:) Shuttin down Beta Sites - One at a time!

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Originally posted by Bedwetting Type

Same thing with pirated MP3's. Ever since the RIAA started suing file swappers, they've created paranoia. People are taking steps to reduce their chances of getting caught, like disabling uploads. Can the RIAA stop music piracy completely? No. Are they seeing results? Yes.

Do you get what I'm saying now?

Here's my problem with the whole MP3/Source Code/Beta thing (and the legal ramifications thereof): We'll take MP3s as an example first here. Let's say some twelve year old kid is on his parents computer using Kazaa downloading MP3s. After sometime the RIAA sees that this kid has pulled down a significant amount of music. They strongarm the ISP into coughing up the name of the owner of the line and sue that person. Now it turns out that this kid and his family are pretty poor and upon hearing of this the public (that would be you and me) shakes our heads at the RIAA. "How could the RIAA be such assholes?", we say.

Let's examine what just happened. The representative of the legal copyright owners of some musical works files a lawsuit against a copyright infringer, and the public (again, that would be "us" collectively) is outraged over it. This will happen again and again as the RIAA pursues these tactics. Are they wrong to do so in the eyes of the law? No, they are exercising their rights as representatives of the copyright holders. Are they wrong to do so in the eyes of the public? Yes, very much so. Why? It's a David and Goliath complex, and most of these people are also on Kazaa pulling down files of their own. Will these lawsuits bear any real fruit for the music industry? I'm willing to bet, no. They'll only succeed in driving people off of Kazaa and onto the next big P2P wave and cost the industry more animosity and money.

Now we move on to the whole source code and beta deal. Now this situation is a bit different. We have a company that has something that a lot of people want. Through a series of events, which are arguably partially the fault of this company (I mean face it, they don't guard the gold in Fort Knox with a simple "No Tresspassing" sign), the company gets hacked and a lot of the stuff that everybody wants is taken.

Now we'll pause at this point for some quick clarification. Was the person or persons who broke into Valve's network doing something wrong? Only a moron could make any sort of argument against that. It was plainly a bad thing. Moving on...

This company learns that it has been hacked through various means and is dismayed to find out that whoever hacked them has put some of their property on the internet. After some time more of the stuff that everyone wants is put out there. Now this company has a decision to make. They can shrug it off, learn from the experience and try to get the official version of the stuff that everyone wants out there as quickly as possible or they can ram their heads into a brick wall repeatedly for no apparent reason (that's what we call a metaphor for you slower members of the herd). They chose to do the latter. The 20 foot wave is coming at them and threatening to crush them. Do they run and live to fight another day? No they pull out an umbrella and make some vain attempt to hold the water back.

Now what gets me is the reaction of the public to these events. You see the majority of the public is against the RIAA's fight (if you need proof of that you should go and look at how many people signed up for the amnesty program that they offered, fewer than a thousand), but they'll rally around a software developer that was beaten by some horrible hackers and is essentially fighting the same fight!

All I'm saying is this: pick a side. You can't be for copyright in some cases and against it in others. It's all or nothing. :devil:
Lay off, Facial! He has a point. No need to turn this into a flamewar.

That's quite a conundrum, unnamed_player. I'll have to think about that, heh.
His point being that we're all a bunch of hypocrites for supporting Valve in their hunt, but not supporting the RIAA. But the difference is, Valve isn't going after simple file sharers. They're going after people who host websites and such. The ethics are slightly different in this case.
Originally posted by Bedwetting Type
Lay off, Facial! He has a point. No need to turn this into a flamewar.

That's quite a conundrum, unnamed_player. I'll have to think about that, heh.

To be clear here, I am not saying that it is not illegal to have the code or the beta. Clearly it is, just as it is clearly illegal to DL music from P2P software. But is it morally or ethically wrong? That is a decision for each person to make on their own.
Originally posted by CheapAssStrat
LOL! That's f-ing hilarious! Make that into a sig! :laugh:

monster facial, more than half of your posts in this thread are just flames and idiodic remarks. At least Unamed_Player is sharing his thoughts/opinions in an orderly manner. I'm not trying to insult you, I'm just saying... make a point.

I think his point is that I should shower with a hair dryer or go and poke a sleeping grizzly with a sharp stick or something. Dunno. He made my ignore list awhile ago.
ownt... to bad the sites just pop back up under different names and new ip's
So, you want to shut down that(these) beta site(s) eh?
Care to show us the link so we know which site(s) to shut down?;)
Why the hell did this thread get popped back up.


<Blows living-dead thread's brains out with a shotgun>


If terrorists can jack 4 plans in 1 day and crash them all, I think a high power attorney could shut down efnet. muwahah :bounce:
Originally posted by razorblade kiss
If terrorists can jack 4 plans in 1 day and crash them all, I think a high power attorney could shut down efnet. muwahah :bounce:

a man walks into a room with everyone there. he says "anyone with copied software,mp3s, hold up your hands" a sea of hands rise. "erm, you're all under arrest" Not a chance!!!

if you dont want ppl to copy your stuff, dont release it. if you want to make money from it, release it with a hope you will get your money back. CDs are old hat. TOO easy to copy every1 knows it. they cant stop ppl by legal action. If you dont want kids to steal your apples, build a higher fence. Dont stick a sign up threatening legal action.

DVD music should have come around a long time ago. Improving the quality of the sound itself would at least stem the problem. As far as the topic of stopping piracy in the games industry? well i did a thread on that already. Secure your sources. Its the only way. Outsourcing is a tricky business.
I think anyone that really has any ambition of getting their hands on a copy of the beta has already done so.
Originally posted by Grey
Valve shutting down efnet... thats f-ing hilarious...

Why not? If they do not abide the law, they should be shut down. This has happened many times through history, a small rock tripping a giant. Just because we haven't seen anything like this yet, doesn't mean it will never happen, sometime will be the first. So never think "I'm just doing what everyone else does" or "nobody can find me on the big Internet" etc. One shiny day there will be a criminal charge or law suit waiting for a major ISP or yourself, both which may surprise you for the rest of your life. :eek:

(you = one in general, think anyone)
Originally posted by rsol
a man walks into a room with everyone there. he says "anyone with copied software,mp3s, hold up your hands" a sea of hands rise. "erm, you're all under arrest" Not a chance!!!

Ha, you're one of those that will be surprised one day...

if you dont want ppl to copy your stuff, dont release it.

Sure, if you don't want your bike stolen, lock it. Guess what, thiefs exist! Valve never released anything, they were broken into and stolen from.

TOO easy to copy every1 knows it. they cant stop ppl by legal action. If you dont want kids to steal your apples, build a higher fence. Dont stick a sign up threatening legal action.

In the US, you are allowed to shoot a trespasser trying to steal your apples. Watch Valve sue yer ass off, or shoot you, one day.

In other countries shooting a burglar in your home is a crime, unless he was going to shoot you. If he holds a knife at you, and you shoot him, you also commit a crime. Never use more violence than enforced upon you is the law. An old man was just sentenced to 1 year jail for shooting a burglar in his home here.
im glad i dont live in your country.

one day ill get charged for every mp3 ive downloaded? let me see them try and collect. thatll be the same day when america has a gun amnesty.
the same guy says "ok lets make this easier.. all those with NO copied files on their computer raise your hand" ..... Pjotr raises his hand
the guy openly congratulates Pjotr with a word in his ear "liar"
I still havent downloaded the stolen HL2 "beta". And I don't intend to.
Stopping myself is another issue alltogether......
Please stop kicking threads up from months ago. As it stands now this thread has gone off topic anyway, so closed.
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