"Show Your Pets" Volume 208429634


Party Escort Bot
Dec 20, 2004
Reaction score
Just show off your pets.

I finally got my youngest cat to settle down so I could take of pictures of her.

Qonfused, you Photoshopped a montage thing of your cat? You rock in a very strange way. :D

I'll post one of my cat once I get home.
(note, it's not my pet, all it does is eat sleep and squak)
Greatgat said:
Qonfused, you Photoshopped a montage thing of your cat? You rock in a very strange way. :D

What can I say -- I'm a cat lover. :D

I have two. I have pics of the other, but they're older pics. I'll try and take some new ones.
Cats are awesome. Dogs are slightly less awesome. But still awesome.

Screw you, Double_Blade. I bet you throw darts at a picture of Beethoven from the movie Beethoven.
Sulkdodds said:

Screw you, Double_Blade. I bet you throw darts at a picture of Beethoven from the movie Beethoven.

Post deleted? :eek:
I have:

2 Dogs
12 fish
40+ Birds

Probably more birds than 40, I can't remember them all.
This is my cat Moodie, who sometimes thinks he is a dog.


So far, we've had:

1 Hamster (named fuzzball, I believe... it was a long time ago)

Uncountable lizards (anoles and geckos from our many trips to Florida)

2 snakes (Lightning, who was an asshole and died early, and Slithers, who lived long and was the shit)

A cat (named Pico, we were taking care of her for a friend for half a year, it was mad fun)

a treefrog (RIP little buddy... he went too soon ;()

aaaand a bunch of other shit.
I had alot of pets that have died:

Four dogs have died
Two rats (+3 Dozen babies, we thought they were both males.)
A cat
Countless birds
Pets i have had:

2 Horses
5 Dogs
4 Cats
Tons of Birds
Tons of Fish
1 Snake
2 Rats +
25 babies
1 Lama
3 Rabbits
2 Hamsters

I think thats all.

Oh my grandad has over 300 Birds.
Here's my boxer dog, Spike.


  • Spike.jpg
    99.8 KB · Views: 162
DreamThrall said:
lol danimal wtf is that in your avatar?

It's a manatee! :D

Also known as a sea-cow. <3 Raziaar for posting it.
wildchild730 said:
If I still had the pics of my dog I would post them

I hate cats! :O
Run, Run away and never come back!!
Here is the latest addition to my family, little Casper :)



Sorry for the poor quality, tock the pics with my mobilephone, couldt be arsed to rotate them either :p