

Dec 8, 2004
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I was wonderin if anyone knows how to make shutters close and I'm guessing u make them outta alot of brushes?
Hrrrrrm, you mean the kind that have a cord and when you pull it they rotate, either blocking out sun or letting it in?

If so, then I guess you make a lot of brushes in the shape of the strips of metal in shutters and arrange them in the right way and tie each of them to a func_rotating (ctrl-t) then have some ropes (I guess you'd just use cables (lots of tuts on net about making these in HL2) ) holding them together (I dont think you'd need to actually have them connected vie some entity like phys_constraint, it's just be a visual thing unless you wanted the shutters to move realistically when you shot them, which I would advise agaisnt since it would be very complex/CPU intensive) and then have some button (I guess the model would be some kinda cord or pulley) and give it an output for each func_rotating to make them rotate (You'd have to of set them up to rotate the way you want in each of their properties dialog boxes (I'd just copy/paste one of them then rename them one by one), I'm sure you could set it to toggle them also.

Oh and I just realised you probably want the shutters to let in/block out light, well I guess they would do that automatically, but I'm sure it'd need full vis in compile and maybe a dynamic light to work,

anyway, this is just me brainstorming so I might be talking rubbish, but I think this would work if you did it right, oh but for the record I woudn't even try this if you are new to mapping and just kinda thought it would be neat, it's way to much work to be one of the first things you learn, so I'd try to do more of the basics before this, so in closing, don't try and do it if you didn't understand what I said before when describing how it'd be done,
