Sick and tired of WAITING, AND WAITING...

I *WOULD* play HL1 to pass the time, but since I've ordered the silver pack from Steam I don't want to play it until it's got all the new puurdy graphics... so I still have to wait for HL2.
It would be nice if they gave us HL Source early.
ktimekiller said:
go end your life so we can all live in peace

As I was about to slit my own throat with a butter knife, i glanced down and read I'm not going to kill myself just to spite this guy.

Now, what i have done to take measures so that I won't go insane as i wait for HL2 is...

1. No more in game's imperative that we eliminate watching the movies of this game.

2. No more screenshots.

3. Certainly NOT going to carve my Halloween pumpkin with the HL2 logo.

4. Begin to remove the HL2 tattoos that litter my entire body.

5. No more half n half in my morning's too much, anything half actually...

What measures are you taking so that you won't go bonkers and kill YOURself.
GWalker said:
Get real guys, It's the end of October not long now, just try to stay off the HL2 forums, find another one about something else, the time will fly.

Buy The Sims 2. That will suck away your time. Awesome game though :thumbs:
To bide my time, I'll try to read and create as many half-assed posts as possible :p
Sims 2 is good, At the start. Then it just gets boring like the old sims.

Just got GTA:SA, Played for about 20mins and got bored of it. It's pretty much the same as the old 2.

I dont have any new games to play right now, Maybe i'll try GTA:SA and do the missions... Later.