Sigma1337 recruiting texture artists



Hello, im Donut from Sigma1337 mapping team for halo custom edition
We are currently seeking texture artists for 3D weapon, vehicle, and other miscellaneous scenery object models. Textures will be 512x512 and 1024x1024 sized.
We are looking for 2 texture artists
A decent knowledge of photoshop or some other image editing program
Examples of your work
Xfire IMing program

Preferred Skills:
Knowledge of efficient UVW unwrapping in 3ds max

Model detail ranges from 500 triangle models to 4000 triangle models.
Some of the things you will be skinning:


The rest can be found here

Our forums:

Please add thekillerdonut on xfire or register and post on our forums if you are interested
Hey, I'm Geo from the Sigma 1337 mapping team for the Halo Custom Edition game. If you are considering joining sigma 1337, expect your stuff to put into a map such as this.

Why did you make a map in 3DSMax?
yeah you should really not do any large geometry in max for source

it will mess up occlusion, and get lit very ugly
did you read what we typed? this is all for halo CE not for source.
we are coming to THESE forums becuase the ones where we reside do not have any skinners. we are coming here to recruit a skinner for CE. so no, not wrong forums
This is a Half-life 2 site. So, yes, these is the wrong forum.
k im not sure if iv made this clear
we are here to get somone who knows how to use photoshop becuase the forums we come from have no one who skins. so we want someone here who can skin for ce since there are no skinners on the halo forums
I know how to use photoshop.
I'll stroke your objects, SixThree.

I can enlarge your image, SixThree.

I'll adjust your curves, SixThree.

We'd make nice layers, SixThree.

We can wear masks during, SixThree.

And then I'd fill you, SixThree.

If you know what I mean.
did you read what we typed? this is all for halo CE not for source.

judging from the site you're posting on ( it was natural for me to assume this was for halflife2, when you said halo:custom edition I assumed you were one of those mods trying to remake halo for another engine.. you weren't clear

I also know photoshop
ok so are any of you applying for the position? if so post an example of your work
ok cool. can you post a render of a textured model or something of equal showiness?
Regardless of you and your teams' skills, Donut, I hope you have permission to make a mod with Halo content. Otherwise, expect a Cease And Desist letter in your inbox pretty fast once you become popular.
halo ce is totally allowed to do all this. if your not gonna sign up then dont post. and if you dont believe me, go to its perfectly legal. hell people rip stuff from halo 2 and put it ingame and no one cares. we are more creative than that which is why we need a skinner.
Can I sign up? I love shooting.
halo ce is totally allowed to do all this. if your not gonna sign up then dont post. and if you dont believe me, go to its perfectly legal. hell people rip stuff from halo 2 and put it ingame and no one cares. we are more creative than that which is why we need a skinner.

Hey if everyone is doing it, of course it ain't illegal! Not that your mod is showing any kind of potential that anyone in their right minds would care about, and it has already become abundantly clear that it never will.

Tip: try looking on a Halo forum. You know, somewhere people might be interested. I can't be certain but I wouldn't be surprised if this violates some forum rule.
well if this violates a forum rule, im sorry. i didnt realize i was doing anything wrong by asking for some help in the help wanted and offered section of the forum
the two forums where im coming from do not have any people at all. iv been looking for about a month now there and have found nothing. i came here becuase i expected some hospitality and skill to be present in a half life 2 forum, becuase from what i see on youtube, its a pretty flexible engine. i apologize for coming here and wasting your time
as for our mod, if any one wants to see this stuff ingame, just tell me and ill post some youtube links. all the weapons are white because we need a skin for them.
to anyone that is interested xfire me. my name is in my first post.
The main forum is called 'Source Editing and Development'. 'Source' is the engine that Valve developed for Half-Life 2 and is used by all Half-Life 2 games, some other games and all 'Source' mods.

With that startling revelation out of the way - yes, these are the wrong forums.
Because people come here to discuss the Source engine, and when they see a thread here they open it up to read it on the understanding that it is something to do with Source. When it isn't, it is effectively a waste of their time.
im not ignorant just so you know. i realize that nobody wants me here, but i keep coming back incase someone actually responds with an application. i didnt just come here either, i went to multiple forums. so far you guys are by far the rudest. i asked a simple question with the hopes that i might obtain a valuable asset to my team. so far all iv gotten from you is this sarcastic bs. i think im warranted to be a little pissed at the whole situation.
however, thank you to those of you who are trying to help.
i wouldnt mind looking at some youtube vids ? , even if it is just dev art :) . my suggestion to you would be to either learn how to recruit people or to learn how to texture :) . you shouldnt hit gaming forums just try posting at places like polycount or cgtalk you shouldnt have any problems finding people who are wiling to paint a map . i'd do it if i wasnt caught up in uni , its just fun to exercise your skinning techniques and maybe learn something new.
go 2 cgtalk and talk lik this getcha good workres
so far you guys are by far the rudest. i asked a simple question with the hopes that i might obtain a valuable asset to my team. so far all iv gotten from you is this sarcastic bs.
Honestly I think this is almost the equivalent of going on some World of Warcraft forums and saying you're looking for artists for a Hellgate: London mod. It's just silly. You are making a HALO mod and you're posting in a Half-Life 2 forum. It's not a difficult concept to grasp.

I gave you the Game-Artist forums to check out so I recommend you direct your efforts towards recruiting from there.
crispy i get what your saying about coming here for a halo mod. im doing that becuase i figured that half life 2 modders would need to skin any custom model they make. there arnt any textures on the site im coming from. im working on learning skinning too but we need people who can do it well. im already pulling way too much weight on my team so learning how to skin in the free time i have along with everything i already do is a little cumbersome. ill check out the site you directed me to again. i missed the forums on there on my first glance through there.
for those of you who want some youtube vids, this is all i have to show right now. ill try to get more videos up later
In that case, I reocommend you post on the Mod Database forums, since you already have a website and a prototyping video to back you up.

If you're looking to learn how to skin, then that site also has some tutorials on this.
I used to be on sigma, but I left. So rep means nothing to me now. Crispy your a such a ****ing bitch. How does anyone put up with you? Honestly I enjoyed reading this thread and seeing how dense you people are. I don't really give a **** about being banned or getting a bad name cause I through in the towel a week ago. You guys are a bunch of nerds that are obsessed with a ****ing video game, and act like your all so smart and pro, because you said, "Hey this is technically the Source thread, you have wasted 2 min of my worthless life, even though I have all the time in the world because all I do is play video games, just because you put a skinning request in the wrong thread so now I am going to come and be a bitch, and **** up the whole thing." Good job asshole.
You guys are a bunch of nerds that are obsessed with a ****ing video game,

you pretty much have to be that if you ever wish to complete a project... unfortunately it's not one of those things you can casually tell your friends you're doing and have it magically complete though pleasing conversation and mass delegation
thanks for the advice crispy. ill go check out some tutorials. i found the forums on that site and put up an add there.
sorry about the err..... behavior
I used to be on sigma, but I left. So rep means nothing to me now. Crispy your a such a ****ing bitch. How does anyone put up with you? Honestly I enjoyed reading this thread and seeing how dense you people are. I don't really give a **** about being banned or getting a bad name cause I through in the towel a week ago. You guys are a bunch of nerds that are obsessed with a ****ing video game, and act like your all so smart and pro, because you said, "Hey this is technically the Source thread, you have wasted 2 min of my worthless life, even though I have all the time in the world because all I do is play video games, just because you put a skinning request in the wrong thread so now I am going to come and be a bitch, and **** up the whole thing." Good job asshole.

Don't hold back, tell us how you really feel. And keep doing it in a manner that makes you look like an absolute retard, it's really fun to watch. I crave popcorn now.