Showstopper bug? Poor marketing? Gabe overly optimistic?


Jul 4, 2003
Reaction score
I just can't figure it. Still no website, no official public announcements...the 'confirmed not delayed' the 'confirmed delayed'. I feel so used =/
odd they tell a smell unknow site and its not done by GN also.. on Snews they say V got a mail bug and will nto replay again anytime son...

odd very odd
<newbie>the game...
<poopoohead>what about it?
<newbie>it's been delayed
yeah I tought that to ... but it sounds true
Pretty sure that it's posible to spoof the email and simply send it to each of the sites that have recieved it. I just don't see how they could suddenly realize that they need to delay the game. IMHO, the delay is either a hoax, or somebody at VALVe has a lot of 'splaynin' to do about why you spout off 9/30 even when you know it will be delayed.
Oooh, Bridger...I hope you're right.

Now that you mention it, STeve from Shacknews did say that Valve was having some technical difficulties with e-mail.

It *could* be a hoax.

But that's one elabourate hoax. Who hates nerds enough to do this?!?

Let's call the Hardy Boys! Or Nancy Drew!!!
Keep in mind HL, Valve, HL2, etc etc are all based around one thing. And that one thing is working quite poorly as of now. That thing could not possibly provide to the millions of users who will use it. HL2 is based off it. In the long run, everything HL2 and Valve related completely revolve around it... What is it?


HL2 could be shipped right now... too bad it runs off Steam. Steam is definatly one of the best concepts and when its complete it will be revolution in gaming. It is like the best thing ever- No kidding. But it needs another couple of months in development to be perfect. The foundation of HL2 and Valve's future needs to be perfect.
Originally posted by EC2
Gabe exclaimed, "Oh, Sh@+!"

*The product will be delayed.

*Benchmarks will not be accurate.

*Our customers will be pissed.

(Parody off Powerpoint presentation on ATI day.)
Is it possible someone concocted this hoax to force Valve to make some kind of announcement one way or the other?

They haven't said ANYTHING for a while, maybe someone did this to give them a little nudge.

I know, "STFU Noob!" ;)
Clever.. yet hard to believe. We'll see soon enough.
I just thought it up.

I mean, if it IS someone spoofing the email, Valve is going to have to address it, and probably come out with an official release saying it's a hoax, and confirm that the release date is still Sept 30th.

If it's a hoax, but it HAS been pushed back, Valve will still probably say it's a fake, but the game HAS been pushed back.

And if it's not a hoax, they'll probably confirm it on their website sometime tomorrow morning. (9/23)

Personally, I find the timing a little suspect. Why send out a press release now, when it could have waited until the morning? It came out at about 9PM PST or so (Valve's time).

But hey, who knows. Gives me more time to save up for the 9800 XT.
Hoax? Just ****ing wake up and realise the game is delayed, I swear people on this foum are ****ing delusional, the game will be out by christmas which is good news, gives me more time to upgrade.
I'm not saying it ISN'T delayed. Just an idea I had.

It would make sense to delay the game. In fact, my thought is that a delay would be due to them spending more time optimizing the codepath for Nvidia. It would be in Valve's interest, as a great many people have Nvidia graphics cards, and would likely be upset that the game would not run well on them, or not buy it at all- and it would also be in Nvidia's interest to encourage them to do so. "Hey, you guys totally just torpedoed our cards publicly by demonstrating that your killer app will run like crap on them compared to our competition. How about we write you a fat check or cut you some kind of deal to spend some more time optimizing that codepath?"

Otherwise, I'm with you. Gotta get a 9800 XT. :D:
Being optimistic is good.

Although it comes with more disappointment.

Hey the Sims 2 is gonna rock. Just been reading about it.
Man, I was hoping that game would suck. I finally just got to use the computer again because my wife got bored with the FIRST Sims game. :LOL:
Reason #1 why Sims 2 won't fly:

Because the reason they play the Sims now is the same reason everyone still plays Counter-Strike....cause it runs on any machine built in the last three years.
True, true
(answer to sims 2)

EDIT: HL2 wont do that as so many people are upgrading for it. all though at first, it may not have as much users as HL1 and its mods