fact its pathetic!

My specs are in my sig-

1600x1200 AAx2AFx4 high settings, reflect all, vsync off. In stress test I get 80-85fps.

2004-10-10 20:17:11 - hl2
Frames: 3492 - Time: 60000ms - Avg: 58.200 - Min: 37 - Max: 91

2004-10-10 22:49:51 - hl2
Frames: 3742 - Time: 60000ms - Avg: 62.367 - Min: 33 - Max: 85

2004-10-10 22:53:02 - hl2
Frames: 3732 - Time: 60000ms - Avg: 62.200 - Min: 40 - Max: 82

So an average of 60 with the above settings. Aztec has some strange textures which slow the card down into the 20s while looking at them. So in that map I turn off AF which fixes the problem. However those numbers where recorded while playing other maps, so the settings were constant.

edit: I have a hard time believing wendle! Even at 1024x768 AAx6AFx16 hits my system pretty hard, and I do not get a min. 80fps, not even close.
I got 16 on the stress test ^_^
With the lowest settings
I only get like 9 in game though :(
P4 2.4 @3.06
1 GB PC3500 RAM @ 255FSB (downstep multipler on 5:4 I think)
6800 GT @ 425/1200

1280 by 1024, max details, reflect all etc. vsync off, 4 aa 8 af, high quality 5.1 sound (if that effects performance I don't know). Nvidia control panel set to best quality etc.

In the VST 103fps average (after 4 runs), never drops below 50fps throughout a run.

In game most maps are around 80 to 90. Lowest 45fps.
T.H.C.138 said:
no clue on how to oc the FSB..I bought the video card oc'd..I have tried (with my friends guidance) to play with my speed settings in the bios to no avail..what is the lowest AMD that is NOT locked anymore?

hey man when i pc'd to 3200+ i didnt even touch the multiplier.. you dont have to. your fsb should be defaulted at 166, just change it to 200 (so 200 x 11) which gets you 2.2 GHz... 3200+ speed. The 2500+ is the best Aathlon XP to oc IMO.
Max Settings 9.0c settings 62.35 fps on the stress test 800*600 no AA or AASF trilliner filtering
in the game i range from 30-70 fps

AMD 2400+
(3) kingston 256 chips = 768 ddram
ATI 9600se 128 overclocked 75 over on the core clock and the memory this card kicks ass for 60 dollars
nforce 2 mobo
SB LIVE 5.1 dolby digital along with my 5.1 surround sound system CS:S SOUNDS LIKE A NUCULAR FALL OUT! HAHA
back in the beta test(didnt buy full version yet) w/ my 2.53ghz,
512mb pc800 rdram, Geforce 4Ti4200 64mb i got 30-55 fps at 1024x768 2x AA settings on high. I was a little amazed ;)
AMD XP @ 2.4 Ghz (Originally 2500+)
1 Gig Corsair XMS (3200DDR)
Radeon 9800 Pro All-In-Wonder (128MB)
SBAudigy 2 ZS

1152 w/2XAA, 2XAF
All Setting at Max

82FPS in Stress Test
35-110FPS (Going as low as 35 is extremely rare, but ive seen it a few times, during a huge firefight with alot of people on screen)
running AVG of 80fps in heavy action? screenshots of in a 32 player server with action going on would be nice to see.