Sigh...more girl issues. Need all those mature guys to round up again.


Companion Cube
Jun 23, 2003
Reaction score
Ok well as you all know about the girl I've been going out with for year. During the break up we had I came to you guys as well, everythings better than ever now. However, something really ****ed up happened last night. For the past year she told me I was her first everything, including her first kiss. Well last night she told me about a time just before I met her, that she hooked up with this kid that I know in the backseat of his car. Then she gave me all the bullshit on how I'm better than him and shit and all the other comforting lies.She started crying on the phone and everything and I just told her to calm down. Idk why she kept this from me all this time. She said she didn't even like it and he wasn't good etc etc all the bullshit stories. My question is what the hell do I do about it? Just when I thought I knew this girl more than anyone she pops out with this shit. It really breaks my heart. :sleep: Any advice?
Guinny, it shouldn't matter. You don't need to do anything about it. It was obviously a long time ago and she may have been ashamed to tell you; worried what you might think.

Go easy on her. All it matters now is how she feels like you. **** the past and the future. Live for today.
Yea I know. It's just a huge shock to me and I think most of all it broke my heart in two.
You may or may not be with that girl forever. If the worst does happen and it does eventually end then gradually you are more and more likely to find companions that have a much longer and much more intense past than a quick fumble in the back of someone's car. You'll have to deal with that maturely, get practicing now.

My last girlfriend had been in a three year relationship prior to meeting me. Now THAT could have been a hard one to deal with, but it never even became an issue, because I didn't let it.
guinny said:
Yea I know. It's just a huge shock to me and I think most of all it broke my heart in two.
Time heals all wounds friend... And if that fails, use ducttape ;)

At any rate, I dont think you should bother very much. If it feels right to be with her, something as small as this shouldnt be problem (I've yet to meet someone that havent lied a single time btw).
Well, there's really nothing you can do about it... just take it easy and move on...

On the topic, I'm in trouble too..

There's this really cute and cool girl (she plays computer games, and also played CS once at my friends house, hooray :D) I like and want to be with, but there are a couple of issues..
For one thing, she broke up not long ago with another friend of mine, which is kind of embarrasing, but he seems to have no problem with it, although it still bothers me..
Now, my friends think it's a really good idea, and they think we fit, so they started to kinda get us moving.. now my friends gf asked the girl I like (she's her best friend) what she thinks me, and she says im pretty and cute, but she's never thought about me as a boyfriend, or how it would be to have a relationship with me.. anyways I started talking with her, and we exchanged phone numbers and icq, I started to sms her and stuff.. ok we talk and shit, and I see her at school, but she doesn't really show any signs of intrest.. i mean she doesnt sms me or something, I always have to start the conversation.. I really dunno what I should do..
Help :(
Am I the only person to cringe at these threads ?
My English vocabulary sucks but if cringe means what I think it does(kinda like shivering at something in fear) then, no D33, I cringe too :(
Not in fear.. kinda like.. in disbelief.. :/
D33 said:
Not in fear.. kinda like.. in disbelief.. :/
I remember times when I used to ask this kind of stuff or let this stuff get to me. You grow out of it.
Thanks for all the help guys. Your right I really shouldn't let these things bother me. It's just, picturing it is really scary and it makes me cringe. Idk I'm sure in a few days or so I'll get over it. I'm wondering how she's handling it. She was in tears last night. Apparently the kid she hooked up with called her that same day apologizing for doing it because he just wanted to be friends. It was really weird. I believe her though, and as you guys as my witness I love this girl with all my heart and I know she does too. I just don't know how to deal with these little things that shouldn't mean anything but for some reason I overreact to everything. Any suggestions besides the obvious "grow up"?
What she wants is dominence. She wants you take charge and always have you to rely on.

She probably like to be tied up during sex, or being spanked or something.

What I would do is make her my bitch. DONT go out as bf/gf, go out more like best friends. She might be useful. She will probably get you whatever you need. For example try asking for her to get you a drink or something and she'll more than not be happy to.

Try lines like..
You shouldn't worry about ______, Let me worry about ______
_______?! _________?! You're not seeing the BIG picture!

-----Brought to you by the nice writers at futurama.
Thanks there coolio but no thanks lol. ;)
guinny, i understand ur situation... my last girlfriend did almost the same thing... when she was 12 :/... that didn't affect our relationship... but walking in on her w/ my best friend's penis in her mouth.... that affected our relationship... havent seen her since...
omg man that made me realize how much i should value my relationship instead of worrying about these stupid little things
I can't imagine having to see and put up with that... makes me angry just thinking about what happened to you...
Holy shit, making way to much of a big deal out of a bj, You just should have been okay with it. Shes obviously horney so you should have asked her to blow u too. Everyones happy. Its not like he meant anything to her jeez
coolio2man said:
Holy shit, making way to much of a big deal out of a bj, You just should have been okay with it. Shes obviously horney so you should have asked her to blow u too. Everyones happy. Its not like he meant anything to her jeez
........ :dozey:
Okay, istead of being pissed at her, Let her finish him. Bam, hes done! Okay so you say goodbye to him. Now, shes horney but yucky. BATHROOM TIME! Take a shower with each other! Do all the weird sex stuff you wanna in the shower then WOOT! Your done and shes done, and guess what? JUST in time for DINNER!

You both eat together in your room. Bam problem solved. Ask her to sleep over and she could have slept in your bed. Then, well.............use your imagination!

Your friend is still cool woth you. Your fulfilled. Your gf was Fulfilled. WHY IS THAT A PROBLEM!

nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, you have to be all pissy and ruin it!
I say abduct her and hang her from the ceiling of an abandoned warehouse somewhere. Then have a go at her with a machete. I was just kidding, you have to take of her family first.... :devil:
coolio2man said:
Okay, istead of being pissed at her, Let her finish him. Bam, hes done! Okay so you say goodbye to him. Now, shes horney but yucky. BATHROOM TIME! Take a shower with each other! Do all the weird sex stuff you wanna in the shower then WOOT! Your done and shes done, and guess what? JUST in time for DINNER!

You both eat together in your room. Bam problem solved. Ask her to sleep over and she could have slept in your bed. Then, well.............use your imagination!

Your friend is still cool woth you. Your fulfilled. Your gf was Fulfilled. WHY IS THAT A PROBLEM!

nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, you have to be all pissy and ruin it!

ur kidding, rite?
12 year olds.....? Blowjobs.....? What the hell is the world coming to? (no pun intended)
Okay here is a hypothetical situation.

Your at the movies with your friends. You see you're girl friend making out with some guy. You get all insane and start shout like some stupid monkey alpha male moron, asking her why she is doing this and shit.

If I was there, I would have just asked her who it was. Later I would call her and asked if she still wanted to be in a relationship with me.

Some people are so thick, they just shout out shit and pull anything outta there ass whenever they get mad. I cant even wrap my head around why people get so pissed. No wonder all you fux divorce each other.

P.s. She was 12 how old where you at the time
If you're more than 3 years older your just a loser.
I could have been after she was 12... it was just whatever that happened when she was 12 that didn't effect anything...
no... she lost her virginity when she was 12 and she told me, i said no big deal... when she took my best freind's virginity at 16 and when we were dating... big deal
Geezus... losing virginity at 12... damn...

(I meant 'It' not 'I' in my previous posts... yeah, that sounded kinda odd... I made a typo! :O)
okay with the girl you like but dunno if she likes you (sorry forgot your sn) ... ask her out sometime. but not instantly in a dating manner. ask her out to coffee or something like that. works quite well. it's a place where you can talk, watch people etc... next, you take her somewhere fun where you can just enjoy eachother's company and not HAVE to talk if you don't want to(not dinner).

for the guy with the relationship, yeah don't worry about it(although it sounds like you aren't much anymore). what she did in her past is her business, and you can't change it, and putting her on a guilt trip would just be classless. it's all good man, she's with YOU, and that should mean something :)
coolio2man said:
Okay here is a hypothetical situation.

Your at the movies with your friends. You see you're girl friend making out with some guy. You get all insane and start shout like some stupid monkey alpha male moron, asking her why she is doing this and shit.

If I was there, I would have just asked her who it was. Later I would call her and asked if she still wanted to be in a relationship with me.

Some people are so thick, they just shout out shit and pull anything outta there ass whenever they get mad. I cant even wrap my head around why people get so pissed. No wonder all you fux divorce each other.

P.s. She was 12 how old where you at the time
If you're more than 3 years older your just a loser.

I kind of doubt you would react so coolly if you had really liked this girl. You trust someone and then they do that? thats beyond romantic relationship, thats just dirty. She betrayed you, its like a kick in the crotch. Don't do hypothetical crap which applies to three people and probably not even you.
Yeah, I probably would be pissed in my head but I can see why it happend. People have sex and need to touch naughty parts. I had a g/f and I didnt mind if she kissed or did stuff, as long as it did not mean anything but physcial pleasure.
If its something more than just physcial then there is a problem. She moved. :(

I only wrote the hypothetical thing to see how you guys would react. Was kinda bored at the time and it took long enough for someone to respond to it, jeez
Okay, istead of being pissed at her, Let her finish him. Bam, hes done! Okay so you say goodbye to him. Now, shes horney but yucky. BATHROOM TIME! Take a shower with each other! Do all the weird sex stuff you wanna in the shower then WOOT! Your done and shes done, and guess what? JUST in time for DINNER!
Yeah that was just a joke, but seriosuly, you could have handled it a little better than just never seeing her ever again.
I don't know about you, but I'm not gonna stay with a girlfriend who is going to sleep around.
He's just looking for attention. Ignore him. Anyway I settled things with her last nite, it's all good now. She was so thankful for me being so understanding and she's like she's never met a guy like me before and she thinks I'm amazing. Brownie points for me. Thanks to all of you here @ the :) forums!
guinny, yeah yeah, now you must get nudie pics of her as payment or you can eat the nice steel from my Glock ;)