*sigh* wtf goes with my ropes?


Feb 22, 2004
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ok i got sum rope entities attached to a dynamic light.

first theres a rope_move entity at the top
it is keyframed to a rope_keyframe entity
the end of the rope is parented to a prop_phys_overide with a lamp model
the lamp is listed in entity1 of a length constraint just above the model
a dynamic light and point spotlight are both parented to the lamp

ok now this error doesnt just occur within this map, it happens with all the maps i make. the rope simply stretches thru walls randomly wrapping around other objects and bak to the keyframe rope. please see my attached image.

any help?

PS the light hangs just fine. the only problem is the rope.


  • roperror.JPG
    81.7 KB · Views: 213
ok i got sum rope entities attached to a dynamic light.
This was as far as I got.

Lo, a lecture from long ago:
Welcome to Introduction to Inconsistencies in CS:S. I'll be your lecturer today. I'll also be a guest lecturer should you ever take Introduction to CS:S's Magic Bullets That Curve Around Walls.

Several CS:S entities aren't reset upon newround. Most, however, are. Resetting an entity involves the game completely deleting and remaking it.

When an entity, such as a rope, that isn't reset upon newround is parented to an entity, such as a box, that is reset, the former entity will be deleted whenever the first round starts because the latter has already been deleted (thus removing all of its children) and remade.

Solution: use a logic_measure_movement entity whenever you want entities that are and aren't reset to be in the same movement hierarchy. It's okay to use parenting among groups of entities that are all or aren't all reset.

In this FGD I've made a note in the documentations of entities that aren't reset upon newround (since there are only about 20 of them). A list of those entities is available here.
You need to use a "logic_measure_movement" to preserve the ropes, but you'll probably have to look them up to see how to use them, and what they do exactly.
The lamp is destroyed and then recreated on round begin. The rope isn't. The rope is parented to an object that doesn't exist. That's the issue.